Topic: Trading for wishlist or selling inventory- UPDATED WISHLIST!

Looking for foil Green Black Standard cards - Promo Scooze, Promo Exp one Boon satyr
Trading for all thoughtseizes!
Wishlist Cards:
Dark Confidant
Misty Rainforest
Verdant Catacombs
Marsh Flats
Proclamation of Rebirth
Spectral Procession
Consuming Vapors
Looking to trade for all these cards, if there is something you want to buy let me know.

Last edited by joecat (2013-10-23 16:18:10)

Re: Trading for wishlist or selling inventory- UPDATED WISHLIST!

hi, i am buying some of the stuff from you're inventory
here are the prices i offer:

Re: Trading for wishlist or selling inventory- UPDATED WISHLIST!

stephenp wrote:

hi, i am buying some of the stuff from you're inventory
here are the prices i offer:

Thanks for the interest.

Re: Trading for wishlist or selling inventory- UPDATED WISHLIST!


Re: Trading for wishlist or selling inventory- UPDATED WISHLIST!

Hey, all I have are a couple of Consuming Vapors. Would you like to check out my inventory to see if you see anything else?

Re: Trading for wishlist or selling inventory- UPDATED WISHLIST!


Re: Trading for wishlist or selling inventory- UPDATED WISHLIST!

joecat wrote:
