CHRIS WRIGHT's profile
- MTG DECKS (168)
Tiny Leaders
Adun Oakenshield
leg Adun Oakenshield
vin Control
Shu Yun
vin Tokens
Tetsuo Umezawa Tiny Leaders
vin Copy of Grixus Control
vin Grixus Control
leg Jund Lands
vin RUG Lands
leg Enchantress
vin Karador, ghost chieftan
vin Mazirek
vin Narset
vin Riku ETB
sin Abzan Pod
sta Mardu Sacrifice
his Doom Pact
his Grixis Doom
his UR Doom
leg Abzan Nic Fit enchantments
vin Aluren
vin BW Control
leg Enchantress 2
vin Esper Rector Combo
leg High Tide
vin Legacy Dredge
leg Living Enchantress
leg Mardu Aristocrats
leg Reanimator
vin Rector Jank 2
mod Budget Humans
mod GW Aggro Humans
mod GW Vial CoCo Humans
mod GW Vial Humans
mod More Humans
mod Beastmaster Ascension
leg Dredge
sta Dubious Challenge
mod Dubious Challenge
mod Elbrus, the Binding Blade
mod Enchantress
vin Enter the Infinite
vin Esper Erayo
mod Naya Midrange
mod Restore Balance
mod UW Spirits
mod White Soldiers
mod Wild Pair
mod Zombies
mod Zoo
sta Mardu Stoneforge
Old Standard
mod Abzan delirium
mod Aidan's Vortex
mod BG Delirium
mod BG Delirium (Attainable)
mod Big Pig
mod BR Madness
mod BW Aristocrats
mod Delirium
mod Grixis Cat Pact
mod GW Humans
mod JANK
mod Madness
mod Panharmonicon
mod RB Aggro
mod RG Pump
mod Sultai Emerge
mod UW Blink
mod UW Spirits
mod UW Spirits
UW Fliers
mod UW Aggro Fliers
mod UW Bounce (Troll)
mod UW Fliers
mod UW Midrange
mod UW Midrange Fliers
mod Abzan
mod Abzan Combo
mod BR Vampires
mod Brain in a Jar
mod Budget Ramp
mod BW Control
mod Esper Control
mod Esper Demonic Pact
mod Esper Dragons
mod Esper Super-Friends
mod GW Tokens Combo
mod Hedron Allignment
mod Jeskai Control
mod Mono Blue Prison
mod RG Wolves
mod Seasons Past
mod UB Zombies
mod UWr Bots
mod Allies
mod B/W Lifegain
mod BW Aggro
vin Demonic Pact
vin Jeskai Ascendancy
mod Omnath
mod Remorseless Punishment
mod UG Morph
vin Zada
leg GW Slivers
leg High Tide
mod White Weenie
Penny Dreadful
leg 5C Hondens
vin Angel Combo
leg BG Aggro
leg Black Red Aristocrats
leg BR Aristocrats
sta BW lifegain
mod BW lifegain
leg BW Prison
leg Copy of PD ETB
sta Flying Crane Technique
leg Goblins
mod GW Tokens
mod Mardu Tokens
leg Mono Black Aristocrats
leg Mono Black Vampires
vin Mono Blue Tempo
mod PD ETB
vin Recurring Nightmare 1
vin Sultai Biovisionary
sta Temur Vengeance
leg Thoper Stax
vin UB Control
vin UG Madness
vin UR Control
vin UR Jori En
vin UR Tempo
leg UW Blink
vin Value Recurring Nightmare
leg Vampires
vin Jeskai Ascendancy
vin Recurring Nightmare
leg UR Imminent Doom
vin Belcher
vin Blue Dredge
vin Leyline Dredge
vin Temur Vengeance
sta Bant Blink
mod Bant cradle
mod BG Brawl
sta Br Yawgmoth
mod BW Jank
mod BW Sunmare
mod Grixis Shadow
mod GW Beats
mod GW Midrange
sta Historic Blink
sta Historic GW Proliferate
sta Historic Hondens
sta Historic U Mill
sta Historic UR Prowess
his Historic Yawgmoth 1
sta Historic Yawgmoth combo 2
sta Jund Sacrifice
com Meren
mod Mono-Black Aggro
sta PD Abzan Midrange
sta Sultai Pod
sta Sultai Pod

Name | Cost ![]() |
Traverse the Ulvenwald | |
Liliana, the Last Hope | |
Kindly Stranger // Demon-Possessed Witch | |
Languish | |
Ishkanah, Grafwidow | |
Sorin, Grim Nemesis | |
Emrakul, the Promised End |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Descend upon the Sinful |
Mana Base
Colors | |||
Symbols | 6 | 3 | 2 |
Percent | 54.0 | 27.0 | 18.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.