Topic: Help with a U/B Mill deck

Hi all, first time poster here, I'm in the process of building my first EDH deck and I would need some input from you guys.

The main idea is to have Lazav mimick big creature of opponent's decks, while casting spells from others graveyards and, if lucky, maybe deckout an opponent.

I have a few combos here, mainly:

    * Duskmantle Guildmage + Mindcrank = Infinite kill combo

    * Traumatize + Keening Stone = Deckout

    * Notion Thief + Whispering Madness = Draw cards instead of opponent!

    * Deadeye Navigator + (Jace’s Mindseeker || Diluvian Primordial || Sepulchral Primordial) = Enter battlefield madness

    * Life’s Finale + Rise of the Dark Realms = Instant win

    * Hinder + Tunnel Vision = Deckout

If you see other combos, please let me know.

All constructive criticism are welcome!


Re: Help with a U/B Mill deck

Where's Hedron Crab? That little creature can make your enemy mill 3 for every land you drop after him big_smile

Re: Help with a U/B Mill deck

milling in EDH seems a bit ludicrous...

i'm by no means an EDH expert, but it seems like there are also much better choices for a general than Lazav.

browse through these decks and it might give you some better ideas.