WROOKZ's profile
- MTG DECKS (167)
vin 5C Rally EDH v5
vin 5C Tazri Rally [edh]
vin 5C Tazri Rally [edh] v9
vin 5C Tazri Rally v6
mod BG Deathtouch [modern]
vin BRG Devour All [edh] v1
vin BRGU Yidris, Deck Pullapart
mod BW Rally (to Death) [modern.comp]
vin derevi, enchantress v2
vin GUR Riku Copy Machine [edh] v1
vin GUR Riku, the Spellmaster [edh] v
vin GUR Riku, the Spellmaster [edh] v5
vin GUR Riku, the Spellmaster [edh] v7
vin GUR Yasova The Abuser [edh] v1
vin GW Selvala Selesnya Politics [edh]
leg GW Selvala Selesnya Politics v2 [edh]
vin GWR Naya Mayael [edh]
mod Mono-R Aggro [standard]
mod Mono-R Burn Budget [modern]
vin Mono-R Krenko, Boss of War [edh] v10
vin Mono-R Krenko, Boss of War [edh] v9
vin Mono-R Purphoros [edh] primer
vin Mono-R Purphoros [edh] v1 budget
vin Mono-R Purphoros, God of War [edh] v7
vin Mono-R Purphoros, God of War [edh] v8
vin Mono-R Zada / Purphoros [edh] v1
vin Mono-R Zada / Purphoros [edh] v2
vin Mono-R Zada / Purphoros [edh] v3
vin Mono-R Zada / Purphoros [edh] v4
vin Mono-R Zada / Purphoros [edh] v5
vin Mono-R Zada / Purphoros [edh] v6
vin Mono-W 8 1/2 Tails [edh] v1
vin R Purphoros Tokens [edh]
vin RB Olivia's Madness [edh] v8
vin RB Olivia's Madness [edh] v9
vin RB Olivia's Wartribe [edh] v1
vin RB Olivia's Wartribe [edh] v2
vin RB Olivia's Wartribe [edh] v3
vin RB Olivia's Wartribe [edh] v4
vin RB Olivia's Wartribe [edh] v7
vin RG Xenagos Ramping Bombs [edh] v1
vin RGB Devour the Madness [edh] v1
vin RGB Devour the Madness [edh] v2
vin RGB Devour the Madness [edh] v3
vin RGB Devour the Madness [edh] v4
vin RGB Devour the Madness [edh] v5
vin Riku, the Spellmaster [edh] v1
vin Riku, the Spellmaster [edh] v2
vin Riku, the Spellmaster [edh] v3
vin Riku, the Spellmaster [edh] v4
leg RUG Animar's Soul Fest
mod RW Aggro Aegis [modern]
vin RW Brion Stoutarm [edh]
vin RW Brion Stoutarm, non-budget [edh]
mod RW Impact Tremors [standard.comp]
mod RW manaburn-nosb [modern]
mod RW Samurai [modern] v1
mod RW Samurai [modern] v2 budget
mod RW Soul Sisters [modern]
mod RW Soul Sisters Combo [modern] v1
vin UG Edric's Folly [edh] v6
vin UG Edric's Folly v2 [edh]
vin UG Edric's Folly v3 [edh]
vin UG Edric's Folly v4 [edh]
leg UG Edric's Folly v5 [edh]
leg UR Mill Shell [legacy]
mod UR Prowess [KLD-standard] v2
mod UR Prowess [standard]
mod UR Prowess Primer [standard]
vin UR Seize Control v2 [EDH]
leg UR Sphinx's Budget Mill [modern.comp]
leg UR Sphinx's Budget Mill w/no-sb [modern.comp]
leg UR Sphinx's Mill [modern.comp]
leg UR Sphinx's Modern Mill v2
leg UR Sphinx's Modern Mill v4
mod UR Stormsinger Mash [standard.comp]
vin URG Riku, Spellmaster [edh] v1
vin UW Bruna, Budget Beater [edh] v1
vin UW Bruna, Budget Beater [edh] v2
leg UW Gwafa Hazid
mod W knowledge pool-budget [modern]
leg WB Knights [edh] v1
vin WG Rhys the Warrior [edh] v1
vin WUG Derevi, Beatdown v1 [edh]
vin WUG Derevi, Beatdown v2 [edh]
vin WUG Derevi, Beatdown v3 [edh]
vin WUG Derevi, Beatdown v4 [edh]
vin WUR EDH v1
vin WUR Prowess Budget v1
vin WUR Prowess Jeskai Way v1
vin WUR Prowess Narset [edh] v1
vin WUR Prowess v1 [modern]
mod WUR Shell [modern]
current projects
vin 5C Landfall [edh]
vin BRG Devour The Insatiable [edh] v2
vin BRG Devour The Insatiable [edh] v3
mod GW Enchant Hate [modern]
vin GWR Naya Mayael v2 [edh]
vin Mono-U Talrand Spell Slinger [edh] v1
vin Mono-W Sram's Infinite Combos
mod R Burn [modern.comp] v3
mod RW Aggro Aegis [modern] v2
vin RW Legion [edh] v1
vin UR Mizzix's Control [edh]
vin UR Prowess Delver [modern]
mod UR Prowess Shell [modern]
leg UR Sphinx's Modern Mill v5 [modern]
vin WUR Shu Yun Prowess [edh] v1
edh, budget
former decks
vin [WBRG] Saskia's Devouring Tribute v1
vin BG Nath of Discards [edh]
vin BRG Devour The Insatiable [edh] v4a
vin BRG Devour The Insatiable [edh] v4b
vin Copy of BRG Devour The Insatiable [edh] v4b
vin Copy of WRB Edgar Goes Wide Budget v1 [edh]
vin GW Cats [edh] v1
vin GW Cats [edh] v2
vin GW Cats [edh] v2.5
vin Mono-R, Zada Storm [edh] v1
vin R, Zada Storm [edh] v2
vin R, Zada Storm [edh] v3
vin UR Secrets
vin URG Riku Hugs
vin WB Knights [edh] v2
vin WB Knights [edh] v3
vin WRB Edgar Goes Wide Budget v1 [edh]
vin WU Bruna, Light Auras [edh] v1
vin WU Bruna, Light Auras [edh] v2
vin WUR Prowess Narset [edh] v2
vin WUR Prowess Shu Yun [edh] v1
vin WUR Prowess Shu Yun [edh] v2
vin WUR Shu Time Breaker v1
vin WUR Shu Time Breaker v2
vin WUR Shu Yun Monks [edh] wip v1
vin WUR Shu Yun, Enlightened Puncher [edh] v1
vin WUR Shu Yun, Enlightened Puncher [edh] v2
vin WUR Shu Yun, Enlightened Puncher v3

Mana Base
Colors | |||
Symbols | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Percent | 33.0 | 33.0 | 33.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.