Topic: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

Hey all,

I have seen a new influx of EDH players at my local stores and our dynamic has changed a bit, lots of people playing slight variations on Oloro Esper, so in response I want to use their deck against them. I want my Sen Triplets stealing stuff from them, but frankly I don't know how to run a good Sen Triplet deck...I have a lot of general staples but can I get some ideas for what specifics I migth want to throw in this?

Thanks all for your time and interest!
Amarus Cameron

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Re: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

Generally in EDH, just throw all sorts of esper rares into your deck. It doesn't really matter how much the Cmc is because edh will let you get there. If you want to steal all of their stuff I would suggest doing a lot of mind control effects and then use black to sac them if they ever try to take them back. Use white for big control fatties and also for your board wipes and then have fun. Mindslaver and sorin markov also fall under mind control effects so you could run those as part of a mind control theme. Edh is a fun format and you should have a lot of fun using cards that otherwise you wouldn't be able to use. Good luck!

Re: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

Or do what my friend did and use rain of gore to lose all your Oloro-running friends! Hahaha

Selling anything and everything on any of my lists

Re: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

Avnartt wrote:

It doesn't really matter how much the Cmc is because edh will let you get there.

I think this really depends on the local metagame.  Generally EDH is considered a casual format, where bigger spells can be played, but if you don't build with a proper curve you'll have trouble also.  I agree with running board wipes.  You'll be seen as a threat with this general because it is cheap to cast and aggressive.  Build a deck that can take advantage of the Triplets, but don't rely on them to be on the field.  You also have the best tutor colors and best artifact support colors.  Use those control and tutor colors to your advantage.  Desertion, Spelljack and the like fit your theme, and are some of those 'big mana' cards you won't find in other decks.  I also replied in the other forum where you posted with additional suggestions.

Re: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

Memnarch + Mycosynth Lattice is good at taking stuff.

Last edited by outofstep (2013-11-14 18:29:15)

Re: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

BasedJeleren wrote:

Or do what my friend did and use rain of gore to lose all your Oloro-running friends! Hahaha

That sounds fun but I'm gonna stick with esper...but that is definitely going into Jund!

Also thansk for all the suggestions guys, I have a solid base now, make sure to check out my trade thread. Thanks for your help, you can shut'er down Paul, thanks!

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Always interested in expeditions, invocations, foil full art lands, and reserved list