Topic: Cards for sale!!! Selling at low ebay prices.

Need some money to pay bills. Gonna part ways with some of my collection. Let me know if we can work anything out.

1x Basilisk Collar - $5
3x Spellskite - $10/each
1x Fulminator Mage - $6
1x Olivia Voldaren - $9
1x Ash Zealot - $4
1x Sanguine Bond - $10
1x Geralf's Messenger - $4
3x Shardless Agent - $13/each
3x Path to Exile - $5/each
4x Standsill (promo) - $6/each
1x Sensei's Divining Top - $14
2x Bloodbraid elf - $2/each
4x Spell snare - $7/each
1x Selesnya Charm - $4
2x Abrupt Decay - $4/each
1x Temple Garden (foil) - $20
1x Zendikar plains (foil) -  $10
4x Restoration Angel (1 Chinese) - $12/each
5x Deathrite Shaman -  $12/each
2x Baleful Strix - $11/each
1x Flusterstorm - $10
1x Knight of the Reliquary (foil) - $20
1x Zendikar Island (foil) - $12

I would also take $340 for the whole lot. I accept Paypal only.

Last edited by Avenged492 (2013-02-10 02:31:12)

Re: Cards for sale!!! Selling at low ebay prices.

I am interested in the counter balances.

Re: Cards for sale!!! Selling at low ebay prices.


Re: Cards for sale!!! Selling at low ebay prices.

I could do $300 via Paypal gift for the lot minus the Bloodbraid Elf and the Selesnya Charm. I have cash in hand; LMK.