Tumble Magnet

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Translations Tumble Magnet 翻倒磁鐵 Magnet des Taumelns Aimant de culbute Magnete del Crollo 転倒の磁石 Ímã do Tombo Опрокидывающий Магнит 翻倒磁铁 Magneto tumbante
Formats Standard: NotLegal Pioneer: NotLegal Modern: Legal Legacy: Legal Vintage: Legal Commander: Legal Brawl: NotLegal Draft: Legal Cube: Legal Tiny Leaders: Legal Pauper: Legal Singleton: Legal Premodern: NotLegal Oathbreaker: Legal Fat Stack: Legal Prismatic: Legal Vanguard: Legal Historic: NotLegal Other: Legal
Rules Tumble Magnet enters the battlefield with three charge counters on it.
, Remove a charge counter from Tumble Magnet: Tap target artifact or creature.
Mana Cost
Type Artifact
Flavor Magnetic devices that keep massive golems and structures standing can also be used for the opposite purpose.
Links Wizards of the Coast Gatherer

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