Topic: [Standard] Eggs

I've been thinking quite a bit about the possibility for a deck like this ever since I saw the spoiler for Hellkite Tyrant.  Originally I had planned on just doing a straight on Keyrune ramp into the Tyrant, but realized that there really wasn't enough card draw to equal out how quickly I'd be able to play out all of my keyrunes.  Thought about using a bunch of blue just to add in some additional card draw, but that seemed way too boring, so I took things in a bit of a different direction.

For anybody familiar with the Eggs decks, it is pretty similar in concept, I'm just more restricted because it's Standard.  Here the idea is to make use of those mana producing keyrunes and Burning-Tree Emissary, ETB drawing effects (Prophetic Prism, Elvish Visionary, Abundant Growth) and combine that with Trading Post and Faith's Reward to recursively sacrifice my entire board, multiple times and quickly draw through my entire deck in order to get as many artifacts as I can into play and hopefully win with the Hellkite Tyrant, or Door to Nothingness if I can get the mana, or just overwhelming with keyrune attacks and other such things.

Some fun things you can do with these cards include.....
Using Ghost Quarter to destroy your own land that was enchanted with Abundant Growth to search up another one, and then get both lands and the enchantment back with Faith's Reward, plus a card draw from Abundant Growth.

Tap two artifacts to activate Clock of Omens ability, targeting Trading Post while it is untapped, and in response tap it to sacrifice one of those artifacts for a card draw, essentially leaving Trading Post untapped after both abilities resolve.

Sacrifice Burning-Tree Emissary to Trading Post to return an artifact to your hand, use Faith's Reward to return it (and a hopefully a bunch of other stuff to play) and get a couple free mana from BTE's ETB (that's a fun set of acronyms).

There's all kinds of interesting combinations that you can pull off.

Here is the current decklist: Standard Eggs

Right now I'm quite a long ways over 60 cards, but my issue is trying to decide if that is necessary or not.  If I want to ever get 20 Artifacts into play, I'm gonna want far more than 20 in my deck, and I have a handfull of other cards that need to be in the deck to make it anywhere near viable in this form.

What I'm looking for is some help in figuring out the actual card limit I need to set, any things that I should maybe remove and maybe even some interesting additions that I may have missed in my search.  (And possibly a better name)  I think this could be a really fun deck to play, and I'm hoping you guys can help me finalize my list so that I can break back into FNM in style!
