- DAN LIBERATORE's profile
- Inventory
- Tradelist
- Wishlist
- MTG DECKS (989)
- his Control WB
- his Counters
- his Hydras etc (2)
- his MBC1
- his MBC2
- his MBC3 enchantment heavy meta
- his MBC5 Tiny Bones
- his MBC6 Tiny Bones
Jumpstart decks acquired
- sta Above the Clouds Heavily Armored
- sta Angels Rainbow
- sta Chandra Devilish
- sta Chandra Doctor
- sta Dinosaurs Pirates
- sta Discarding Cats
- sta Discarding Legion
- sta Elves Heavily Armored
- sta Elves Tree Hugging
- sta Enchanted Predatory
- sta Lightning Spirits
- sta Lightning Spooky
- sta Liliana Dogs
- sta Minotaurs Dragons
- sta Phyrexian Plus One
- sta Reanimated Minions
- sta Spellcasting Well-Read
- sta Under the Sea Enchanted
- sta Walls Goblins
- sta Wizards Unicorns
- his Flyers singleton
- sta Millton Bradley
- pau P Zomb
- sta rats (2) w/sb
Built Decks
Kitchen Table
- leg K Low Power Happy Fun Time RG
- leg K Party Deck RG
- leg K Ramp BGC
- pau P MBC
- vin Pb Izzet Blitz UR
Not Sleeved
- mod AER Intro UB: Tezzeret, Master of Metal
- mod AER Intro WG: Ajani, Valiant Protector
- mod AKH WR: Gideon, Martial Paragon
- mod BFZ Event BG: Ultimate Sacrifice
- mod BFZ Intro BR: Eldrazi Assault
- mod BFZ Intro UG: Swarming Instinct
- com C16 WBRG Open Hostility
- com C16 WUBG Breed Lethality
- com C16 WURG Stalwart Unity
- vin C17 UBR Arcane Wizardry
- vin C17 WBR Vampiric Bloodlust
- vin C17 WG Feline Ferocity
- vin C17 WUBRG Draconic Domination
- vin C18 BRG: Nature's Vengeance
- vin C18 UR: Exquisite Invention
- vin C18 WUB: Subjective Reality
- vin C18 WUG: Adaptive Enchantment
- mod Challenger BG: Counter Surge
- mod Challenger R: Hazoret Aggro
- mod Challenger WBR: Vehicle Rush
- mod Challenger WU: Second Sun Control
- leg DDP BR: Eldrazi
- mod DDP WG: Zendikar
- leg DDS RG: Might
- vin DDS UR: Mind
- leg DDT R: Goblins
- leg DDT U: Merfolk
- sta DOM RG: Chandra, Bold Pyromancer
- sta DOM WU: Teferi, Timebender
- leg E02 WB: Legion of Dusk
- mod EMN Intro RG: Untamed Wild
- mod EMN Intro WB: Unlikely Alliances
- mod EMN Intro WG: Weapons and Wards
- mod KTK Event BW: Conquering Hordes
- sta M19 U: Tezzeret
- mod OGW Intro BG: Vicious Cycle
- mod OGW Intro Uc: Twisted Reality
- mod OGW Intro UR: Surge of Resistance
- mod OGW Intro WB: Desperate Stand
- mod ORI Starter B: Liliana Vess
- mod ORI Starter R: Chandra Nalaar
- sta RIX BR: Angrath, Minotaur Pirate
- sta RIX WB: Vraska, Scheming Gorgon
- mod SOI Intro UW: Ghostly Tide
- sta XLN UG: Jace, Ingenious Mind Mage
- sta XLN WR: Huatli, Dinosaur Knight
- mod BFZ Intro RG: Zendikar's Rage
- mod BFZ Intro WB: Call of Blood
- mod BFZ Intro WR: Rallying Cry
- com C15 BG Plunder the Graves
- com C16 UBRG Entropic Uprising
- leg DDQ UB: Cursed
- mod DDQ WU: Blessed
- leg DDR B: Ob Nixilis
- leg DDR G: Nissa
- mod EMN Intro UB: Shallow Graves
- mod EMN Intro UR: Dangerous Knowledge
- mod KLD UG: Nissa, Nature's Artisan
- mod KLD WR: Chandra's Fury
- sta M19 B: Liliana
- sta M19 G: Vivien
- sta M19 R: Sarkhan
- sta M19 W: Ajani
- mod OGW Intro WG: Concerted Effort
- mod ORI Intro RB: Demonic Deals
- mod ORI Intro UR: Assemble Victory
- leg PCA Planes & Phenomena deck
- leg PCA RG Primordial Hunger
- leg PCA UB Night of the Ninja
- leg PCA WG Savage Auras
- leg PCA WUBRG Chaos Reigns
- mod SOI Intro BG: Horrific Visions
- mod SOI Intro RB: Vampiric Thirst
- mod SOI Intro UG: Unearthed Secrets
- mod SOI Intro WR: Angelic Fury
- mod Ad Nauseam
- mod Affinity
- leg Amulet Bloom
- leg Belcher
- mod Blue Moon
- mod Bogles
- mod Burn
- mod Caw Blade
- mod Collected Company
- leg Death and Taxes
- leg Dredge
- leg Eggs
- leg Eldrazi
- vin Elves
- mod Goblins / 8-Whack
- leg Grishoalbrand
- mod Infect
- mod Jund
- mod Junk
- mod Kiki Chord
- mod Lantern Control
- mod Living End
- mod Melira Pod
- mod Merfolk
- vin Miracles
- leg Pod
- mod Scapeshift
- mod Soul Sisters
- vin Storm
- mod Tron
- vin Twelve Post
- mod White Weenie
Deck builder's toolkits
- mod - Fixed Content
- mod BG Toughness
- mod GR Beatdown
- mod UR Artifacts
- mod WU Prowess
- mod - Fixed Content
- mod Rc
- mod UG Creature Control
- mod UR
- mod WB Lifegain
- mod - One time printings
- leg Annihilator
- mod Cohort
- mod Epic
- mod Landfall
- mod Persist
- mod Proliferate
- mod Replicate
- mod Retrace
- mod Split Second
- leg Storm
- mod Surge
- leg Suspend
- mod Transmute
Color Production
- leg - Produce Any Color
- vin - Produce Colorless
- leg - Triple / Shard / Wedge
- leg BG / Swamp Forest
- leg BR / Swamp Mountain
- leg RG / Mountain Forest
- leg UB / Island Swamp
- leg UG / Forest Island
- leg UR / Island Mountain
- leg WB / Plains Swamp
- leg WG / Forest Plains
- leg WR / Mountain Plains
- leg WU / Plains Island
- vin - Manaless Lands
- mod - Standard lands AKH >> BFZ
- leg Artifact Lands
- leg Bounce / Karoo Lands
- sta Check Lands
- leg Cycling Lands
- leg Depletion Lands
- mod Fast / Scar Lands
- leg Fetchable Lands
- leg Fetchlands
- leg Filter Lands
- leg Gain Lands
- sta Guildgates
- mod Guildhomes
- mod Hideaway
- sta Legendary Lands
- leg Manlands
- sta Misc Lands
- leg Original Dual Lands
- leg Pain Lands
- leg Sac lands
- mod Scry Lands
- mod Shadow Lands
- sta Shocklands
- leg Slow Lands
- mod Snow Taplands
- leg Storage Lands
- vin Striplands
- leg Tainted Lands
- mod Tango / Battle Lands
- mod Taplands (misc)
- leg Tribal Lands
Mana dorks
Mana rocks
- mod Borderposts
- leg Fetch
- leg Filter
- vin Free (no extra cost w/tap)
- vin Misc
- leg Pain
- leg Sac other
- vin Sac self
- leg Storage
- vin Alt costs non-phyrexian
- leg Can't be countered
- leg Cast triggers
- leg Flicker specific other card
- mod Flip cards
- leg Fogs
- leg Landwalking
- mod Phyrexian abilities
- vin Phyrexian cost
- vin Recursion
- leg World
- leg Wraths
Precon Decks
2013 (M14) sample decks
2014 (M15) sample decks
2015 (C15)
2015 (ORI) sample ...
2016 (SOI) sample ...
2017 (CMA) Commander Anthology spoilers
2017 (E02) Explorers of Ixalan
2019 (M20) welcome decks
- sta Welcome 20 B
- sta Welcome 20 G
- sta Welcome 20 R
- sta Welcome 20 U
- sta Welcome 20 W
- vin 5DN Nuts and Bolts Theme Deck
- mod 8E Gold deck
- mod 8E Silver deck
- leg BOK Rats' Nest Theme Deck
- com C16 WUBR Invent Superiority
- mod DTK Event URG: Landslide Charge
- leg EXO Groundbreaker Theme Deck
- mod HOU UBR: Nicol Bolas, the Deceiver
- mod HOU UG: Nissa, Genesis Mage
- leg MIR Bait and Bludgeon Theme Deck
- mod Modern Event Deck
- mod NPH War of Attrition Event Deck
- leg Premium: Graveborn
- mod SOK Theme Deck: Critical Mass
- leg STH Migraine Theme Deck
- leg USG The Plague Theme Deck
- vin Ban EDH 01-2019
- sta Ban Legacy 7-2020
- sta Ban Middle School 10-2018
- vin Ban Modern 7-2020
- vin Ban Pauper 07-2019
- sta Ban St'd 7-2020
- sta Ban Vintage 7-2020
- vin Restrict V 7-2020
- sta Special bans 6-2020
- leg Deathtouch
- vin Artifact/Equipment
- sta Hand to battlefield
- leg Land - Any
- leg Land - Basic
- leg Opponent's library
Z Misc
- vin Cantrips (WIP)
- leg Colored artifacts
- leg Cost Inflation
- vin EMA spoiler season
- leg Enchantresses
- leg Exile All
- leg Extra attackers
- leg Extra lives
- mod Four colors
- sta Free to Play
- vin FTV: Lore
- vin Graveyard Exilers
- mod M Probably never getting a reprint
- leg Melira infinite combo possibilities
- mod Modern hosers
- leg Planeswalkers
- sta Reserve List
- vin Stripey Skittles
- sta Untap symbol
- sta WUBRG
Format Staples
- leg L staples 17-01 (MTGGoldfish 2017-01-13)
- mod M SB Staples 16-10
- mod M Staples 17-02 MTGGoldfish
- leg M Staples 17-12 - MTGGoldfish
- leg M Staples 18-04 - MTGGoldfish
- leg M Staples 18-11 - MTGGoldfish
- mod M Staples 19-3-3 - MTGGoldfish
- mod Mb Staples 16-02
- vin Mb Staples 16-11
- vin Mb Staples 17-01 - MTGGoldfish
- vin P Staples 16-06
- vin P Staples 16-06 (found list)
- vin P Staples 17-01 - MTGGoldfish
- pau P Staples 18-11 - MTGGoldfish
- mod M staples 20-01-21 (MTGGoldfish)
- sta P staples 20-01-21 (MTGGoldfish)
- sta Pioneer staples 20-01-21 (MTGGoldfish)
Frontier Pauper OC
MTGA starter decks
Historic Decks
- sta 1994 - Stasis Control - Zac Dolan
- sta 1994 - Zoo - Bertrand Lestree
- vin 1995 - The Deck - Brian Weissman
- vin 1996 - Erhnamgeddon - Bertrand Lestree
- vin 1996 - Necropotence - Graham Tatomer
- vin 1996 - Necropotence - Leon Lindbeck
- vin 1997 - Pros-Bloom - Mike Long
- vin 1997 - Wishing Well - Mike Long
- leg 1998 - Deadguy Red - David Price
- vin 1999 - Broken Jar - Erik Lauer and Randy Buehler
- vin 2000 - Trix - Michelle Bush
- leg 2001 - R/G Aggro - Ryan Fuller
- vin 2002 - GroAtog - Stephen Menendian, Paul Mastriano
- leg 2002 - U/G Madness - Ken Ho
- vin 2003 - $T4KS (Stax) Original version - Sebastion Kaul
- vin 2003 - $T4KS (Stax) update by Kevin Cron
- leg 2003 - R/W Slide - Oysp Lebedowicz
- vin 2004 - Vial Affinity - Jelger Wiegersma
- mod 2005 - Flores Blue - Michael J Flores
- leg 2006 - U/R Dragonstorm - Makihito Mihara
- leg 2007 - Mono-R Dragonstorm - Gabriel Nassif, Mark Herberholz and Patrick Chapin
- mod 2008 - Faeries - Paulo Vitor Damo Da Rosa
- mod 2009 - Five-Color Control - Shuhei Nakamura and Guillaume Wafo-Tapa
- vin Opp Orb
- vin The Rock and His Millions - Sol Malka
- leg L Astral Slide - Vanno
- leg L Burn R - Patrick Sullivan
- sta L Canadian Threshold URG - wambocombo2020
- leg L Deathtouch Pingers RG
- leg L Draw-Go Classic
- leg L Four Horsemen (illegal win con) - Jeff Liu
- leg L Infinite Proliferate - dannycolledge
- leg L Kyle's Mech Deck - Sniperkiller004
- leg L Lands - SaffronOlive
- leg L Leylines - Chris Wolfmeyer
- leg L Martyr U - Gregory Hatch
- leg L MP Legacy Discarder - mpeg1740
- leg L MUD c - sir_chandestroy
- leg L Splinter Tin G - James Heslip
Magic Duels
- mod Mb Affinity RB '16
- mod Mb Affinity UB '18 - Delthar
- mod Mb Amulet Bloom UG +R - Samuel Black
- mod Mb Bubble Hulk WUBRG - calexil
- mod Mb Burn 12-Bolt R '18 - Aldrin De Los Santos
- mod Mb Burn 12-Bolt R '18 - Relekkam
- mod Mb Charbelcher RG - primalhunted
- mod Mb Cheeri0s post-AER WUR
- mod Mb Cheeri0s post-AER WUR #2
- mod Mb Delver UBR
- mod Mb Door Number One G - Munchaus
- mod Mb Dredge UBRg '17
- mod Mb Dredge UBRG '18 - Alek Jones
- leg Mb Dredge WUBRG
- mod Mb Eggs WUR
- mod Mb Eldrazi Winter C
- mod Mb Elves Skullclamp G
- mod Mb Goryo's Vengeance UBR
- mod Mb great now we really can't play magic - DrSteveBrule
- mod Mb Hardened Modular '18 - Ben Williams
- mod Mb Hogaak BRG
- mod Mb Hollow One BR '18 - Joey9fingas
- mod Mb Infect UG
- mod Mb Jeskai Ascendancy WUR
- mod Mb KCI RUG - kanister
- mod Mb Lantern Control UBG
- mod Mb Lantern Control UBG - Kanister
- mod Mb Loam Pox BRG - Patricia Hockhousen
- mod Mb Loam Pox WBRG - Raphael Levy
- mod Mb Melira Pod WBG
- mod Mb Narset Cannon WUBRG - hellakevin
- mod Mb Ponza RG '18 - Guido Cuñarro
- mod Mb Possibility Storm - chaos_noise
- mod Mb Proliferate Engine UG - Morphiac.
- mod Mb Shadow BRG - Reno On
- mod Mb Storm UR
- mod Mb Suicide Bloo UR
- mod Mb Suicide Zoo WBRG
- mod Mb Tempo WBR - SELFEISEK
- mod Mb Thing Ascension WUR - SaffronOlive
- mod Mb To Infinity and Beyond - berryjon
- mod Mb Turn Two Win (Weird) UBR - Stillabris
GP Brisbane 2017
- mod M T8 Abzan WBG - James Larsen-Scott
- mod M T8 Living End BRG - Timothy Cheng
- mod M T8 Nahiri Control WR - Tetsu Kawaguchi
- mod M T8 Tron BG - Sean Hume
- mod Mb 1st Lantern Control BG - Oliver Oks
- mod Mb 2nd Dredge UBRG - Zen Takahashi
- mod Mb T8 Affinity UBR - Chris Grimshaw
- mod Mb T8 Dredge BRG - Lee Shi Tian
GP Guangzhou 2016
M Jank
- mod M 1 Life = Total Win - netnimation
- sta M 10-Rack B - Dryoc
- sta M 10-Rack v2 B - Dryoc
- mod M 5 Color Unexpected Results - Ilyno
- mod M All-Natural Breakfast - BACEXXXXXX
- mod M American Beat Sticks - John_Dune
- mod M Black Tide Combo - Travis Woo
- mod M Breach Titan RG - Andrew Lillig
- mod M Breaking Sundial - Tobias Reißenweber
- mod M Bring to Noyan Dar WUBRG - iamzack
- sta M Charbelcher G - Corbin Hosler
- mod M Charbelcher G - DiscoStriker
- mod M Crab mill - Z-tune
- mod M Crap Win W - Platanocat
- mod M Cruel Control - Dylan_of_House_Dimir
- mod M Curses - bbeony540
- mod M Dark Restoration 2.0 - Mekkakat
- mod M Dredge Manaless UBG - Pascal Maynard
- mod M Eldrazi Degenerate BR - DressedSpring1
- mod M Elf Tron RGc - Conburnmadman
- mod M Enduring Ideal WUR - Shayne Morris
- mod M Fungus (unknown author)
- mod M Gatekeepers - Scrooge1842
- mod M Gideon Tribal WB - SaffronOlive
- mod M Gifts Tron WU
- mod M GoBot 8 Whack - lochnessmunster
- mod M Golgari Tumor Tribal BG - DoctorDax
- mod M Hate Mares Wg - PleasantKenobi
- mod M Hatebears WG
- mod M Hatebears WG - Craig Wescoe
- mod M Humans WRG - Magical_Gatherings
- mod M IHCG - Weed - Levi Thomas
- mod M Infectrode - teh_wad
- mod M Krark's Thumb Luck Test - SaffronOlive
- mod M Land Extraction - Cutting Edge Brewing
- mod M Niv-Infinite - SaffronOlive
- mod M Omnidoor Thragfire - Travis Woo
- mod M Pokemon Shift - Leo Lahonen
- mod M Saheeli WURG AKA Twin Pod - mindspank
- mod M Sharknado - MinscAndBoo
- mod M Stormbeard Dragon - Chris Vanmeter
- mod M The Lelements of Lorwyn - Laura Davis
- mod M The Rock WBG - Yoel Izsak
- mod M Thopter Prison
- mod M Welcome to the Lost Woods - Zserv
- mod M Zombie Hunt - SaffronOlive
M T1
M T1.5
M T2
- mod M Ad Nauseam Gwr '18 - Kiiiittyman
- mod M Ad Nauseam WUBR '16
- mod M Bogles WUG
- mod M Burn WRG '16
- mod M Control UBR '16
- mod M Control UBR '18 - Grixis Ravager
- mod M Control WU '16
- mod M Control WU '17
- mod M Control WU '18 - Gerrick Alford
- mod M Death's Shadow UBR '17
- mod M Death's Shadow UBR '17 - ColdPier
- mod M Death's Shadow UBRG '18 - Peter Hollman
- mod M Devoted Company GW '18 - Miguel Pacheco
- mod M Ponza RG '16
- mod M Scapeshift Hour of Promise Valakut RG - Chris Castro-Rappl
- mod M Scapeshift Titan RG
- mod M Scapeshift U '18 - Sebastian Wibmer
- mod M Spirits WUG '17 - ADAMHERBY
- mod M Tron Eldrazi C
M T3 / Fringe / Disappeared
- mod M 42 Land Swans - Gracen Atkinson
- mod M 8 Whack R
- mod M 8-Rack B
- mod M 8-Rack B - AlbyMTG
- mod M 8-Rack B Post-AER - Michael Penner
- mod M Abzan WBG
- mod M Abzan WBG - Greatness At Any Cost
- mod M Abzan WBG post-AER - Casey Pordes
- mod M Amulet Titan G '18 - Will Pulliam
- mod M Amulet Titan UG - Bobby Fortanely
- mod M Azusa Amulet URG
- mod M Becked - Conley Woods
- mod M Cheeri0s pre-AER WUR
- mod M Chord Kiki WRG
- mod M Chord Saheeli WuRG - LILIANAOFTHEVESS
- mod M Company WBG
- mod M Control WUB
- mod M Control WUR
- mod M Death and Taxes W
- mod M Delver UBR
- mod M Devotion B - Corbin Hosler
- mod M Eldrazi & Taxes WBc
- mod M Eldrazi WUGc
- mod M Elves G
- mod M Faeries UB
- mod M Infect BG
- mod M Infect bGR - rogue_noob
- mod M Infect UG - Steven Henderson
- mod M Knightfall WUG
- mod M Living End UBRG
- mod M Martyr W
- mod M Merfolk U
- mod M Nahiri WBR
- mod M Rock BG - Greatness At Any Cost
- mod M Rock BG - The_Gunslingers
- mod M Rock BRG - Jaberwocki
- mod M Scapeshift WUG +R
- mod M Shamans BRG - CalebD
- mod M Skred Dragons R - Ozzy Kelly
- mod M Skred R - Kevin Mackie
- mod M Soul Sisters W
- mod M Splinter Tin G - zqft
- mod M Stompy G
- mod M Sun and Moon / Prison WR
- mod M Tron RG
- mod M Tron Uc
- mod M Unexpected Tron URG - Shibazaki Touma
- mod M Valakut Breach RG
- mod M Zoo WRG
- mod MNBL 12-post G - Collin Brady
- mod MNBL Affinity BR
- mod MNBL Affinity Thopter WUB
- mod MNBL Control WU - Josh Monks
- mod MNBL Death and Taxes WU
- mod MNBL Delver Cruise UR
- mod MNBL Dredge WUBRG - Madeline Cotton
- mod MNBL Eldrazi - ussgordoncaptain
- mod MNBL Elves BG - Raja Sulaiman
- mod MNBL Hypergenesis Cascade WURG +B
- mod MNBL Infect Shoal UR
- mod MNBL Jund BRG - Jason Ames
- mod MNBL Merfolk U - Barbara McCann
- mod MNBL Miracles WU
- mod MNBL Pox Depths BW - James Sooy
- mod MNBL Pyro-Clamp UWR
- mod MNBL Stoneblade WUR - raginggoblin
- mod MNBL Storm UR - William Damaskos
- mod MNBL Tempo UBG
- mod MNBL Tezzerator UB
- mod MNBL Twin UR
Pauper Banhammer'd
- pau Pb All 1-drop - remirourou
- pau Pb Angler Delver UB
- pau Pb Delver U
- pau Pb Drake UR
- pau Pb Inside Out Combo WU
- pau Pb Izzet Blitz UBR
- pau Pb One Land Spy BRG
- pau Pb Tribe WU - greenprinny
- pau Pb Tron Drake URG +W
- pau Pb Tron Murasa URG
- pau Pb Vinestorm URG
- pau Pb Whirlpool Mill U
Pauper Fringe
- leg P Acid Trip WU - Jake Stiles
- leg P Blastoderm GW
- leg P Cyborgs WB
- leg P Eldrazi Poultice UR - Jake Stiles
- leg P Emerge UG - Jake Stiles
- leg P Midnight Presence WG - Jake Stiles
- leg P Petal Festival UG
- leg P Songs of the Damned BRG - Westcoat
- pau P Spiteful Leeches WB
- leg P Tron Rhystic WUR - Jake Stiles
- leg P Turbo Exhume BR - Dan H
- cub - P Cube - Adam Styborski (EMA update 2016-06)
- leg P A Price to Pay B - rustbeltwolf
- pau P Affinity Lotus UBR
- pau P Affinity UBR
- pau P Affinity W
- pau P Affinity WUR
- pau P Bogles WG
- pau P Bogles WUBG +R
- pau P Burn R
- leg P Burn R - Michael Wallio
- leg P Caw Blade WU - boezou
- pau P Control B
- pau P Control-ish B
- pau P Control-ish UB
- pau P Delver UR
- pau P Elves Gu
- leg P Extortion WB - Jake Stiles
- pau P Faeries UB
- pau P Flicker WRG
- pau P Goblins R
- pau P Good Stuff WUBRG
- mod P Infect Blitz BR
- pau P Kuldotha WR
- pau P Kuldotha WUR
- pau P Metalcraft UBR
- leg P Pestilence WB - Mathonical
- pau P Rebels W
- pau P Red Deck Wins R
- pau P Sligh R
- pau P Slivers WG
- pau P Soul Sisters W
- pau P Stompy G
- pau P Teachings UB
- pau P Threshold BG
- leg P Tortured Existence WBG
- pau P Tron UBG +W
- pau P Tron WURG
- pau P Wormfang Drifter UG
Pauper Frontier
Standards Past
16 BFZ - KTK
16 SOI - DTK
- mod Aggro W - Patrick Cox
- mod Aristocrats GB - Luis Scott-Vargas
- mod Bounce'n'Blink - BeginningWithZendikar
- mod Brains U - SaffronOlive
- mod Brains UB Non-Budget - SaffronOlive
- mod Collected Bant - motoharu825
- mod Control WB - Chris Vanmeter
- mod Delirium BG - Zane Houston
- mod Eldritch Evolution - Kenji Tsumura
- mod Emerge G - Kenji Tsumura
- mod Goggles Ramp - Brad Nelson
- mod Molten frog tornado - ironslinkey
- mod Ramp GR - Joe Parizi
- mod Seasons Past Control - Finkel
- mod Tainted Tree-skadekaphobia - SaffronOlive
- mod Tokens RG - Kenji Tsumura
- mod Tokens WG - MildMongrel
- mod Tokens WG - Steve Rubin
- mod Tutelage Fevered Thing - SaffronOlive
- mod Tutelage Ultra-Budget - SaffronOlive
- mod Zombies UB - Seth Mansfield
17 AKH - BFZ
AKH Pro Tour
- mod 1st Zombies B - Gerry Thompson
- mod 2nd Aetherworks URG - Yuuya Watanabe
- mod 4th Aetherworks URG - Martin Müller
- mod 4th Energy GB - Ken Yukuhiro
- mod 8th Aetherworks URG - Eric Froehlich
- mod 8th Aetherworks URG - Marc Tobiasch
- mod 8th Zombies B - Christian Calcano
- mod 8th Zombies WB - Chris Fennell
- mod aw8 Aetherworks Marvel WURG - Jiachen Tao
- mod aw8 Aetherworks UBG - Shinya Saito
- mod aw8 Control UR - Peter Vieren
- mod aw8 Vehicles WBR - Noah Walker
- mod bw7 Constrictor BG - Shaun Mclaren
- mod bw7 Control BR - Alexandre Habert
- mod bw7 Control WB - Alex Stok
- mod bw7 Gods BRG - Patrick Dickmann
- mod cw6 Control WUR - Fernando Dominguez Roldan
- mod cw6 Emerge UR - Andrew Wolbers
- mod cw6 Energy URG - Fumiya Matsumoto
- mod cw6 Tokens WBG - Samuel Black
- mod Ballista WBR - Andrew Jessup
- mod CrocPatra BRG - SaffronOlive
- mod CrocPatra Budget BRG - SaffronOlive
- mod Demon Fling Jund - SaffronOlive
- mod Ghalta Gearhulk Non-Budget RG - SaffronOlive
- mod Ghalta Gearhulk RG - SaffronOlive
- mod Gods RG - StrayCat237
- mod Machinegun UR - Jason Bennett
- mod Tower of Power UR
- mod Two-Tix Red - SaffronOlive
- mod Vehicles WBR AKH
- mod W - Twistling
- mod Zombies WB - Zac Cudillo
17 KLD - BFZ
AER GP Pittsburgh
AER Pro Tour
- mod 1st Vehicles WBR - Lucas Esper Berthoud
- mod 2nd Vehicles WBR - Marcio Carvalho
- mod 3rd Vehicles WBR - Donald Smith
- mod 4th Vehicles WBR - Eduardo Sajgalik
- mod 5th Vehicles WBR - Liu Yuchen
- mod 6th Vehicles WBR - Paulo Vitor Damo Da Rosa
- mod 7th Delirium BG - Jan Ksandr
- mod 8th Energy Aggro BRG - Martin Juza
Banned AER
- mod Aetherworks Marvel WRG
- mod Aggro R - Dmitry Medvedev
- mod Aggro RB - Nicolas Legendre
- mod Clue Flash UW - SaffronOlive
- mod Hendrik madness BR
- mod Humans W - Craig Wescoe
- mod Humans WB - Przemek Knocinski
- mod Humans WG - Craig Wescoe
- pio Infinite Thopters RU - Wilks
- mod Midrange WUG - Matija Vlahovic
- mod Panharmonicon WUB - Björn Andreasson
- mod Reservoir UW - Dziffka
Banned AKH
KLD GP Santiago
- mod 1 UW Flash - John Chavarria
- mod 2 UR Fevered Visions - Jonathan Lobo Melamed
- mod 3 BG Delirium - Eduardo Dos Santos Viera
- mod 4 BG Delirum - Victor Fernando Silva
- mod 5 BG Delirium - Luis Salvatto
- mod 6 BG Delirum - Cristian Cespedes
- mod 7 Mardu Vehicles - Ignacio Garcia Sepulveda
- mod 8 UR Colossus - Marcos Paulo de Jesus Freitas
KLD GP Warsaw
KLD Pro Tour
- mod 1st S Grixis Control - Shota Yasooka
- mod 2nd S Jeskai Control - Carlos Romao
- mod T4 RW Tokens - Makis Mastuokas
- mod T4 RW Vehicles - Ben Hull
- mod T8 Mardu Vehicles - Lee Shi Tian
- mod T8 Temur Aetherworks - Matthew Nass
- mod T8 UR Spells - Pierre Dagen
- mod T8 WU Midrange - Joey Manner
- mod w8-2 BG Delirium - Eric Froehlich
- mod w8-2 BR Madness - Brandon Ayers
- mod w8-2 GW Midrange - Charles Eliatamby
- mod x7-2-1 Bant Madness - Yuuya Watanabe
- mod x7-3 RG Energy - Michael Goud
- mod x7-3 Temur Colossus - Oliver Polak-Rottmann
- mod 8-rack B - jbwinter
- mod Aggro BG - Maxwell Paustian
- mod Aggro R - Callous88
- mod Aggro RB
- mod Combustible Ramp RG
- mod Control Tower UR - chillmonkey88
- mod Control UR - Rooney56
- mod Control WUR - complexsimpleton
- mod Counters GB V.2 - joceman
- mod Eldrazi Bc - Dirge41
- mod Emerge UBR
- mod Emerge URGc
- mod Energy RG - Andrew Jessup
- mod Fabricate Budget WB - SaffronOlive
- mod Fevered Emerge UBR - BrineElemental
- mod Gifted B - Ueno Daijirou
- mod Humans WR - Benjamin Nikolich
- mod Improvise UBR - Willy Edel
- mod Improvise UR - Jay Krusac
- mod Paradox Engine Budget U - SaffronOlive
- mod Poisonless Infect Budget RG - SaffronOlive
- mod Servos Budget W - SaffronOlive
- mod Spirits WU - Larry Aleman
- mod Sram Aid W - SaffronOlive
- mod Tokens GW
- mod Zombies B - Holy_85
- mod Zombies BR - Zan Syed
- mod Bloodbriar GW - SaffronOlive
- mod Brains U - SaffronOlive
- mod Control Key UB - SaffronOlive
- mod Control UR - Peter Vieren
- mod Eldrazi WBG - Dakota Hughes
- mod Emerge GU - SaffronOlive
- mod Energy Fog Non-Budget WURG - SaffronOlive
- mod Energy Fog WURG - SaffronOlive
- mod Evolution WRG - SaffronOlive
- mod Evolutionary Dredge UBG - SaffronOlive
- mod Fabricate WB - SaffronOlive
- mod Fabricate WB Non-Budget - SaffronOlive
- mod Fevered Tesla Turbo Fog 4000 WUR - Chris Botelho
- mod Infect Poisonless Non-Budget RG - SaffronOlive
- mod Infect Poisonless RG - SaffronOlive
- mod Metallurgic Rise U - Ikuta Masaya, SaffronOlive
- mod Summonings UB - Bobby Fortanely
- mod Summonings URG - SaffronOlive
- mod Whirler Colossus UR - blid
18 GRN - XLN
- sta S "Dredge" GB - TheFiremind88
- sta S Aggro U - Jonathan Crafton
- sta S Amulet WUB - Jeff Hoogland
- sta S Angels WR - Carson Lewis
- sta S Control WUBRG - Ali Aintrazi
- sta S Control WUR - Eli Kassis
- sta S Frenzy R - Etienne Busson
- sta S Jungle Secrets UG - MTGA Starter
- sta S Land Land URG (DOM standard) - rudirs3
- sta S Mentor WR - Nizar Sarhan
- sta S Midrange BG - Tim Ealey
- sta S Tempo U - JMZebb
18 M19 - KLD
XLN Pro Tour
- mod Aggro R - Wyatt Darby
- mod Aggro RB - Marcio Carvalho
- mod Benalia WB - Jose Neris
- mod Constrictor BG - Forrest Kamperman
- mod Control WUB - Ernest Lim Pei Jin
- mod Counters UG - Timothy Thomason
- mod Gift UG - Jason Chung
- mod Midrange RB - Kazuyuki Takimura
- mod Midrange UBG - Joshua Vitullo
- mod Ramp BG - Ken Yukuhiro
- mod Steel Leaf Stompy G - Phimus Pan
- mod Teferi WB - Thomas Enevoldsen
- mod Tokens WB - Brendon Johnson
- mod Turbo Dinos WBRG - Terramortuus
- leg PD Storm Wall UG - matgopack
- sta S Aggro RG - Autumn Burchett
- sta S Control UB - Seth Manfield
- sta Sb Control UBG - Jeffrey Pike
- sta Sb Omnath Ramp WURG - Austin Bursavich
WIP and lists
Don't have the cards
- vin Black does horrible things but we already knew that
- com C Insanity Cascade WIP
- vin cheap win
- com EDH Budget Slivers
- com EDH Slivers
- leg Eldrazi Ramp II
- mod End of the maze
- leg Equipment Death
- mod green does terrible things vol. 1
- leg Gruul Mountain of Hydras
- mod no gots
- leg rack
- mod Recycling Bin Multicolor
- cub Sample deck pile (wip)
- mod Sick Gains
- mod Victory Gate
- leg Commanders people love & hate
- mod Complete playset of KLD (WIP)
- mod Desert Lands
- leg Fatties
- vin Im in ur library playing ur cards
- leg Mildly diluted filth
- mod mtgo top sealed uncommons 2016-12-15
- mod mtgo top sealed uncommons 2017-01-19
- leg oddities
- leg Owned foreign cards
- mod Standard 2HG cards
- cub Tarkir block (KTK, FRF, DTK)
put away
- mod Airdrop
- mod Bant turbo fog ultimate street fighter extreme tournament edition pro
- leg BG Budget meta mover
- mod Bounce'n'Blink
- dra CN2 Draft BR good deck
- mod Dan 1 terribad
- dra EMA draft
- mod Fevered Thing Tutelage
- dra First 2-1 draft record
- sta GRN prerelease
- mod GW Moldy Masses v2
- mod HOU prerelease
- dra KLD 2-1 BG counters&fliers
- dra KLD 2-1 WB Value
- dra KLD PRE 4 piece combo meal
- sta M19 draft BG value
- dra Origins Glory Chaser Draft
- leg Snek
- mod WB Walk with Allies
- mod Wilks Infinite Thropters v1 mod 2
- mod 2HG Rally WB
- mod Artifacts R Us
- mod Automatic Steamroller
- mod barrel down challenge
- leg BG idea
- com C Mighty Slivers
- com C16 Open Hostility upgrades testing?
- leg Dark Depths combo (incomplete)
- leg don't even know anymore
- vin EQ
- mod FR Anti-Superfriends wip
- mod FR Superfriends wip
- vin gimme those
- leg horde wip - mechanical
- leg Hungry hungry hippos
- mod Jungle floor
- mod K KLD Can Into Modern G Stompy+Tokens
- leg K Sleepy Control UR WIP
- leg L Obey your thirst - Spite
- leg Land mangler
- mod Live Largle with Yargle MBC WIP
- mod Lorwyn elemental combo
- leg loss donation
- mod M Aggro B WIP
- mod MAAP
- mod Melds in your mouth, not in your hand
- mod Modern LG
- mod Moldy Masses GW
- mod Moldy Masses v1 GW
- leg outatime
- pau P Alfred P Hitchcock
- leg P Beebles Tribal WIP
- leg P WIP Zombie Meta Mover
- mod Permeating Permanents
- mod Playwrights
- mod red dragon
- mod RG Modern
- sta S "Soul Sisters" W WIP
- leg Smoke and Mirrors
- mod Stick Shift WIP
- mod Stompy Blue Cheese
- mod Stompy Cheese
- mod Thopters
- vin Ubermill concept WIP
- leg ug artifacts
- mod Wilks Infinite Thropters v1 mod UR
- com WIP EDH threat generator
- leg jank box
- cub MM17 spoilers (confirmed)
- sta MTGA Rats B
- vin skittle vault of the leonin
- vin Superjank modern mill
- leg wip Horde: Evil Forest
- mod concept -1 killers
- leg FTV: Annihilation
- com Pingability
- sta S Auras Rework WG WIP
- com WB Ratmander
This deck was created on 24-Aug-2016 15:11, and it was last updated on 14-Feb-2017 16:42.
Name | Cost |
Plains | |
Soul's Attendant | |
Sprout Swarm | |
Midnight Guard | |
Spidersilk Armor | |
Scatter the Seeds | |
Scatter the Seeds |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Journey to Nowhere | |
2 | Selesnya Evangel | |
3 | Soul Warden | |
4 | Presence of Gond | |
5 | Khalni Garden | |
6 | Essence Warden |
Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 23 | 21 |
Percent | 52.0 | 47.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.