Nettle Sentinel

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Translations Nettle Sentinel Nesselranken-Kriegerin Sentinelle des orties Sentinella delle Ortiche イラクサの歩哨 Sentinela da Urtica Часовой Крапивного Поля 荨麻原哨兵 Centinela de ortigas
Formats Standard: NotLegal Pioneer: NotLegal Modern: Legal Legacy: Legal Vintage: Legal Commander: Legal Brawl: NotLegal Draft: Legal Cube: Legal Tiny Leaders: Legal Pauper: Legal Singleton: Legal Premodern: NotLegal Oathbreaker: Legal Fat Stack: Legal Prismatic: Legal Vanguard: Legal Historic: NotLegal Other: Legal
Rules Nettle Sentinel doesn't untap during your untap step.
Whenever you cast a green spell, you may untap Nettle Sentinel.
Mana Cost
Type Creature - Elf Warrior
Flavor Though Shadowmoor's monster-haunted wilds beckon, she never leaves her post.
Links Wizards of the Coast Gatherer

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