Topic: Commander 2013 Pre-Con Discussion
Just a simple thread discussing the new pre-cons.
I got to play both the Naya and Esper one. The Esper one is my personal one so, naturally, I did enjoy playing it the most. My friend hAs the Naya and Jund ones, which is where I was able to play Naya. Such fun games and almost always evenly matched (I say almost because Esper creamed Naya).
But my feelings on Oloro himself are mixed. I see him being added to the "Hated" Commander list because of what he is capable of. I also don't want to build a run of the mill Oloro deck.
I guess we are what I am saying is yes, I am just as excited about the decks as anyone, but don't want to keep seeing the same cookie cutter decks these commanders are capable of. Especially Oloro, seems like his decks will all be fairly the same with my current knowledge of cards.