Topic: W: Loxodon Smiter, Voice, Witchstalker, Mistcutter, Trostani, Boon Sat

I'm down to trade anything if the trade is right, but I'm very open to trading red / black cards since I don't play any of those decks right now.


Wishlist | Tradelist | Profile | Will always sell at the low tcg price

Re: W: Loxodon Smiter, Voice, Witchstalker, Mistcutter, Trostani, Boon Sat

Have smiters and witchstalkers + a couple other things on your list. Trade offer sent

Re: W: Loxodon Smiter, Voice, Witchstalker, Mistcutter, Trostani, Boon Sat

Unrelated to your post, but I have a snapcaster mage, and im interested in some shocklands. INterested at all?

Re: W: Loxodon Smiter, Voice, Witchstalker, Mistcutter, Trostani, Boon Sat

I have almost all that stuff for trade. Just took apart GW. Shoot me a trade if you have any wish list items of mine.