Topic: Closed


Last edited by Kammikaze (2014-02-20 19:20:24)

Re: Closed


Re: Closed

any interest in a marsh flats +value?

Re: Closed

I should clarify, I'd like to move these as a set. If that doesn't happen then I will consider splitting them up. For the time being I'd like to keep them together.

Re: Closed

fair enough. just let me know if you decide to split em up

Re: Closed

Will do smile

Re: Closed

I'd be interested in three of them if you're willing to break the set. I have a Verdant Catacomb and two Marsh Flats to put towards them

Re: Closed

I have a misty I'd love to trade for a clique if you decide to break up the set!

Selling anything and everything on any of my lists

Re: Closed

I might have some unlisted fetches at home. Ill take a look when I get off work