Re: How long did it take you to catalog all your cards

the_wizard_666 wrote:

Seems every time I get close to finishing, I either buy up someone's collection or I get more new cards.

LOL--I'm right there with you.  Still, that's a nice problem to have. smile

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: How long did it take you to catalog all your cards

HikingStick wrote:
the_wizard_666 wrote:

Seems every time I get close to finishing, I either buy up someone's collection or I get more new cards.

LOL--I'm right there with you.  Still, that's a nice problem to have. smile

I'm the same way as you wizard. I get my collection all catalogued, then I go and buy someone's collection and have more to do! I couldn't agree more with you HikingStick...that's a nice problem to have!! big_smile

Re: How long did it take you to catalog all your cards

frankenskid wrote:

It took me a few years of on again off again sorting to get my 100k card alphabetized, and then a few more weeks of not hours at a time just to get all the rares cataloged. It was fairly easy getting everything put into here as I already had it all in spreadsheets on google drive......

I have been feeling daunted looking at all the cards I have yet to enter.  Then I read your post; WOW I have way less work than you have done!
I think I have about 30k or so cards left to enter.  Sorta a chore, but I actually end up having fun every time I slog through a chunk.  It's been a long time since I've played with or even seen some of these cards.  Finding cards I forgot I had and getting ideas for new decks.....   NNOOOOOO!! NOT MOR DECKS!!!

Re: How long did it take you to catalog all your cards

Funny you mention that Paul, I'm actually working on organizing mine into sets.  Putting a playset of each card in a binder sorted numerically by set, with anything over four getting stored in a box.  That way, when I need a card for a deck, I just have to look in binders until I find them all.  So far I've started with my Mirrodin block cards, and am working outward from there one binder at a time.  Trying to get a block and a core set in each binder, although if I can get more than one block in a binder I totally will to save space tongue

Re: How long did it take you to catalog all your cards

I'm pretty proud of my collection and my organization of it. My cards are all catalogued alphabetically by color and card type (eg. Black Enchantments, Black Creatures, Black Instants, Black Sorceries). My collection of over 54,000 cards are currently stored in a library card catalog cabinet. Here's a link to pics of my cabinet:

Re: How long did it take you to catalog all your cards

Paul_K wrote:

Such a treasure that card catalog you have!  I love unique items like that.

Thanks Paul! It definitely makes cataloging easier. I hate to say that I'm about to fill it up already though. But I guess that's a good problem to have!

The real treasure though, I must say, is my wife! I simply mentioned it once that it would be great to have an old library style card catalog cabinet to store my cards in and she took it upon herself to go on Craigslist and find one. She drove an hour and a half to pick it up and gave it to me in 2011 for Christmas. Yeah, she's definitely a keeper! big_smile

Re: How long did it take you to catalog all your cards

Wow this is going to take forever. I recently organized my collection and realized just how many unique cards I have due to playing mostly Commander and trading off unneeded duplicates.

Re: How long did it take you to catalog all your cards

holydeg wrote:

My sort order is:
Converted Mana Cost

I was wondering.... how do you sort your multicolor cards?
You just have a separate "Color" category for each color combination?

Re: How long did it take you to catalog all your cards

Took me about two hours.

I've had it sorted by set (except basic lands [separate section with all of them] and older cards reprinted for Standard [Combined area for all of them]), then color and type.

I tend not to trade very often, so far it was a current Serra's Angel for one of the really old art and I'm wanting to trade another for a 7th/8th art one just because I like the card so there isn't really that much for me in sorting by rarity

Re: How long did it take you to catalog all your cards

I started in October 2011 and I'd say it took us the better part of an entire year to get completely caught up.

We were NOT diligently working on it, more like a night or two every few weekends. And we'd do quite a spurt whenever we got new cards. AND we were sorting and alphabetizing at the same time (which we did once, and then changed our system so we had to do it all over again and THEN we had a Magic closet catastrophe and had to do it ALL OVER a third time because boxes and boxes and boxes of cards dumped on the floor = BAD.)

Our current inventory is 55k+ cards and the new rule is NOTHING goes downstairs to the Magic cave until it's been "deckbox'd". Once it's done, keeping up is far easier and having this inventory tool that we can both access from our phones or iPads at any time has been SO awesome!

Re: How long did it take you to catalog all your cards

Leashah wrote:

I started in October 2011 and I'd say it took us the better part of an entire year to get completely caught up.

We were NOT diligently working on it, more like a night or two every few weekends. And we'd do quite a spurt whenever we got new cards. AND we were sorting and alphabetizing at the same time (which we did once, and then changed our system so we had to do it all over again and THEN we had a Magic closet catastrophe and had to do it ALL OVER a third time because boxes and boxes and boxes of cards dumped on the floor = BAD.)

Don't Open THAAATTT!!

Last edited by mountaingoat (2013-04-24 05:47:41)

Re: How long did it take you to catalog all your cards

botondus wrote:

I was wondering.... how do you sort your multicolor cards?
You just have a separate "Color" category for each color combination?

It's really a preference thing. For sets that are primarily mono-color (e.g., M12, M13), I put the multi-color cards in a single small subsection after all the color sections, but before colorless. In sets that have a strong multi-color focus (e.g. RTR, GTC), I put the multi-colored cards in their own sections and between the sections for the card colors (e.g., B - BR - R - RU - U - UW - W - WG - G - GB).

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: How long did it take you to catalog all your cards

HikingStick wrote:
botondus wrote:

I was wondering.... how do you sort your multicolor cards?
You just have a separate "Color" category for each color combination?

It's really a preference thing. For sets that are primarily mono-color (e.g., M12, M13), I put the multi-color cards in a single small subsection after all the color sections, but before colorless. In sets that have a strong multi-color focus (e.g. RTR, GTC), I put the multi-colored cards in their own sections and between the sections for the card colors (e.g., B - BR - R - RU - U - UW - W - WG - G - GB).

I like that Idea; putting the multi-color cards inbetween the mono's.  Think I'll do that with my newer sets (standard, basically).  I recently got back into magic after taking a hiatus since Kamigawa.  All of my older cards are organized by color and then by creature vs non-creature.  I think with the new sets I've collected I'll organize by set->color->alphabetical.

Re: How long did it take you to catalog all your cards

have any of you  hit that point while cataloging cards where you basically have to stop and wonder when you got so many cards? Or for those of you like myself who haven't been playing for very long or at least had a long hiatus in there, wondering when you got so many older cards?

I also find myself having a lot of single cards, but i think that's more to do with my  being a mostly EDH player and not seeing a point in keeping a bunch of duplicates.

Re: How long did it take you to catalog all your cards

I have spent about 3 hours a day and I am on day 4 now and I am still not done. Takes awhile but I enjoy doing that sort of thing. Plus once it's done, as long as you keep it up to date as you go along then you don't have to invest too much more time into it.

Re: How long did it take you to catalog all your cards

It took me an entire day, but I'm constantly updating it.  Updating takes me an entire day once or twice a week.

Re: How long did it take you to catalog all your cards

Found a few gems I wasn't aware of in the process though lol. The things you forget you have when you don't pay attention.

Note:Vanessapoon is my sister! not a second account! please dont mistake it! thank you! ^^
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--== Unabashed Alex Lifeson Fan Buy Runescape Gold

Re: How long did it take you to catalog all your cards

I made a new Android app that scans MTG cards (you don't have to type the cards name, you use the camera), after you can export the list and import it in your account! I think this will help to catalog cards faster or keep the database up to date. You can get it from Google Play store or to see it without installing it, there is a  demo video . Also I've made a new topic about the app in General Discussion smile

Last edited by unimatrix088 (2013-07-04 11:52:18)

Re: How long did it take you to catalog all your cards

unimatrix088 wrote:

I made a new Android app that scans MTG cards (you don't have to type the cards name, you use the camera), after you can export the list and import it in your account! I think this will help to catalog cards faster or keep the database up to date. You can get it from Google Play store or to see it without installing it, there is a  demo video . Also I've made a new topic about the app in General Discussion :)

Definitly a useful app, unfortunately I use an iphone instead of an android, so all I can do is hope you plan on making an iPhone version in the future. I know I would use it.

Re: How long did it take you to catalog all your cards

CuriousPanda wrote:
unimatrix088 wrote:

I made a new Android app that scans MTG cards (you don't have to type the cards name, you use the camera), after you can export the list and import it in your account! I think this will help to catalog cards faster or keep the database up to date. You can get it from Google Play store or to see it without installing it, there is a  demo video . Also I've made a new topic about the app in General Discussion smile

Definitly a useful app, unfortunately I use an iphone instead of an android, so all I can do is hope you plan on making an iPhone version in the future. I know I would use it.

For iPhone there are at least two apps, iMTG and Cardsplice.

Re: How long did it take you to catalog all your cards

It has taken me around 13 hours so far and still have around 5000 or so to go.
I take my time doing it while I watch TV.

Re: How long did it take you to catalog all your cards

It's taking me a few hours each day all week (have to work and sleep after all). But here is the best process for my cards (I have good amount, 5 long boxes with 3 rows each). I sorted all the cards by set, then color, then rarity, then in alphabetical order. THen Copied and pasted the card list into a MS word file. Then just went down the line, counting each card and putting that number next to each card. Then I just copied and pasted that list per set and pasted it with the import card list and set the defaults per list. Seems to be the most efficient way to do this for large sets.

Re: How long did it take you to catalog all your cards

I'm about halfway done so far, about 3-5 hours worth of work so far. Most of the time is sorting out duplicates. I love this site as inventory is a breeze if you're a fast typer. This app is really helping my bulk collection stand out. Now I can send a list to anyone of what I have. Totally helps retain your collections value

Re: How long did it take you to catalog all your cards

I only catalogued my rares and the cards I'm putting in the decks I'm building. I don't see an advantage to loading page upon page of commons- I have 6000, first of all, and really, I won't look through someone's tradelist of they list their commons as well. However, I will look through those who simply post the good cards.