BEN_WEIS's profile
- MTG DECKS (159)
Current Legacy
leg Burn Jan 19
leg ICZ 7/2/2020
leg Sneak and Show
leg Sneak and Show w/ Mountain
Budget Fun
CMDR Building
vin A Baby Child
vin A Baby Child II
vin A Group Hug
vin A Pillow Fort Gwafa
vin Big Phel
vin Bribes
vin False Gods II EDH
vin False Gods III EDH
vin Group Hug Gwafa EDH
vin sorry i'm not sorry
vin The Crescent & The Cross
leg Angel Stompy 1 Moat
vin Catholic Crusaders
vin Copy of (BIG) The Crescent & The Cross
vin Good Stuff EDH
vin Gwen EDH
leg Junk Solemnity Depths
vin leo 2 edh
vin leo edh
vin Nissa EDH
leg RG Lands v4.2
vin Stax EDH
vin Tasigur EDH 01
vin Teferi EDH
Legacy Interests
leg 4C Loam
vin 4C Mentor
vin Aetherflux Mentor
vin Aluren
leg Angel Stompy
vin ANT
vin ANT
leg Black Stax
leg Black Stax v2
vin Blue Balls
leg Bob From Accounting
leg BR Reanimator
leg BR Reanimator
vin BRG Lands
leg BUG Depths
leg BUG Depths (BW)
leg BUG Depths (N77)
leg BUG Depths v4
leg Burn 20M
leg Burn Sep 17
leg Death & Taxes
leg Death & Taxes
leg Death and Taxes v2
leg Enchantress
vin False Cure
vin Food Chain
leg Helm
vin igor
vin Imperial Painter
vin Infect
leg jund depths
sta Junk Solemnity Depths
leg Lantern
leg Leylines
leg Loam Pox
vin Miracles
leg Moat Stompy
leg Mono Red Sneak Attack
leg mono-brown stax
vin Mr. Toad's Wild Ride
vin Netherlands III
leg Omni-Attack
leg paper stacks
vin predict miracles
leg PWR
leg Reanimator Depths
leg RG Lands
leg RGb Lands
leg RGb Lands II
leg RUG Lands
vin Show and Burn
leg Soldier Stompy
vin standstill
leg Stax
leg STAXXX v2
leg STAXXX v3
leg Turbo Depths
leg Turbo Depths 02/08/17
leg Turbo Depths 1/23/17
vin Turbo Depths Cabal Khalni
leg Turbo Depths v2
vin Turbo Depths v5
leg UW Helm
leg UW Miracles
vin Vintage Shops
Legacy Sandbox
leg 5 Co Enchantress
leg Ad Naus Lands
vin ANT 01
leg B Stax
leg bone marrow
leg Enchantress
leg eye of newt
leg Forgemaster MUD
leg gogol
vin Grixis Delver
leg Grrrrls (DnT)
vin Jeskai Miracles
leg Land Tax
leg Lands *
vin Maverick
vin Miracles BBD
leg Mom, I had a bad dream!
vin Momma
leg Netherlands
leg Netherlands II
vin Nic Fit
leg Replenish Brew
leg RG Lands
vin Show & Know
vin Skull / Cocoa
vin Sneak and Show
vin Sneak and Show
leg Stax II
vin Sylvan Plug
leg Team America
leg Tez Control
vin UW Miracles
leg 79 teaching pauper
leg Pauper Turbo Fog
vin U
vin UR Delver
leg 35 Lands
vin Academy
leg Angel Stompy 3 Moat
leg Bloody Knuckles
leg BUG Fuck Your Lands
leg BW Energy Field
leg Copy of BUG Depths N77 5/23
leg Copy of JL Energy Field
leg Great Wall of Stax
leg green stax
leg Ice Station Zebra
leg Ice Station Zebra MNGPRCHMD
vin Replenish TVDL
leg RGB Lands 3 Manabond
sta ridiculous os deck
leg RuG Lands 8/15
leg Tin Fins
leg Turbo Depths v3
vin Turbo Depths v4
vin two green
leg UWR Energy Field
vin The Deck
sta trade binder

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 4 | 1 |
Percent | 80.0 | 20.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.