Topic: U/R Izzet deck, not sure what to remove...

I acquired a RtR booster box and it had some great cards for my Izzet deck, so I'm trying to re-think it now ( I've added a bunch of awesome cards, taken out a few I didn't ever use a lot or didn't fit in with instants/sorceries (sorry, Molten Primordial), and included an extra Armed//Dangerous, since that combined with a Fluxcharger suddenly makes it bloody awesome. I also traded for two Spellheart Chimeras (finally). But now with 67 cards, I'm not sure which 7 to get rid of, because they all look so good together. Argh.

Re: U/R Izzet deck, not sure what to remove...

So the first question is, where are you looking to play this?  Casual?  FNM?  More competitive?

The reason I ask is because as it currently stands, the deck has FAR too many 1-off cards to be consistent.  If you're looking to play in any sort of a competitive event, you're really going to want to focus in more on the specific cards that are vital to your strategy.

For casual play, if I were to pick a few cards to remove, they would be the following:

Blistercoil Weird
2x Fluxcharger
Protect // Serve
2x Armed // Dangerous
Traitorous Instinct
and Blast of Genius

I would definitely suggest adding:

Magma Jet
Lightning Strike
Mizzium Mortars
Voyage's End
Cyclonic Rift

and other things of that nature...

Re: U/R Izzet deck, not sure what to remove...

Yeah, I tend to just include 1 of what I like... I'd like to make this as good a deck as possible, regardless of where I'd play it. Also, the only cards of what you suggested that I own are 3x Voyage's End and one Mizzium Mortars, no others. I'd want to make the deck from cards I have already...

Re: U/R Izzet deck, not sure what to remove...

Kyremi wrote:

Yeah, I tend to just include 1 of what I like... I'd like to make this as good a deck as possible, regardless of where I'd play it. Also, the only cards of what you suggested that I own are 3x Voyage's End and one Mizzium Mortars, no others. I'd want to make the deck from cards I have already...

Please don't take any offense, but if you prefer to just run 1x of cards, I would suggest not taking the deck to an FNM.  The reason why most decks have 3-4x of most cards is because it increases the consistency of the deck's performance - as you're more likely to draw the cards you really want to see.

I would suggest putting those four cards into the deck and trying to up the counts of the cards that are essential to your strategy.  Then identify the few pieces you really want to pick up for the deck, as you have some pretty good trade pieces to move in order to get the cards you'd want.

Re: U/R Izzet deck, not sure what to remove...

TyWooOneTime wrote:
Kyremi wrote:

Yeah, I tend to just include 1 of what I like... I'd like to make this as good a deck as possible, regardless of where I'd play it. Also, the only cards of what you suggested that I own are 3x Voyage's End and one Mizzium Mortars, no others. I'd want to make the deck from cards I have already...

Please don't take any offense, but if you prefer to just run 1x of cards, I would suggest not taking the deck to an FNM.  The reason why most decks have 3-4x of most cards is because it increases the consistency of the deck's performance - as you're more likely to draw the cards you really want to see.

I would suggest putting those four cards into the deck and trying to up the counts of the cards that are essential to your strategy.  Then identify the few pieces you really want to pick up for the deck, as you have some pretty good trade pieces to move in order to get the cards you'd want.

Oh I totally understand that, no worries; just that I'm limited by the cards I own, that's all... I don't prefer 1x of cards, but I have a really hard time choosing between cards, which is why I asked for help here.

Luckily I have 4+ Guttersnipes and Electromancers, I'd probably want 4 of those. My strategy really is to smack down as much damage with as many spells as soon as I can, which those two really help with.

Re: U/R Izzet deck, not sure what to remove...

Heres the list I think you should probably remove.

Blistercoil wierd
Frostburn Wierd
Mercurial Chemister
Protect // Serve
Blast of Genius
1 Izzet Guildgate (you have 5 there) But add back in another land
Nivix Guildmage
Izzet Cluestone
2 Fluxcharger/2 archaeomancer

Re: U/R Izzet deck, not sure what to remove...

Also, up your land count to about 23-24.  You're not casting things that are overly expensive but in this type of deck you want to be able to keep resources open to respond to what you're opponent is doing.

You need more of the chimera, and I would recommend looking for some young pyromancers. 

You should really only be running 12-16 creatures tops. 

Spells like izzet charm, quicken, magma jet, lightning strike, are where it's at for you.  Also steam augury is good for this plan.