Topic: W: Serra Ascendant, Bloodghast +, H: Standard, Shocks, Tradelist

High Priority Wants:
1x Serra Ascendant
1x Hallowed Fountain
4x Bloodghast
2x Boros Reckoner

Notable Haves:
1x Steam Vents
1x Godless Shrine
1x Temple Garden
1x Angel of Serenity

And lots of trade-ables such as Dreadbore, Lotleth Troll, Loxodon Smiter, Assemble the Legion, etc.

Just send me a trade if you see anything!

Last edited by pumpkinsword (2013-07-07 04:11:42)

Re: W: Serra Ascendant, Bloodghast +, H: Standard, Shocks, Tradelist


Re: W: Serra Ascendant, Bloodghast +, H: Standard, Shocks, Tradelist

I have two Nantuko Shades. I realize that your list wants M11 and I have Torments but I figure I would see if you are interested in them anyway.