Topic: So is anyone actually looking for Horizon Canopys?

I have three.  I'd be willing to move them for less than the $35 they're at right now if anyone is interested.

Re: So is anyone actually looking for Horizon Canopys?

Apparently they got played in a deck and holy shit. It's funny cuz I haven't found anyone looking for them recently though maybe in a week people will catch up. bump! big_smile

Profile     Tradelist     Wishlist

Always interested in expeditions, invocations, foil full art lands, and reserved list

Re: So is anyone actually looking for Horizon Canopys?

It's b/c of Reid Duke's Bogle list that got to the finals at Worlds (and then lost to mulligan to 4 game 5).  I was looking for one but I'm just going to wait till this settles down.

Re: So is anyone actually looking for Horizon Canopys?

Yeah in another month or two it will settle down and probably have gained a solid 2 to 4 bucks in value, is my guess.

Profile     Tradelist     Wishlist

Always interested in expeditions, invocations, foil full art lands, and reserved list

Re: So is anyone actually looking for Horizon Canopys?

I was actually looking for 3-4, but I hadn't noticed that they went up.  What did you want for them?

Re: So is anyone actually looking for Horizon Canopys?

I'm interested in 1, depending on how much you want for it smile

Re: So is anyone actually looking for Horizon Canopys?

I have 4 Horizon Canopy I'd be willing to trade, if anyone's interested.

Re: So is anyone actually looking for Horizon Canopys?

They're coming back in stock on tcgplayer in the low to mid 20s right now in case anybody cares.