- MTG DECKS (575)
Amulet Builds
Bulk Collection
CMD 32
CMD 01 - W
CMD 02 - U
CMD 03 - B
CMD 04 - R
CMD 05 - G
CMD 06 - Azorius
CMD 07 - Dimir
CMD 08 - Rakdos
CMD 09 - Gruul
CMD 10 - Selesnya
CMD 11 - Orzhov
CMD 12 - Izzet
CMD 13 - Golgari
CMD 14 - Boros
CMD 15 - Simic
CMD 16 - Esper
CMD 17 - Grixis
CMD 18 - Jund
CMD 19 - Naya
CMD 20 - Bant
CMD 21 - Abzan
CMD 22 - Jeskai
CMD 23 - Sultai
CMD 24 - Mardu
CMD 25 - Temur
CMD 26 - Not-White
CMD 27 - Not-Blue
CMD 28 - Not-Black
CMD 29 - Not-Red
CMD 30 - Not-Green
CMD 32 - Colorless
Deconstructed EDH
Working on
Alesha Commander
Angus Mackenzie
Athreos Reborn
Athreos, God of Passage
Doran, The Siege Tower
EDH - Hope of Ghirapur
Experiment Redux
Karona, False God
Marchesa Pauper
Nekusar Storm
Rafiq of the Many
Reki, the History of Kamigawa
Slivers EDH
Uril, The Miststalker
Complete Set Lists
01 - Alpha/Beta/UL/Rev
02 - Arabian/Antiquities
03 - Legends/Dark/Fallen Empires/Homelands
04 - Ice Age/Alliances/Coldsnap
05 - Mirage/Visions/Weatherlight
06 - Tempest/Stronghold/Exodus
07 - Urza's Saga/Legacy/Destiny
08 - Mercadian Masques/Nemesis/Prophecy
09 - Invasion/Planeshift/Apocalypse
10 - Odyssey/Torment/Judgment
11 - Onslaught/Legions/Scourge
12 - Mirrodin
13 - Kamigawa
14 - Ravnica
15 - Time Spiral
15.5 - Timeshifted
16 - Llorwyn/Shadowmoor
17 - Shards of Alara
18 - Zendikar
19 - Scars of Mirrodin
20 - M12
21 - Innistrad
22 - M13
23 - Return to Ravnica
24 - M14
25 - Theros
26 - M15
27 - Tarkir
28 - Magic Origins
29 - Kaladesh
30 - Shadows/Eldritch Moon
31 - Amonkhet
32 - Ixalan / Dominaria
33 - Ravnica WAR
34 - M20
35 - Eldraine
36 - Theros Beyond Death
37 - Ikoria
38 - M21
39 - Zendikar Rising
40 - Kaldheim
41 - Strixhaven
42 - AFR (D&D)
43 - Midnight Hunt
44 - Crimson Vow
45 - Kamigawa NEO
46 - New Capenna
47 - Dominaria United
49 - Brother's War
50 - Phyrexia All Will Be One
51 - March of the Machine
52 - March Aftermath
53 - Eldraine Wilds
54 - Lost Caverns of Ixalan
x00 - Holiday Cards
x01 - Un Sets
x02 - Archenemy
x03 - Planechase Exclusives
x04 - Theros Challenger Decks
x05 - Conspiracy Sets
x06 - Battlebond
x07 - MH1
x08 - Commander
x09 - Mystery Playtest Cards
x10 - Portal
x11 - Global Series
x12 - Vanguard
x13 - Jumpstart
x14 - Commander Legends
x15 - MH2
x16 - MH2 Variants - Foil, Retro, & Sketch
x17 - Mystical Archive
x18 - CLB Baldur's Gate
xPhyrexian Cards
Cube - Conspiracy
Cube - Multicolor
Cube - UnCube
Devoid Cube
Khans Cube
Early Constructed Decks
Battle of Wits
Esper Control
Garruk, Apex Predator Standard
Jeskai Tokens
Mardu Standard
Modern Experiment
Mono Blue Standard
Mono Green Devotion
Mono Red Goblin Burn
Mono W Turbo Fog
MonoRed Theros Burn
Patrick BG Beatdown
Patrick BG Beatdown - Marcos Tweak
Red Green White Aggro
Steven's Modern
Sultai Ascendency
Old 60 Card
Deus Ex Machina
Dimir Mill
Door To Nothingness
G/R Devotion
Gideon's Army
GW Devotion
GW MegaTithes
RG Aggro
RG Beasts Pre-TQ v1
RG Dragon Creatures
Selesnya's Army
Slivers 2014
Sultai Control
Sultai Reanimator
Sultai Tokens
Superfriends Standard
W/U Heroic
Warrior Standard
Patrick's Decks
2016 Modern Gauntlet
Abzan Company
Ad Nauseum
Amulet Scout
Bant Eldrazi
Death's Shadow Aggro
Death's Shadow Jund
Eldrazi Tron
Jeskai Control
Lantern Control
MOD - 5C Humans
MOD - Abzan (Reid Duke)
MOD - Burn RIX
MOD - Grixis Shadow
MOD - UB Faeries
MOD - UR Prison
MOD - UW Miracles (Brew Crew TMSL)
MOD - WU Control
Modern - Abzan Walkers
Naya Burn
RG Breach
RG Tron
T2 Tokens
2018 Meta
MOD - 01 - Bant Spirits
MOD - 02 - Izzet Phoenix
MOD - 03 - Dredge
MOD - 04 - Tron
MOD - 05 - Grixis Shadow
MOD - 06 - KCI
MOD - 07 - Humans
MOD - 08 - Storm
MOD - 09 - Hollow One
MOD - 10 - Azorius Control
MOD - 11 - Burn
MOD - 12 - Hardened Scales
MOD - 13 - Jund
MOD - 14 - The Rock
MOD - 15 - Amulet Titan
MOD - 16 - Infect
MOD - 17 - Jeskai
MOD - 18 - Bogles
MOD - 19 - Mill
MOD - 20 - Traverse Shadow
MOD - 21 - Mono R Phoenix
MOD - 22 - TitanShift
MOD - 23 - Living End
MOD - 24 - Mardu Pyromancer
MOD - 25 - Izzet Whir
MOD - 26 - Goryos' Vengeance
MOD - 27 - Eldrazi
MOD - 28 - BridgeVine
MOD - 29 - Eldrazi & Taxes
MOD - 30 - Dimir Control
MOD - 31 - Merfolk
MOD - 32 - Devoted Company
MOD - 33 - Elves
MOD - 34 - Ad Nauseum
MOD - 35 - Scapeshift
MOD - 36 - Lantern Control
MOD - 37 - 8 Rack
MOD - 38 - Martyr Proc
MOD - 39 - 8-Whack
MOD - 40 - Black Devotion
MOD - 41 - Kiki Chord
MOD - 42 - Sram-O's
MOD - 43 - Naya Zoo
MOD - 44 - Esper Goryo
MOD - 45 - BW Tokens
MOD - Amulet Bloom - 10-20-18
MOD - Amulet GP Detroit - 09/01/18
MOD - Bant Spirits - 11-20-18
2019 Meta
01 - E-Tron
02 - Sultai Shadow
03 - Infect
04 - Bant Snow Control
05 - Simic Urza
06 - Amulet Titan
07 - Humans
08 - Mono Red Blitz
09 - Grixis Shadow
10 - Tron
11 - Burn
12 - Crabvine NoGaak
13 - Dredge
14 - Bant Snowblade
15 - Jund
16 - Simic Eldrazi
17 - Gifts Storm
18 - TitanShift
19 - Devoted Devastation
20 - 4C Whirza
21 - Eldrazi and Taxes
22 - Mardu Pyromancer
23 - Azorius Control
24 - Izzet Control
25 - Mono R Aggro
26 - Hardened Scales
27 - UR Tempo
28 - Yawgmoth Chord
29 - Temur Snow Control
30 - Affinity
31 - Living End
32 - UW Spirits
33 - Mono R Prowess
34 - Goblins
35 - UW Control
36 - Bogles
37 - Merfolk
38 - Mono U Tron
39 - Naya Zoo
40 - Mardu Shadow
41 - Emry Ascendancy
42 - Mono G Devotion
43 - Izzet Delver
44 - 5C Niv-Mizzet
45 - Orzhov Pox
46 - Neobrand
Burning Dredge - 08-26-19
Hoogland Bolas (06-2019)
Jund Shamans - 02-11-19
Karn-ulet Titan 09-29-19
MH1 Zombies (05-2019)
MOD - 5C Elementals (09-2019)
Modern Cats - MH1
Modern Wizards
Quest for Ula's Temple - Dalton (2019)
UW Soulherder Titan
Modern Brews
Amulit Post Lurrus Ban
Pioneer - 2019/2020
PIO - Bant Company
PIO - Burn
PIO - Golgari Delirium
PIO - Green Ramp
PIO - Grixis Fevered Visions
PIO - Gruul Aggro
PIO - Hardened Scales
PIO - Jeskai Fires
PIO - LSV Azorius Control
PIO - Mono Black Aggro
PIO - Mono U Devotion
PIO - SB Coco Elementals
PIO - Spirits
PIO - Sultai Delirium
PIO - TblTop UW Control
PIO - UW Control
PIO - UW Control New
PIO - White Devotion
PIO - White Weenie
PIO - 4C Fires of Invention
PIO - 4C Jeskai Ascendancy
PIO - 5C Fires of Invention
PIO - 5C Humans
PIO - 5C Niv To Light
PIO - Azorius Control
PIO - Bant Spirits
PIO - Boros Aggro
PIO - Hidden Strings
PIO - Izzet Control
PIO - Izzet Control
PIO - Izzet Phoenix
PIO - Jund Sacrifice
PIO - Mardu Greasefang
PIO - Mono B Aggro
PIO - Mono G
PIO - Mono G
PIO - Mono R
PIO - Mono U Spirits
PIO - Naya Winota
PIO - Rakdos Midrange
PIO - Rakdos Sacrifice
PIO - Selesnya Angels
AER Standard
AKH Standard
AKH Standard
BFZ Standard
GRN Standard
HOU Standard
KLD Standard
KTK Standard
ORI Standard
RIX Standard
RTR Standard
SOI Standard
THB Standard
THS Standard
XLN Standard
To Sort Post Sale
Amulet Titan
CMD - Reki, the History of Kamigawa
Copy of Amulet Titan
MOD - 4C Living End
MOD - 4C Yorion Pile
MOD - Affinity
MOD - Amulet Showcase
MOD - Burn
MOD - Crashing Footfalls
MOD - Grixis Shadow
MOD - Hammer Time
MOD - Karnulet 7-23-22
MOD - Tron
MOD - UR Murktide
MOD - UW Control
MOD - Yawgmoth
MOD - Yorion Sun Titan
Modern Wishlist
Pioneer Wishlist
Amulet Door
Amulet May 24
Amulet RC
Amulet RCQ
CMD - Experiment Kraj
CMD - Kykar Polymorph
CMD - Masters of Evil
CMD - Mishra,
CMD - Timey Wimey
CMD - Urza, Planeswalker
Lands to buy
MOD - Amulet Analyst
MOD - Amulet Ring 11-18-23
MOD - UW Emeria
MOD Mardu Energy
New Amulet SCGHART
PIO - Angels
PIO Angels New 01-10-25
PIO RC Angels
STD FDN - Selesnya Tokens ATL SP
STD LCI - RG Aggro
STD Poison lci
TLR - Klothys Lands Control
To Complete Decks

Name | Cost ![]() |
Eldrazi Temple | |
Forest | |
Plains | |
Hallowed Fountain | |
Noble Hierarch | |
Reality Smasher | |
Reality Smasher |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Cavern of Souls | |
2 | Eldrazi Displacer | |
3 | Reality Smasher | |
4 | Yavimaya Coast | |
5 | Matter Reshaper | |
6 | Engineered Explosives |
Mana Base
Colors | |||
Symbols | 9 | 8 | 5 |
Percent | 40.0 | 36.0 | 22.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.