Topic: [Standard] Orzhov FNM Deck feedback

Looking for some feedback on my first attempt at modding a deck.

I used the Gatecrash Orz Oppression precon deck as a starter, and made a few tweaks to play on the extort mechanic.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated smile

Re: [Standard] Orzhov FNM Deck feedback

Good start - I would absolutely get that Nighthawk out of the sideboard.  Such an awesome card.

Wight of Precinct Six is a good card but not for this deck... really only works well if you are milling the opponent.

I would lose that and the Knights of Obligation.  Tithe Drinker is cheap (both $$ and mana), and has both lifelink and extort. 

Does that deck not come with Orzhov Charm?  If not I would get some.

Last suggestion is Thrull Parasite.  1-drop for an extort guy is awesome.  I never use his weird second ability though.

Re: [Standard] Orzhov FNM Deck feedback

gabriel_404 wrote:

Good start - I would absolutely get that Nighthawk out of the sideboard.  Such an awesome card.

Wight of Precinct Six is a good card but not for this deck... really only works well if you are milling the opponent.

I would lose that and the Knights of Obligation.  Tithe Drinker is cheap (both $$ and mana), and has both lifelink and extort. 

Does that deck not come with Orzhov Charm?  If not I would get some.

Last suggestion is Thrull Parasite.  1-drop for an extort guy is awesome.  I never use his weird second ability though.

Thanks for the feedback - I'll look at incorporating a few Tithe Drinkers into the deck.  I think I have quite a few of them.

Re: [Standard] Orzhov FNM Deck feedback

The strength of the Thrull Parasite's second ability is if you have creatures with undying, as you can easily pull that counter off of them.

Alternately, you can use it to mess with your opponent's PWs

Re: [Standard] Orzhov FNM Deck feedback

I've done a little tweaking, and this is what I have at the moment.  Let me know what you guys think!

Re: [Standard] Orzhov FNM Deck feedback

Crypt Ghast makes each swamp give 2 Black mana instead of one... that would be a great addition for you because you have a lot of cards that are expensive mana-wise and you have a lot of basic swamps.  I would add him.

Also I saw you have two Pontiffs of Blight.  That guy is a great blocker and gives extort to EVERY guy you have.  Combo that with all the mana from Crypt Ghast and you will hurt the opponent bad.  The downside is he is also 6 mana, which is a lot.  The best two cards in that guild (Obzedat and Blood Baron) both cost 5....

you currently have 7 cards at 5+ mana, no 1-drop creatures, 12 total 2-drops and 14 3-drops.  I would try to smooth that out by replacing some 2 and 3 drops with 1 or 4 mana cards.  Especially since you'll probably be playing against Boros and Gruul decks that are very fast, you might not ever have time to play those high-cost cards if you have a handful of them and no cheap creatures or kills.  The cards that stand out to me as least efficient in there are Assassin's Strike, Treasury Thrull and Vizkopa Confessor.  If they're working for you then by all means keep them, but that was my experience.  Teysa is expensive but so awesome.......

Last, when you tweaked the cards you changed the mix of Black and White mana costs... you are 60.6% black and 39.4% white, so I would take out 1-2 Plains and add the same # of Swamps.  24 total lands is good for Orzhov midrange.

Re: [Standard] Orzhov FNM Deck feedback

gabriel_404 wrote:

Crypt Ghast makes each swamp give 2 Black mana instead of one... that would be a great addition for you because you have a lot of cards that are expensive mana-wise and you have a lot of basic swamps.  I would add him.

Also I saw you have two Pontiffs of Blight.  That guy is a great blocker and gives extort to EVERY guy you have.  Combo that with all the mana from Crypt Ghast and you will hurt the opponent bad.  The downside is he is also 6 mana, which is a lot.  The best two cards in that guild (Obzedat and Blood Baron) both cost 5....

you currently have 7 cards at 5+ mana, no 1-drop creatures, 12 total 2-drops and 14 3-drops.  I would try to smooth that out by replacing some 2 and 3 drops with 1 or 4 mana cards.  Especially since you'll probably be playing against Boros and Gruul decks that are very fast, you might not ever have time to play those high-cost cards if you have a handful of them and no cheap creatures or kills.  The cards that stand out to me as least efficient in there are Assassin's Strike, Treasury Thrull and Vizkopa Confessor.  If they're working for you then by all means keep them, but that was my experience.  Teysa is expensive but so awesome.......

Last, when you tweaked the cards you changed the mix of Black and White mana costs... you are 60.6% black and 39.4% white, so I would take out 1-2 Plains and add the same # of Swamps.  24 total lands is good for Orzhov midrange.

As always FNMs are all different, but I think there are some general remarks to be made about your deck.

Adding one drops just for the sake of having them for the mana curve isn't going to help.  This really isn't an aggro deck, and won't beat a real aggro deck.  The WB creatures you're running don't have the speed and Power to do the same damage the other aggro decks can. So this deck probably needs to be played as more of a midrange deck.  I'd suggest adding in some more removal.  Merciless eviction, despite being expensive, can help against some decks since it exiles creatures. You're looking to extort them out in this budget version of orzhov so, you want to control the board and game as much as possible.  You're not going to be killing anyone in less than 10 turns most likely.

Creatures with 2/2 or less are going to get you very little advantage on the board, if any, as far as blocking or attacking, I'd actually remove all the cheaper creatures. Except high priest he can be effective removal. Crypt ghast is good if you're on the extort plan, though subject to removal, which can be a problem after a 4 mana investment. Basilica guards can block a lot of aggro, but won't kill that many with only one power. If you could get a vault of the archangel or two it might make those lower power creatures trade a little better.  Even pontiff would be able to kill then.

Cards to consider removing.
Assassin strike - too expensive for removal, and it's a sorcery.
Shadow slice - you probably wont' be killing people very often by attacking.  You'll be on the defensive a lot.
Sinister Possession - cheap, but not real removal, people will probably just attack you anyway.
Executioners swing - you want to remove them before they can deal damage hopefully
one thousand lashes - it's good-ish removal with a decent 2ndary ability, but it's expensive at 4.
Conffessor - yeah he's extort, but you don't need to be paying life for that, there's better cards that do that.
Tithe  Drinker - extort and liflink is okay, but she won't trade well. overall just to weak for constructed.
Basillica Screacher - same as tithe drinker

Cards to consider adding.
Devour Flesh - cheap easy to cast removal.  You shouldn't be worried if your opponents gain a little life you'll be stealing it back.
Tragic Slip - cheap and has great potential to be substantial removal.  Great against nayablitz
Orhov Charm - direct removal for anything. 
Oblivian ring - really better than one thousand lashes as it completely removest hem from the board.
Desecration demon - he helps control the board, he doesn't cost a lot of $$ and he's a real threat.
Debt to the Deathless - great with crypt ghast, i'd only run one maybe 2, but could finish a game that your creatures can't
Dead Weight - similar to tragic slip, but can be used on larger creatures to make them more manageable.

Gift of orzhov is a really good enchant, but it does create the opportunity for you to be 2 for 1'd with removal.  Though it is a good card for budget builds.  King Pen's Pet is okay, for 2/2, extort flying *shrug* You're options are limited for  budget creatures on color.  he's pretty solid considering.

You'll notice the only rare I mentioned was desecration demon that I didn't see in your inventory. Obviously if you had the $$ there are much better BW builds.  Black white zombies is a formidable WB deck, and adding green, red or blue would open up a lot more options, but you need the lands, and those do cost a lot comparatively. On theside you'll want cards like durres, sever the blood line if possible, sin collector helps against control and reanimiator.

Re: [Standard] Orzhov FNM Deck feedback

Forgot to mention Lingering souls, card has great value, especially with a card like vault of the archangel.  Also being able to cast it twice gives you more extort opportunities.

Re: [Standard] Orzhov FNM Deck feedback

Have a look at mine:

What everyone said about playing defensively is dead-on. With my deck, most of the time I'm only playing cheap creatures and spells, and extorting the opponent to death. Blind Obedience slows down creature-heavy decks quite a bit, and lets me get in extra damage with something like Tithe Drinker (on top of giving me another extort trigger). I'm also a big fan of Stab Wound and One Thousand Lashes; although a little expensive, they cause an ongoing problem for the opponent, and can force them to waste removal on their own creatures. But one of my favorite cards in the deck is Bloodgift Demon: well-costed, has evasion, can swing for a ton of damage, and allows me to use everything I've gained from extorting for really solid card advantage.

Re: [Standard] Orzhov FNM Deck feedback

After another night of FNM, pulling some trades, and a few general tweaks, this is what I've come up with. 

I need to play a few more matches with it to decide what I want to remove to get some Pontiff of Blight in the mix, and I need to pick up two more Godless Shrines. 

Take a look and let me know if I'm on the right rack for a solid budget extort build.