Topic: Trade Policy Question

Quick policy question. Doing a trade and everything seems fine. Other user sends his side. When I receive the envelope, the side of it is cut open and it is empty. No cards inside. What happens now? My only guess is either a postal employee or someone opened my mail, or it got ripped during the machine sorting process. I'm giving the trader the benefit of the doubt since he has good feedback. He already received my side. What's the policy on this?

Re: Trade Policy Question

I'm no lawyer or moderator here but I would say that's cause for you to file a complaint against the postal service and see what they will do hmm by the way why would they even mail something that was clearly cut open and messed with.  I thought it was illegal to open someone else's mail.

Re: Trade Policy Question

I filed a complaint already. I'm waiting for them to call me back. Postal employees are supposed to mark mail if it looks like its been opened or tampered with. Its a felony to open someone's mail. So I don't really know what's going on.

Re: Trade Policy Question

Bump. Any admin input?

Re: Trade Policy Question

I mean the site rules specifically state that it is the sender's responsibility for making sure that the cards get there.  So to that end, on a technicality, the other person is responsible for replacing the cards as you're still out your stuff.  That being said, I would pursue the situation with the USPS as completely as possible before really going down that road.  BUT, again, from the rules perspective, it is the sender's job to actually get them to you so they could use tracking/insurance to cover themselves in situations like this.

Re: Trade Policy Question

I'm definitely going to exhaust all avenues. Thanks for the reply.