Topic: Filter request - physical characteristics

Hi guys,

I am new to this and upon entering a few of my cards I realized there is no way to filter on anything tangible except for expansion owned.

I would think it would be very useful to add capability to filter on quantity owned, language, etc, things like that.

Love the site though!

Re: Filter request - physical characteristics

u can edit it afterwards and change the expan/cond./lang. is that what u mean?

Re: Filter request - physical characteristics

No, inventory search and filter so it displays only:

French cards


English cards that I own more than 4 (which would show separate line items for each set, whose total named cards in all sets add up to 4 or more)


Cards that I own in French and English

or any combination of filters like currently exists, but non-game type items.

Last edited by mistermog (2013-12-20 02:12:32)

Re: Filter request - physical characteristics

Another handy example would be sorting by quantity owned...

Not to sort on more than 4 but sort on 0 owned in the card database.

That way I could sort to all the cards I am missing, or a way to "make all un-owned cards on tradelist" kind of thing.