DARKKAT's profile
- MTG DECKS (129)
vin Boros Sacrifice
vin EDH Naya ver2
vin RB Goblins
leg W Cats
leg WG Cats
vin Doran
mod Mardu Tokens
leg Mayael Remastered
vin Ruhan of the Fomori
leg WB Heal Karlov
mod WB original tokens
mod $100 WBr Aristocrats
mod 4-Colored Warriors
mod Atarka Kuldotha
mod Blistering Rage
mod Bogles
mod BR Eldrazi Aggro
mod Budget Infect
mod BW Warriors
vin Izzet Delver
vin Lava Storm
mod Mardu
mod Mardu Aristocrats
mod Mardu Burn
mod Mojern Mardu
mod Mono White Heal
mod Naya Zoo
mod RW Boros
mod Tribal Zoo
mod UW Control
mod WBr Aristocrats
leg Midnight Gond
mod Pauper Infect
mod RG Landfall
mod BG Aristocrats
mod Mono U Brain In A Jar
vin Ayli Clerics
leg battlebond
com Blood Pod
mod BR Vampires
vin Buylist
sta Cats Collection
vin CATS!
mod Colossal Hammer
leg Copy of Pyromancer Tokens
mod Copy of WB Tokens
leg Cycling
mod Death Shadow Aggro
com Duel Karlov
com Duel Ruhan
vin Edgar Markov
mod Esper Control
leg Extort
vin Firesong and Sunspeaker
mod FNM? Abzan
mod FNM? Abzan Removal
mod FNM? BW Control
mod FNM? Hero of Abzan
mod FNM? Hero of Mardu
mod FNM? Kaya
leg FNM? Pyromancer Tokens
mod FNM? Teferi Polymorph
mod FNM? WBu Tokens Polymorph
leg Ghalta
leg Gishath
com Goblin Pod
vin Gonti
mod GR Midrange
vin GRBU Energy
leg Grenzo, Dungeon Warden
mod GW Emeria
mod GW Life Wurm
com Hulk Ressurected (bad version)
com Ikra/Kraum TurboNaus 17/07/21
leg Indomitable Creativity
com Jegantha
mod Jeskai Aggro
vin Kaalia Dragonstorm
leg Karametra
vin Karrthus
com Kess Twin
com King of Hulkland
vin Kozilek, the Great Distortion
vin Lord of the Pinnacle
vin Lord Windgrace
vin Mairsil
com Mardu Control
com Mayael New
com Medium Green
vin Mirri Taxes
mod Modern Abzan
leg Modern Saheeli Pyromancer
mod Mono Green Elves
mod Mono Red Burn
com Najeela of All
com Najeela, 5 Colored Warriors
com Najeela's Oracle
com Najeela's Post Flash Ban Oracle
leg Neheb Eternal
vin O-Kagachi
mod Ponza
vin RATS
leg RB Pauper LD
mod Revolt Zoo
mod RG Arrgo
com Ruric Thar
mod Sacheelia
vin Saskia Infect
vin Selenia, Dark Angel
vin Slimefoot
mod Solemnity
sta Standart Belzenlok Ad Nauseam
vin Teysa EDH
com Thrasios/Vial Smasher
com TnT
com TnT 20-06-21
com Torpor Orb Tribal
com Turbo Thrasios
mod UB Eldrazi
vin Vaevictus
vin Vaevictus SCG modified
leg Vona
mod WB Warriors
com When Good Man Feels Bad
vin Zo-Zu
mod Zur Conscription

Name | Cost ![]() |
Emeria, the Sky Ruin | |
Plains | |
Plains | |
Soul Warden | |
Honor of the Pure | |
Path of Bravery | |
Felidar Sovereign |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Ajani's Pridemate | |
2 | Phalanx Leader | |
3 | Brave the Elements | |
4 | Soul's Attendant | |
5 | Spectral Procession | |
6 | Plains |