Topic: [W] Mutavaults! Overypaying in Card Value by ~15 to 20 dollars each!

Hi all, I'm in the hunt for Mutavaults. 

Check out my inventory - everything in there that isn't going into my Fae deck is fair game!

I'm happy to overpay, usually around 50 dollars (or more) worth of cards for each Mutavault.  Let me know if you are interested in anything I can offer!

Re: [W] Mutavaults! Overypaying in Card Value by ~15 to 20 dollars each!

I've got a playset of Mutavaults for trade, but unfortunately the only things I'm interested in look to be part of your Fae deck.

Re: [W] Mutavaults! Overypaying in Card Value by ~15 to 20 dollars each!

Sorry to hear that.  Perhaps you'd be more willing to part with 2 of them for plenty of shocklands / others?  I'd be sure to input a healthy value of cards for your trouble.

Re: [W] Mutavaults! Overypaying in Card Value by ~15 to 20 dollars each!


Re: [W] Mutavaults! Overypaying in Card Value by ~15 to 20 dollars each!

You might have to just start slowly picking these up.  Since Modern is the PT Qualifier for this season a lot of decks are going to hold on to these.

Re: [W] Mutavaults! Overypaying in Card Value by ~15 to 20 dollars each!

I've been getting plenty of trade requests, people just want faeries for them.  I think I'll just have to be patient, I'm in no rush / don't have the disposable income for cards like these anyway now :x

Re: [W] Mutavaults! Overypaying in Card Value by ~15 to 20 dollars each!

Also, decks that have been popularized this season usually don't use Mutavault much anymore.  There's Eggs, NLU, UW Control, Delver Stuff, Affinity, some other fringe decks, and then like the 40% of all players who use the same jund build.  None of those use Muta anymore, strangely.

Re: [W] Mutavaults! Overypaying in Card Value by ~15 to 20 dollars each!

well imho your inventory has not much else but all the cards you need for the deck that could be traded for mutavaults.

Re: [W] Mutavaults! Overypaying in Card Value by ~15 to 20 dollars each!


Re: [W] Mutavaults! Overypaying in Card Value by ~15 to 20 dollars each!

Just FYI - Mutavaults are on sale at SCG for like $30 NM.

Re: [W] Mutavaults! Overypaying in Card Value by ~15 to 20 dollars each!

Much appreciated for the heads-up!  Just checked and they're SP, but still a pretty solid deal.

Still, for any others out there, I'm still hunting for trades for Mutas!

Last edited by Howes (2012-12-23 22:28:28)