Topic: [H] Shocks [W] Duals, DRS, Snaps

I have an assortment of shocks (approx. 8 Watery Grave, 7 Steam Vents, 4 Blood Crypt, 4 Breeding Pool, 3 Sacred Foundry, 3 Hallowed Fountain, 2 Godless Shrine, 1 Overgrown Tomb, 3 Stomping Ground, 4 Temple Garden; this is from memory, I can provide more exact numbers when I have my box in front of me) that I'm looking to turn into things that aren't Shocklands.  Dual lands are preferred, but DRS, Snapcasters, or Liliana of the Veil are also desirable.  If anyone wants these and is looking to trade let me know.  Larger trades are preferred.

Re: [H] Shocks [W] Duals, DRS, Snaps

Do you have any of the foil variety?

I collect funny, epic, or unique flavor texts (foil if applicable)
Looking to purchase one player rewards and one judge foil Wasteland.
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