First off, Lightning Mauler is rotating... so no good there.
Second, I just don't see Xenagos working in aggro. Mid-range, you bet. Aggro, nah. You want to be winning the game on T4-5 not pumping out another 2/2 or ramping toward something. Odds are your hand is empty at that point anyway.
Third, comments for Leaite's build...
I cannot stress enough that Firedrinker Satyr is not as good as everyone is hyping it up to be. Consider the following, you have said Satyr and they have a 3/3... let's say a centaur for the sake of argument. Yes, you can attack into the centaur and pump the satyr to take it out - giving you a 1-for-1 exchange (typically good value), but consider that you're not just trading 1-for-1. In reality, you're trading 1-for-1 in cards, but are also giving up two mana (a precious resource in an aggro deck) AND are taking four damage. Now I know that most aggro decks don't really care about giving up some life, as, after all, they're racing and their whole strategy is predicated on being faster. However, consider how easy it is to play another 3/3. Hell, you have Kalonian Tuskers in this build... so the question becomes, is Firedrinker Satyr really worth it? Or perhaps an alternative example would illustrate... damage done to him is also done to you... so if I have Lightning Strike in hand, I'll happily zap him and thank you for essentially copying my spell and hitting yourself with it.
Experiment One is a better one drop, not because of its initial stats, but because it continues to grow as the game evolves, making it a bigger and bigger threat turn after turn. Additionally, it can regen in the face of a Supreme Verdict.
I'm not seeing much in the way of other creatures you can drop with BTE - just another BTE, Scavenging Ooze or some combination of one-drops. Firefist Striker is a REALLY good option to consider here.
I think, being aggro, you could afford to drop to 2x Stormbreath Dragon. It helps the wallet and, to be honest, won't be necessary a lot of games.
I don't know that Zhur-taa Swine is a great option either. Sure, it can bloodrush for a lot of damage, but the real reason Ghor-Clan sees so much play is because it provides trample, allowing you to both take out an opposing creature AND slam through for damage.
I would likely drop to 2x Magma Jet and 1x Mizzium and fill those three vacated slots with Lightning Strikes. Scrying is a mid-range game most of the time. You might be able to fix things so that Domri can hit more reliably, but outside of that, you have bigger and better things to be doing.
I think you would be well suited to look into Reverent Hunter. At the moment they're only like $1.50 each AND it would rather consistently enter play on T3 as a 3/3 or higher. Just food for thought...
Lastly, I would suggest even considering Gruul War Chant as a possible finisher at the four spot. Think, odds are you've put some serious hurt on them by then. Even having a pair of 3/3s on the field, they become 5/3s and the opponent can likely only block one. That's probably 2-for-1 exchange on creatures AND sliding in for those last points of damage.
So did I save your light and internet for the month?