Model of Unity

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Translations Model of Unity Modell der Einheit Maquette d'unité Modello di Unità Maqueta de unidad Modelo de Unidade 統一の模範 团结模范
Legal In:
Commander, Fat Stack, Legacy, Oathbreaker, Prismatic, Singleton, Tiny Leaders, Vanguard, Vintage
Not Legal In:
Alchemy, Brawl, Explorer, Historic, Modern, Pauper, Pauper Commander, Penny Dreadful, Pioneer, Premodern, Standard, Standard Brawl
Rules Whenever players finish voting, you and each opponent who voted for a choice you voted for may scry 2.
: Add one mana of any color.
Mana Cost
Type Artifact
Flavor "Rivendell is a perfect house, whether you like food or sleep or storytelling or singing, or a pleasant mixture of them all." —Bilbo

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