PAUL 's profile
- MTG DECKS (543)
Købe deck
mod ** Abzan Siege
mod ** Chandra, Pyrogenious
leg ** Jace
mod ** Jeskai Monks
mod ** JiN - Wrath of the Mortals
mod ** Mardu Raiders
leg ** Nissa duel-deck (NvON)
mod ** Nissa, Nature's Artisan PW deck
leg ** Ob Nixilis duel-deck (NvON)
mod ** OGW Concerned Effort WG
vin ** Sultai Schemers
mod ** Temur Avalanche
mod ** Theros Inspiring Heroics
leg ** Vraska
Gamle deck
mod ** bolster .1
mod ** Casual - Oliver KAT
vin ** control standart blå grøn
vin ** delve blå
vin ** jeskai prøve
mod ** Olivers Sorte Død
mod ** Sorte Snog
mod ** Standard - Poison arrows
mod ** Standard Sultai
mod ** token deck
mod ** Warrior Superfriends
leg EDH - 4C Ally
EDH - Aktive deck
EDH - Arkiv
mod ** Brawl - Muldrotha
vin ** EDH - Abzan
vin ** EDH - Depala 1
leg ** EDH - Depala 2
vin ** EDH - Drana
vin ** EDH - Invent Superiority
vin ** EDH - MBI(b)
vin ** EDH - Nature of the Beast RGW
vin ** EDH - Peer Through Time Mono-blue
vin ** EDH - Purphoros
vin ** EDH - Purphoros 20160706
vin ** EDH - Seize Control U/R
vin ** EDH - updated Feline Ferocity
vin ** EDH - updated Vampiric Bloodlust
vin ** EDH - updated Vampiric Bloodlust
vin ** EDH - Vampiric Bloodlust
vin ** EDH - Vampiric Bloodlust budget CFB
vin ** EDH - Vampiric Bloodlust CFB Upgrade
vin ** EDH - Wade into Battle R/W
leg EDH - Ayli $1
leg EDH - Baby Lilly's Zombies
vin EDH - BuffRhonas
leg EDH - Daghatar $1
vin EDH - Drana Nightlife
vin EDH - Goblins
vin EDH - Gonti
vin EDH - Pashiri's Pals
vin EDH - Shu Yun
leg EDH - Atarka D
vin EDH - Cycling Zur
vin EDH - Feline Ferocity
vin EDH - Legion of Undeath
vin EDH - MBI
vin EDH - Melek Budget
vin EDH - Rats
vin EDH - Spiders
vin EDH - Vampiric Bloodlust 20171208
Legacy - Arkiv
leg Legacy - Burn 02-18
leg Legacy - WB
Modern - Arkiv
mod @@ Modern - Affinity (xMage stock)
mod @@ Modern - Burn (xMage stock)
leg @@ Modern - Hollow One (xMage stock)
mod @@ Modern - Humans (xMage stock)
mod @@ Modern - Jeskai Control (xMage stock)
mod @@ Modern - Red Green Tron (xMage stock)
mod ** 1 Modern - Boros Burn Sideboard
mod ** 1 Modern - Boros Burn v1
mod ** 1 Modern - Boros Burn v1 (d)
mod ** 1 Modern - Boros Burn v1 (e)
mod ** 1 Modern - Boros Burn v1 (e)
mod ** 1 Modern - Boros Burn v1 (f)
mod ** 1 Modern - Boros Burn v1 (g)
mod ** 1 Modern - Boros Burn v1 (h) - FishBurn
mod ** 1 Modern - Boros Burn v1 (i) - MyBurn
mod ** 1 Modern - Boros Burn v1a minus PtE
mod ** 1 Modern - Boros Burn v1b
mod ** 1 Modern - Boros Burn v1c
mod ** 1 Modern - Mardu Burn v1 (a)
mod ** 3 Modern - 8 Whack Warchest
mod ** 4 Modern - Affinity
vin ** 4 Modern - Pyromancer Ascension
mod ** 5 Modern - Burn PPTQ
vin ** 5 Modern - UR Prowess
vin ** 5 Modern - UR Prowess (b)
mod ** Copy of 1 Modern - Boros Burn v1 (f)
mod ** Copy of 1 Modern - Boros Burn v1 (f)
mod ** Copy of Modern - Boros Burn v1
mod ** Copy of Modern - Boros Burn v1 (k) - GPCPH
mod ** Modern - 8 Rack
mod ** Modern - 8 Whack
mod ** Modern - Abzan
mod ** Modern - Affinity
mod ** Modern - Affinity (Stock)
mod ** Modern - Bant Spirits
mod ** Modern - Black Infect
mod ** Modern - Bogle all-budget
mod ** Modern - Bogle half-budget
mod ** Modern - Boros Burn v1 (k) - GPCPH
mod ** Modern - Budget Burn
mod ** Modern - Budget Burn v2
mod ** Modern - Budget Devoid
vin ** Modern - Budget Thing Ascension
mod ** Modern - Budget Tutelage Turbo Fog
mod ** Modern - Budget Vampire Rally
leg ** Modern - Burn
mod ** Modern - Burn (Stock)
mod ** Modern - Burn 1
mod ** Modern - Burn 2
mod ** Modern - Burn 2017-08-21
mod ** Modern - Burn LCT Taastrup
mod ** Modern - Death and Taxes
mod ** Modern - Death and Taxes (Stock)
mod ** Modern - Eldrazi and Taxes
mod ** Modern - Eldrazi and Taxes (Stock)
mod ** Modern - Eldrazi Tron
mod ** Modern - Eldritch Eldrazi
mod ** Modern - Elves (Stock)
mod ** Modern - Eminent Domain
mod ** Modern - Jeskai Control
mod ** Modern - Jeskai Nahiri Control
leg ** Modern - Mardu Pyromancer
mod ** Modern - Merfolk
mod ** Modern - Merfolk (Stock)
mod ** Modern - Mono Black Devotion
mod ** Modern - Mono Blue Turns
mod ** Modern - Mono Green Aggro
mod ** Modern - mono White Proc
mod ** Modern - Mono-red Blistering Rage
mod ** Modern - Naya Burn gammel version
mod ** Modern - Naya Burn v2
mod ** Modern - Naya Burn v3
mod ** Modern - Naya Burn v4
mod ** Modern - Rakdos Aggro
mod ** Modern - Rakdos Aggro budget version
vin ** Modern - Simic Evolve
mod ** Modern - Slivers (stock)
mod ** Modern - Suicide Black
vin ** Modern - Thing Ascension
mod ** Modern - Tooth and Nail
mod ** Modern - Turbo Mill
mod ** Modern - Tutelage Turbo Fog
vin ** Modern - Unfair Evolution
mod ** Modern - UR Prowess
mod ** Modern - UR Prowess Budget
mod ** Modern - UW Tempered Steel
mod ** Modern - Vampire Rally
mod ** Modern - WB Aristocrats
mod ** Modern - Zombie Hunt
mod ** Modern - Zombieland
leg ** Proxy - Modern - B/R Midrange
mod ** Proxy - Modern - Bant Retreat
mod ** Proxy - Modern - Bogles
leg ** Proxy - Modern - Dredge
mod ** Proxy - Modern - Eldrazi & Taxes
mod ** Proxy - Modern - Elves v1
mod ** Proxy - Modern - Elves v2
mod ** Proxy - Modern - G/W Hexproof
vin ** Proxy - Modern - Infect
mod ** Proxy - Modern - Junk
mod ** Proxy - Modern - Merfolk
mod ** Proxy - Modern - Mono Black Devotion
mod ** Proxy - Modern - Mono Black Infect
mod ** Proxy - Modern - Mono-red Blistering Rage
mod ** Proxy - Modern - Naya Burn
mod ** Proxy - Modern - Naya Burn v2
mod ** Proxy - Modern - R/G Ponza
mod ** Proxy - Modern - Soul SIsters
mod ** Proxy - Modern - Stompy
vin ** Proxy - Modern - Storm
vin ** Proxy - Modern - Suicide Zoo
vin ** Proxy - Modern - Thing Ascension
vin ** Proxy - Modern - UR Delver
mod ** Proxy - Modern - WG CoCo
mod ** Proxy - Modern - Zoo
vin ** Proxy - Modern - Zooicide
Modern - Warchest
Pauper - arkiv
leg ** 1 Pauper - Burn (b) Warchest
leg ** 11 Pauper - Kuldotha Boros Warchest
leg ** 13 Pauper - WG Slivers Warchest
leg ** 18 Pauper - Stompy Warchest
leg ** 19 Pauper - Bogles Warchest
leg ** 2 Pauper - mBc Warchest (b)
leg ** 2 Pauper - mBc Warchest (c)
leg ** 22 Pauper Impact Sisters (Soul Train version)
leg ** 25 Pauper Red-Green Madness
leg ** 3 Pauper - Elves Warchest
vin ** 5 Pauper - mono U Warchest
leg ** 6 Pauper - Affinity Warchest
leg ** 6 Pauper - Affinity Warchest (b)
vin ** 8 Pauper - Izzet Blitz Warchest
vin ** 8 Pauper - Izzet Blitz Warchest
leg ** Brew - Pauper - I Control Black Lands
leg ** Brew - Pauper - Infect
leg ** Copy of Pauper Brew #1 - Shadow Clash
vin ** Ide - Izzet Blitz
leg ** Ide - Pauper - Bogles
leg ** Ide - Pauper - Izzet Control
leg ** Ide - Pauper - Kuldotha Jeskai
leg ** Ide - Pauper - UR Drake
leg ** Ide - Pauper Elfball
leg ** Ide Pauper - Rebels
leg ** Papuer - Golgari Control
leg ** Pauper - Acid Trip
leg ** Pauper - Affinity
leg ** Pauper - Affinity
leg ** Pauper - Affinity (stock)
leg ** Pauper - Affinity v2
leg ** Pauper - Aggro Anti Affinity
vin ** Pauper - Angler Delver
leg ** Pauper - Azorius Metalcraft
leg ** Pauper - Black Lands (brew)
leg ** Pauper - Boros Cyborg
leg ** Pauper - Boros Cyborg v2
leg ** Pauper - Burn (Stock mod.)
leg ** Pauper - Burn 20160712
leg ** Pauper - Burn 20160726
leg ** Pauper - Burn Warchest
vin ** Pauper - Delver
leg ** Pauper - Dimir Drake
vin ** Pauper - DrawScribe Combo
leg ** Pauper - Golgari Tortured Existence
leg ** Pauper - instant Mono Black Control
leg ** Pauper - instant Mono Black Control - Anti Drake
vin ** Pauper - Izzet Delver (Stock)
leg ** Pauper - Kuldotha Grixis
leg ** Pauper - Lotus Affinity
leg ** Pauper - mBc Warchest
leg ** Pauper - MTGG Burn
leg ** Pauper - Murasa Black
leg ** Pauper - Murasa Black
leg ** Pauper - Old School mBc
leg ** Pauper - Red Deck Wins
leg ** Pauper - Sliver
leg ** Pauper - Sliver (Brew)
leg ** Pauper - Sliver 19-04-2016
leg ** Pauper - Sliver 3.0
leg ** Pauper - Slivers (Stock)
leg ** Pauper - Stompy
leg ** Pauper - Stompy (Stock)
leg ** Pauper - Temur Tron
vin ** Pauper - UB Delver
leg ** Pauper - UB Teachings
leg ** Pauper - UR Fae
leg ** Pauper - WR Affinity
leg ** Pauper -Stompy
Pauper - Warchest (r)
leg 1 Pauper - Burn (c) Warchest
leg 10 Pauper - Domain Zoo Warchest
leg 11 Pauper - Kuldotha Boros (b) Warchest
leg 12 Pauper - Red Deck Wins Warchest
leg 13 Pauper - WG Slivers (b) Warchest
leg 14 Pauper - WWeenie Warchest
leg 15 Pauper - Turbo Fog Warchest
leg 16 Pauper - UB Teachings Warchest
leg 17 Pauper - Green Infect Warchest
leg 18 Pauper - Stompy (b) Warchest
leg 19 Pauper - Bogles (b) Warchest
leg 2 Pauper - mBc Warchest (d)
leg 20 Pauper - Soul Sisters Warchest
leg 21 Pauper - Dimir Flicker (b) Warchest
leg 22 Pauper - Impact Sisters
leg 23 Pauper - mW Metalcraft
leg 24 Pauper - Boros Landfall
leg 25 Pauper - Red-Green Madness (b)
vin 26 Pauper - UR Skred Warchest
leg 27 Pauper - Shadow Clash (brew)
leg 28 Pauper - UR Warchest
leg 29 Pauper - Dimir Control Warchest
leg 3 Pauper - Elves (b) Warchest
leg 4 Pauper - 14 Swamp Black Warchest
vin 5 Pauper - mono U (b) Warchest
leg 6 Pauper - Affinity Warchest (c)
vin 7 Pauper - Angler Delver
vin 8 Pauper - Izzet Blitz (b) Warchest
leg 9 Pauper - Goblins Warchest
vin Pauper - WB Tron
Standard - ideer
Standard - arkiv
mod ** Brew Standard - BR Aristocrats
mod ** Copy of Standard - GameDay Ramunap Red
mod ** Copy of Standard - PT Mardu Vehicles Marcello
mod ** GameDay - Martins Deck
mod ** Showdown - Johannes
mod ** Showdown - Mono B Aggro
mod ** Showdown - Temur Miracle Grow
mod ** Standard - Jund Delirium
mod ** Standard -B/G Aggro
mod ** Standard - $5 Vortex
mod ** Standard - 4-color Rally the Ancestors
mod ** Standard - 4C Energy
mod ** Standard - 4C Energy 52
mod ** Standard - 4C Energy Worlds
mod ** Standard - Abzan +1
mod ** Standard - Abzan 23jan
mod ** Standard - Abzan Displacer Combo
mod ** Standard - AntiArtifactsZombies
mod ** Standard - AntiArtifactsZombies (b)
mod ** Standard - Ascendancy Rally
mod ** Standard - Atarka Red
mod ** Standard - B/G Delirium
mod ** Standard - B/W Warriors
mod ** Standard - Bant Company
mod ** Standard - Bant Eldrazi
mod ** Standard - Bant Humans
mod ** Standard - BG Aristocrats
mod ** Standard - BG Delirium
mod ** Standard - Big Red
mod ** Standard - BigRed w45
mod ** Standard - Black Death
vin ** Standard - Blue Tempo
mod ** Standard - Boros Aggro 52
mod ** Standard - BR Aggro (GPCPH)
mod ** Standard - BR Aggro (Stock)
mod ** Standard - BR Vampires
mod ** Standard - Brad Nelson TemurE
mod ** Standard - Budget Burn
mod ** Standard - budget Combustibal Gearhulk
mod ** Standard - budget Gearhulk Stompy
mod ** Standard - budget Two Tix Red HOU
mod ** Standard - Budget UW Spirits
mod ** Standard - Burn
mod ** Standard - Burn v 2
mod ** Standard - BW Zombies
mod ** Standard - Carvahlo TiTi
mod ** Standard - Cycling Drakes
vin ** Standard - Dark Jeskai
mod ** Standard - Decimator Elves
mod ** Standard - Demonic Pact
mod ** Standard - DesertRed Ben Stark
mod ** Standard - Dromoka White
mod ** Standard - Eldritch Evolution (Ide)
mod ** Standard - Esper Approach 18-03
mod ** Standard - Esper Control
mod ** Standard - Esper Vehicles
mod ** Standard - Eye for an Eye
mod ** Standard - Finkel BG Control
mod ** Standard - FNM RamRed
mod ** Standard - G/B Energy (*)
mod ** Standard - G/R Energy
mod ** Standard - G/R Landfall
mod ** Standard - GameDay Ramunap Red
mod ** Standard - Goblins!
mod ** Standard - Golgarium
mod ** Standard - GP Vehicles
mod ** Standard - Grixis Amulet
mod ** Standard - Grixis Ctrl
mod ** Standard - Grixis Ctrl 20160701
mod ** Standard - Grixis Gods
mod ** Standard - Grixis Midrange
mod ** Standard - Gruul Ramp
mod ** Standard - GW Ramp w45
mod ** Standard - Izzet Mill
mod ** Standard - Jeskai Control
mod ** Standard - Jeskai Control
mod ** Standard - Lars deck
mod ** Standard - Mardu aggro
mod ** Standard - Mardu Vehicles
mod ** Standard - Mardu Vehicles (*)
mod ** Standard - Mardu Vehicles AER style
mod ** Standard - Mardu Vehicles AMK
mod ** Standard - Mardu Vehicles post-AMK
mod ** Standard - mill
mod ** Standard - Modified Randy's Atarka Red
mod ** Standard - mono B Aggro 03-18
mod ** Standard - mono B Aggro 52
mod ** Standard - mono B'Zombies
mod ** Standard - mono B'Zombies (*b)
mod ** Standard - Mono Black Aggro
mod ** Standard - Mono Black Aggro 50
mod ** Standard - mono Black Aggro 51
mod ** Standard - mono Green Monument 50
mod ** Standard - Mono Starfield
mod ** Standard - Mono-Black Control (Stock)
mod ** Standard - Mono-Green Stompy
mod ** Standard - Mono-Green Stompy (Stock)
mod ** Standard - Mono-red aggro (*)
mod ** Standard - Mono-Red Aggro (CPH1)
mod ** Standard - Mono-Red Aggro (CPH2)
mod ** Standard - Mono-Red Aggro (Stock)
mod ** Standard - Mono-Zombie
mod ** Standard - MonoB PT-Zombies
mod ** Standard - Monumental White
mod ** Standard - mR Eldrazi
mod ** Standard - Paul Red
mod ** Standard - Post-rotation RamRed
mod ** Standard - Post-rotation RamRed Light
mod ** Standard - Prototype Madness
mod ** Standard - PT 4c E
mod ** Standard - PT BR Aggro
mod ** Standard - PT Mardu Vehicles
mod ** Standard - PT Mardu Vehicles Marcello
mod ** Standard - PT mBAggro
mod ** Standard - PT mW Vamps
mod ** Standard - PT RamRed
mod ** Standard - PT SultaiE
mod ** Standard - PT TemurE
mod ** Standard - R/B Aggro
mod ** Standard - R/G Pummeler (*)
mod ** Standard - R/W Vehicles
mod ** Standard - RamRed 01-18 BANNED
mod ** Standard - RamRed 43
mod ** Standard - RamRed 46
mod ** Standard - RamRed 47
mod ** Standard - RamRed 48
mod ** Standard - RamRed 48v2
mod ** Standard - RamRed 50
mod ** Standard - RamRed 52
mod ** Standard - RamRed GP DC
mod ** Standard - RamRed GP weekend
mod ** Standard - RamRed Nationals
mod ** Standard - RamRed PostRot
mod ** Standard - RamRed PostRot 2
mod ** Standard - RamRed49
mod ** Standard - RamRedGPDEN
mod ** Standard - Ramunap Red Here/Now
mod ** Standard - RDW 20160708
mod ** Standard - RedRum
mod ** Standard - RG Ramp
mod ** Standard - RW Aggro 18-03
mod ** Standard - RW Goggles
mod ** Standard - SOI Atarka Red
mod ** Standard - SOI Red
mod ** Standard - Sultai Energy
mod ** Standard - Sultai Pummeler 52
mod ** Standard - SultaiE 43
mod ** Standard - SultaiPummeler 50
mod ** Standard - SultaiPummeler49
mod ** Standard - T-merge
mod ** Standard - Temur E
mod ** Standard - Temur E 48
mod ** Standard - Temur E Andrea Mengucci
mod ** Standard - Temur Eatherworks
mod ** Standard - Temur Energy (*)
mod ** Standard - Temur Marvel (proxy)
mod ** Standard - TemurE 01-18 BANNED
mod ** Standard - TemurE 43
mod ** Standard - TemurE 50
mod ** Standard - TemurE 52
mod ** Standard - TemurE GPDEN
mod ** Standard - TemurE GPDEN (2)
mod ** Standard - TemurE49
mod ** Standard - TemurE49_2
mod ** Standard - Turbo Emrakul
mod ** Standard - Two Tix Red Aggro Warchest
mod ** Standard - U/R Control (*)
mod ** Standard - U/R Prowess
mod ** Standard - U/W Gifts 52
mod ** Standard - U/W Spirits
mod ** Standard - U/W Spirits variant
mod ** Standard - U/W Spirits variant
mod ** Standard - uB Aggro 18-03
mod ** Standard - UB Control 18-03
mod ** Standard - UB Control 18-03/2
vin ** Standard - UB Control mod SBMTG
mod ** Standard - UB Midrange
mod ** Standard - UG Emerge (ide)
mod ** Standard - Uldrazi
mod ** Standard - UR Artificers
mod ** Standard - UR Control
mod ** Standard - UR Control FNM 20160506
mod ** Standard - UR Dragons
mod ** Standard - UR Eldrazi
mod ** Standard - UR Primal
vin ** Standard - UR Prowess
mod ** Standard - UR Titans
mod ** Standard - UW Cycling 52
mod ** Standard - UW Gifts49
mod ** Standard - UW Haste
mod ** Standard - UW Spirits Control
mod ** Standard - Viable Burn
mod ** Standard - W/R Humans
mod ** Standard - W/R Humans Variant
mod ** Standard - W/U Flash
mod ** Standard - WB Exile
mod ** Standard - Wb Sunmare (*)
mod ** Standard - Weenie W
mod ** Standard - White Jund
mod ** Standard - White Jund version 1
mod ** Standard - WR Aggro
mod ** Standard - WRG Midrange FNM
mod ** Standard - WU Monument (*)
mod ** Standard - Zada Aggro
mod ** Standard (PT) - 4C Vehicles
mod ** Standard (PT) - BG Constrictor
mod ** Standard (PT) - BG Pummeler
mod ** Standard (PT) - BG Rite
mod ** Standard (PT) - mono B Zombies
mod ** Standard (PT) - Ramunap Red
mod ** Standard (PT) - Ramunap Red Seth Mansfield
mod ** Standard (PT) - RG Ramp
mod ** Standard (PT) - UB God-Pharao's gift
mod ** Standard (PT) - UB Zombies
mod ** Standard (PT) - UR Control
mod ** Standard Mono-Waste Eldrazi
mod ** Standard RDW 20160715
mod ** Standard UR 'drazi
Standard - Warchest
vin EDH - Demon 2
vin EDH - Demons
vin Mangler fra RTR frem
leg Modern - Mardu Pyromancer
leg Modern - Mardu Pyromancer v01
leg Modern - Mardu Pyromancer v02
leg Modern - Mardu Pyromancer v03
leg Modern - Mardu Pyromancer v04
mod Modern - Obliterator Devotion
mod Oliver Standard - mono U Storm

Name | Cost ![]() |
Yavimaya Coast | |
Yavimaya Coast | |
Reflector Mage | |
Matter Reshaper | |
Eldrazi Displacer | |
Matter Reshaper | |
Drowner of Hope |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Lumbering Falls | |
2 | Canopy Vista | |
3 | Island | |
4 | Titan's Presence | |
5 | Eldrazi Skyspawner | |
6 | Forest |
Mana Base
Colors | |||
Symbols | 12 | 10 | 7 |
Percent | 41.0 | 34.0 | 24.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.