Topic: [Standard] Budget-ish Red Deck Controls

This is a almost budget Red Deck Controls (and maybe Wins). All the expensive cards I own them already, I'm missing few of the cheap cards.
Bonfire of the Damned is pretty good in this deck, but I am not willing to spend $50 on cards that I will use for few FNM.
This is a fun deck for casual FNM. I'm not planning to win FNM, but few games every now and then.
I would like some sideboard suggestions and which cards to cut, so it can have a small chance to win few games.

Card List
4 Encroaching Wastes
20 Mountain
4 Pillar of Flame
4 Shock
2 Mizzium Mortars
2 Ratchet Bomb
4 Searing Spear
2 Skullcrack
4 Boros Reckoner
4 Chandra's Phoenix
2 Flames of the Firebrand
1 Staff of the Flame Magus
2 Burning Earth
4 Chandra's Outrage
2 Chandra, Pyromaster
2 Thundermaw Hellkite
2 Blasphemous Act


2 Electrickery
2 Mizzium Mortars
2 Skullcrack
4 Mindsparker
2 Burning Earth
2 Wild Ricochet
1 Blasphemous Act

- Use Instants and sorceries to keep the board clean and prevent attacks while building up mana and steadily decrease opponent life for winning conditions.

Winning conditions:
- Blasphemous act with Reckoners on the field (with Skullcrack in response to any prevent damage)
- Thundermaw and Chandra's Phoenix flying in for damage
- Burn

Re: [Standard] Budget-ish Red Deck Controls

hola, again.  smile

I'm still not a fan of the "burn" deck right now.  There is so much life gain and people are starting to main deck enchantment hate for things like burning earth. I think though if you want to "get there" with burn you need burning earth as a 4 of.  I think you should splash a minimum amount of white for things like boros charm, and warleaders helix though.  You need to gain a little life yourself.  Encroaching wastes may not be  card here... if you want them using their non-basics you don't want to destroy them. Also it imo, it's too expensive to use and hurts your tempo more than it hurts theirs.  Also, stick a set of young pyromancer in there.

Pillar is also just better than shock right now.  There are too many things it's just better to exile at 2 health, zombies, voice, etc...  I think you can cut shock for some of the other cards I suggested.  You might also look at mindsparker for your sideboard.

Last edited by elpablo (2013-07-24 12:27:27)

Re: [Standard] Budget-ish Red Deck Controls

FNM 4-1 w/ Mono-red "Control"

Here is the deck I used

Match 1: Lost 0-2 against Green/Red mana ramp into Kalonian Hydra (with Scavenging Ooze). Game I had to mulligan to 5, the guy started with 2 Hydras in hand. I took care of the first one, not the second one. Game 2 I got killed by other creatures, didn't draw enough removal (I had a blasphemous act but I was 1 mana short).

Match 2: Won 2-1 against Jund midrange (Thragtusk Scavenging Ooze and Olivia). Lost game one, even with a Burning Earth in play. Game 2 I was able to keep the board clean, and Pithing needle Olivia (even though she didn't show up). I ran out of burning spells, my opponet put on some pressure and i Bonfired of the Damed to clear the board, locked in 2 Burning Earth and the opponent couldn't do much. Game 3 I kept the board decently clean and I went in with Thundermaw Hellkite.

Match 3: Red Green Aggro. I don't remember the score exactly. But Mindsparker and Young Pyromancer did a great job.

Match 4: I don't remember what I played against, but it was somewhat aggro and 2 colors because I remember siding out Burning Earth and Gost Quarter. Also in this match Mindsparker and Young Pyromancer did what expected.

Match 5: Won 2-0 against Boros ?. I don't really know what Boros deck it was, my opponent had really bad hands, mulligan to 4-5

Deck analysis:
The deck is fun to play but inconsistent: if you draw the right cards or somewhat close to the ones you need it's good, if you don't you are basically screwed.
I think there might be too much land.

The deck performed way better than expected, I didn't expect to win a single game. I will definetly run this deck at least once more before Theros comes out. I might change up a few cards.

Re: [Standard] Budget-ish Red Deck Controls

I played a RG deck that mained burning earth, it was annoying to say the least.  I think I'll be maindecking a little hate for that card from now on.   

Glad everything worked out for you.