Galerider Sliver

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Translations Galerider Sliver 御風裂片妖 Windreiter-Remasuri Slivoïde des bourrasques Tramutante Cavalcavento 風乗りスリヴァー 바람타기 슬리버 Fractius Ginete de Ventania Ветряная Щепка 御风裂片妖 Fragmentado jinete de vendavales
Formats Standard: NotLegal Pioneer: Legal Modern: Legal Legacy: Legal Vintage: Legal Commander: Legal Brawl: NotLegal Draft: Legal Cube: Legal Tiny Leaders: Legal Pauper: NotLegal Singleton: Legal Premodern: NotLegal Oathbreaker: Legal Fat Stack: Legal Prismatic: Legal Vanguard: Legal Historic: NotLegal Other: Legal
Rules Sliver creatures you control have flying.
Mana Cost
Type Creature - Sliver
Flavor Masters of adaptation, galeriders serve multiple purposes useful to the hive. When they're not patrolling their territories, their majestic wings serve to circulate cool air through the vast hive chambers.
Links Wizards of the Coast Gatherer

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