Topic: W:Cryptic Command promo, LotV H: Arid Mesa, Cryptic Command, Modern

Looking for 1-2 textless Cryptic Commands and a Liliana of the Veil.

Notable Haves:
Arid Mesa
Cryptic Command (Lorwyn, MMA)
Aether Vial
other Modern staples

Re: W:Cryptic Command promo, LotV H: Arid Mesa, Cryptic Command, Modern

I have a full art promo in one of my EDH decks that I would be interested in turning into two cryptics (with added value of course) if that interests you at all. I have mistys and verdants for trade towards cryptics too. Let me know smile

I collect funny, epic, or unique flavor texts (foil if applicable)
Looking to purchase one player rewards and one judge foil Wasteland.
Tradelist | Wishist

Re: W:Cryptic Command promo, LotV H: Arid Mesa, Cryptic Command, Modern

I have a full art promo in one of my EDH decks that I would be interested in turning into two cryptics (with added value of course) if that interests you at all. I have mistys and verdants for trade towards cryptics too. Let me know smile

I collect funny, epic, or unique flavor texts (foil if applicable)
Looking to purchase one player rewards and one judge foil Wasteland.
Tradelist | Wishist