ONIBAKUSJG's profile
- MTG DECKS (164)
$50 Budget Challenge
1 Color
vin Ilharg, the Raze-Boar
leg Kemba Slice EDH
vin Kiki-Jiki
leg Maralen
vin Om-nom-nom-nath EDH
leg Shirei EDH
2 Color
leg Anje Falkenrath
com Arahbo
vin Aurelia, EDH Leader
leg Brion
leg EDH Deck thats Fly
vin Glissa EDH
vin Grenzo EDH
vin Kaervek Hate EDH
vin Kangee - Bird Brain EDH
vin Karametra - the knowledge pool EDH
com Kinnan
leg Little Mermaid
vin Rakdos, LoR EDH
vin Rhys the EDH
vin Teysa EDH
vin Trostani, Lively EDH - Not complete
leg wrexial edh
3 Color
Commander 2013 Remakes
Windgrace Inspiration
leg Animar Counterspree EDH
vin Budget Animar
leg Doran - Leaf me alone
vin EDH vaevictus
sta Gavi - Dino Cats EDH
sta Kalamax, Thunderbutt EDH
vin Karador EDH
com kykar - Polymorph
vin Mairsil EDH
vin Mayael EDH
vin Sidisi, Zombie EDH
leg Tamanoa EDH
com Varina EDH - Zombies
leg Zur
4 Color
All In
mod Generally a Tazri EDH
vin Genju of the Realm EDH
leg Horde of Notions
vin Horde of Notions 2.0
leg Reaper King EDH
leg EDH Grouphug
vin EDH Junky Toys
vin Elfball EDH
vin Kurkesh
leg Marchesa, the Black Rose EDH
leg Selvala EDH
leg Arbor Science
leg Borb Loam
leg Casual Surge for Billions
mod Coral Knight Modern
mod Death Taxes Modern
leg Heartless havengul
vin Melira Kiki Pod
leg Modern Dredge
mod Modern Elfball
mod Modern Living End
leg Molten Seismic Loam
mod Nylea Modern
mod Odric Beatdown
leg Seismic Loam
vin Varolz the Troll
leg vengeance Loam
vin Young Guttersnipe
non-EDH or Modern
Decks Finished/Owned
mod Beastiality
mod Cant touch this
leg Hellcarver Demon
leg Phage
vin Pyromaniac Ascension
leg RU Tunneler Revisited
vin Suicide Solution 2.0
leg Un-living End
Finished Random
Jokes/Never Building
vin suicide solution
leg All colors
mod Arcane Denial
leg Buried Alive!
leg Cages
leg Cards in Hand
leg Curses
leg Draco
leg Farmers Cat
leg Fireproof Goblins
leg Free .99
leg Goblin Bomb
leg Kindered changling
leg Madness
leg No Counters
leg Quick Draw
leg Rakdos
leg Rat Attack!
mod Red Artifact Sac
leg Relentless Rats
sta Revelations
leg RG +1 counters
leg RUB tunneler
mod Savagery
leg Sky Swallower
leg Spiritual
mod Standard Zombies
leg Thassa Control
mod Traps!
leg Unspeakable Arcane
leg What a prick
leg Amulet of Vigor
leg Budget goblins
leg Elf Diarrhea
leg Enchanted Evening
mod Landfall Zoo
leg lands
leg Owling Mine
leg Primal Surge Deck
leg Require More Vespene Gas
mod Touch of Death
leg Weenies with beats
mod White Chroma
leg White/Green Value
mod Zombie Survival guide
Old Standard
mod Black Devotion Standard
mod Green Devotion Standard
mod Orzhov Returns
mod Scry Standard
mod Standard Gruul
mod Standard Servitude
sta Archelos, Lagoon Fun
sta Arm for battle precon
sta Copy of Gavi - Dino Cats EDH
com Elf Tribal Umori
sta Korvold 1 - Command Quarters
sta Korvold 2 - budgetedh
com Kumena - merfolk edh
sta psych tamanoa
sta reap the tides precon
sta Riku
sta Samut, tap that
com tamanoa - Command Quarters

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 1 | 1 |
Percent | 50.0 | 50.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.