STEVE GEMMA's profile
- MTG DECKS (66)
vin Melek
leg Beasts By Dre'
leg Cats
leg Fungus Among Us
leg Gray Area
leg R/G Beats
leg Reanimate
leg Topless Miracles
leg Topless Miracles (orig)
leg Watcher Of The Skies
vin Watcher Of The Skies 2014-04-06
mod White Weenie
leg Zombies
Legacy Pauper
mod Azorius 2013-03-07
mod Bant
mod Eldrazi Tron
mod Grixis
mod Life As We Know It
mod Merfolk
mod Myr 10/12
mod Myr 11/12
mod Selesnya 10/2013
mod Selesnya 2013-01-18
mod Standing Tall
mod Valakut 10/2013
mod Vampires
sta Sultai Midrange
RTR Block
sta 2015-09 Temur
mod 4-Color Control 2017-08-20
mod B/R Zombies 1/2013
mod B/R Zombies 11/12
mod B/R Zombies 8/2013
mod Eldrazi Ramp
mod Mono-Green Aggro 10/13
mod Red Aggro 2015-03
mod Vehicular Manslaughter
mod WW 4/2014
StarCity Decks
leg Battle Of Wits
vin BUG Vengeance
mod Mono-Black Control
vin Mono-Green Infect
vin U/W Delver
vin U/W Delver
vin U/W Delver
leg Wolf Run Blue
vin Blood Skies
vin Crucifier
vin Flip Off
vin Here There Be Dragons
mod 2013-07-21 Vampires
mod Ageless Entity 1
mod Albert Cube
mod Borrowed From Albert (6/14/16)
mod Copy of Selesnya 1/2013
leg Copy of Topless Miracles
vin Cube
mod G/W Tokens
sta Ixalan Prerelease
mod Jeskai Draw-Go
mod Lent To Albert (1/29/2016)
mod Orzhov Weenie 2013-01-21
mod test
leg To Sell
mod Trinketeer
mod White Weenie Std