Topic: Any tips for this deck?

This is my second deck that I am putting together. Curious how more experienced players feel it will play. Sideboard suggestions?


Re: Any tips for this deck?

Looking at the list I spoted a couple of pretty basic issues.

First, you can't support cards that cost 5 or more with 20 lands and expect to cast them on curve.  Even with ramp.  Drop the 2 revel of the fallen god and put a lands in their place and also take out the defend the hearth and get a couple more lands in there and at least 1 more elvish mystic.  That should give you 24 lands and 4 ramp cards.  Keep in mind rootbound crag is not standard legal so if you went to an FNM or something you'd have to replace those with other lands.

This is a GR devotion list I have together.  It's not the "ideal" list for these colors these days, but it does okay.

As you can see I have far more ramp than you do and I still felt I needed 24 lands.  There would be several times I'd get stuck on 1 land and playing against supreme verdict or other removal means your mana dorks might not be enough to get there.  Courser domri and the other cards like garruk help make sure you stay on live draws when you need them though.  You probably don't have access to all these cards so i'll make some more simple suggestions.

Swordwise Centaur  is strictly worse than kalonian tusker  no reason not to have a set of these in the deck.

EXperiment 1 is an awesome card in this deck, can't fathom why it's not in your list.  Remove the scorpion for it asap.

ARbor colossus is also great,  put that guy in there. get rid of the seering bloods. All 4 ghor clans should go in as well... Maybe over mortals resolve.  Resolve is really kind of a sideboard card against heavy removal decks.

if you have xenagod out and attack with something then ghor clan it you can do some serous damage.

Re: Any tips for this deck?

Thanks. I have been playing about 2 weeks now(not quite). So cards are limited and knowledge(of existence) of certain cards is as well.

It was explained to me that in the coming months cards like Ghor-clan will no longer be legal standard so I was trying to make something that I wouldn't have to change or evolve in the coming months. Also I thought Rootbound Crag was a reprint and in m14...only reason I have it in the deck. I have not come across Kalonian Tusker, I will check on that one.

Re: Any tips for this deck?

while that's true you have until the end of september before rotation happens.  if you go to any event between then and now and don't include cards from RTR and M14 then you're missing out.

Kalonian tusker is a 3/3 for GG from m14, uncommon should not be hard to find.

All of the check lands like rootbound crag were not re printed in m14.  You can always go to to the gather to check a cards legality.  I also use MTG familiar on my phone to look up cards it shows legality in the app.

Also, no one... absolutely no one (except people that work at wizards) can predict what standard will look like after rotation... GR may not even be a deck after rotation.  it took a month or two before standard evolved into what it currently looks like after the last rotation.  It's just part of the cycle.

Last edited by elpablo (2014-06-13 14:04:38)