JORGE's profile
- MTG DECKS (405)
* Staples Binder *
oth Artifacts Binder
leg Blowout
leg Dismissal
leg Whirlpool *
Battle Decks
mod Aether Flux
mod Ally Rally
mod Aura Blight
mod Battle Blitz
leg Big Red Relics
mod Black Death
mod Blood Brothers
leg Blue Skies
mod Body Snatchers
mod Brood Rites
mod Brutal Nursery
mod Chimera Flash
leg Claws and Effect
mod Dark Delve
mod Delirium Weaver
mod Drone Strike
mod Emerging Evil
mod Enchantress Blossom
leg Eternity Engine
mod Golgari Graverobbers
mod Grave Tide
mod Grim Constellation
mod Grow-Bots!
mod Heroes of Old
mod Impact Slide
mod Intangible Tokens
mod Invasive Bond
mod Kami Army
mod LandBrawl
mod Mad House
mod Manic Fog
mod Marsh Madness
leg Necromancer's Pact
mod Pristine Control
mod Red Menace
mod Robo Weenie
mod Secret Plans
mod Smile at Death
mod Sphinx Control
leg Spider Spawning
vin Storm Lords
mod Sweet Vengeance
vin Thermal Detonator
mod Thopter Squad
mod Warriors!
mod Zombie Apocalypse
Beatdown Boxset
leg Aerodoom *
leg Ground Pounder *
mod Bogles
leg Five-Color Bogles
mod Ultra-Budget Bogles
leg Untargetable Elves
mod Big Mean Power Doubling Machine
mod Budget - Mono Red Junk Rares
mod Budget - Hunted Orb (Mono Black Control)
mod Budget - Mono Red Improvise
mod Budget - Mono Red Vampires
mod Budget - Mono-Green Fatties
leg Budget - Now... where are my forests?
mod Budget - White/Black Life Loss
mod Budget Eldrazi Pingers
mod Budget G/W Humans
mod Budget Goblins Mono Red Aggro
mod Budget Green Devotion
mod Budget Mono Black Humans
mod Budget Mono Black Warrior
mod Budget Mono Green
mod Budget Mono Green Cryptolith Bestiary
mod Budget Mono-Black Control
mod Budget Soul Sisters
mod Budget Werewolves
mod Budget White Aggro
mod Budget Zulaport Sacrifice
mod Cheap Red Burn
leg Counter Moving
mod Eldrazi Aggro
mod Eldrazi Aggro (Reach)
mod Green Lightning
mod Insolent Red
leg Just in the Tick of Time
mod Low Cost, No Cost Colossus
mod Mono Green Devotion
mod Reverse the Infinity of the Galvanic Flow
mod Super Cheap Burn
mod Underworld Herald
mod Zombie Hunt
Budget Duel Decks
mod Budget Azorius Senate - Duel Deck
mod Budget Boros Legion - Duel Deck
mod Budget Cult of Rakdos - Duel Deck
mod Budget Golgari Swarm - Duel Deck
mod Budget Gruul Clans - Duel Deck
mod Budget Izzet League - Duel Deck
mod Budget Orzhov Syndicate - Duel Deck
mod Budget Selesnya Conclave - Duel Deck
mod Budget Simic Combine - Duel Deck
Clash pack
mod Fate & Fury
com Budget Cromat
leg Budget EDH - Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire (Sacrifice)
leg Budget EDH - Arcades, the Strategist (Defender/Walls)
leg Budget EDH - Atraxa, Praetors' Voice (Counters)
vin Budget EDH - Edgar Markov (Vampire Tribal)
vin Budget EDH - Ghave, Guru of Spores (fungus/saproling token)
leg Budget EDH - Karametra, God of Harvests (Landfall)
leg Budget EDH - Kozilek, the Great Distortion (Colorless)
leg Budget EDH - Muldrotha, the Gravetide (Graveyard)
com Budget EDH - Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar (Voltron)
vin Budget EDH - Ruric Thar, the Unbowed (Damage)
leg Budget EDH - Scion of the Ur-Dragon (Tribal)
vin Budget EDH - Sek'Kuar, Deathkeeper (Tokens)
leg Budget EDH - Selenia, Dark Angel (Life Total)
leg Budget EDH - Skullbriar, the Walking Grave (Voltron 2)
leg Budget EDH - Skullbriar, the Walking Grave (Voltron)
leg Budget EDH - Slimefoot, the Stowaway (Aristocrats)
vin Budget EDH - Tajic, Legion's Edge (Damage)
leg Budget EDH - Animar, Soul of Elements (Aggro Combo)
leg Budget EDH - Atraxa, Praetors' Voice (+1/+1 COUNTERS)
leg Budget EDH - Azami, Lady of Scrolls
leg Budget EDH - Brago (ETB/Blink)
leg Budget EDH - Chromium, the Mutable (Voltron)
vin Budget EDH - Daghatar the Adamant (+1 counter)
leg Budget EDH - Damia, Sage of Stone (Spellshapers)
leg Budget EDH - Edric (Card Draw)
vin Budget EDH - Feldon (Artifact Tokens)
leg Budget EDH - Glissa, the Traitor
vin Budget EDH - Goblin Raiders
leg Budget EDH - Golgari Glissa (all creatures)
leg Budget EDH - Golgari Varolz
leg Budget EDH - Grand Warlord Radha (Sink that mana)
vin Budget EDH - Grenzo, Dungeon Warden (Library Bottom)
com Budget EDH - Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons (-1/-1 Counters)
leg Budget EDH - Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons (-1/-1 Counters) 2
vin Budget EDH - Ikra Shidiqi / Kraum (Clues! - Artifact Tokens)
leg Budget EDH - Izoni, Thousand-Eyed (Token/Aristocrats)
vin Budget EDH - Izoni, Thousand-Eyed (Token/Sacrifice)
vin Budget EDH - Jenara, Asura of War (+1/+1 Counters)
leg Budget EDH - Jhoira of the Ghitu
leg Budget EDH - Karador (Reanimate)
vin Budget EDH - krenko Mob Boss (Goblins)
vin Budget EDH - LOTR - Fellowship
leg Budget EDH - Melek
vin Budget EDH - Muldrotha, the Gravetide (Graveyard)
leg Budget EDH - Nath of the Gilt Leaf - extras(Discard / Elf Tribal)
leg Budget EDH - Nath of the Gilt Leaf (Discard / Elf Tribal)
vin Budget EDH - Nath of the Gilt Leaf 2(Discard / Elf Tribal)
vin Budget EDH - Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind (Combo)
leg Budget EDH - Oloro
leg Budget EDH - Omnath Locus of Rage (ELEMENTAL TRIBAL)
leg Budget EDH - Omnath, Locus of Mana (RAMP)
vin Budget EDH - Prossh, Skyraider of Kher (Token Sacrifice)
leg Budget EDH - Red Purphoros Army of Smalls burn
leg Budget EDH - Rhys the Redeemed (TOKENS)
vin Budget EDH - Rosheen Meanderer
leg Budget EDH - Rosheen Meanderer (Mono X Spells - Gruul!)
leg Budget EDH - Teysa, Orzhov Scion
leg Budget EDH - The Return of Rosheen Meanderer
leg Budget EDH - Tokens Rhys
vin Budget EDH - Ulash (Gruul tokens - Ulasht!)
com Budget EDH - Uril, the Miststalker (Aura/Voltron)
leg Budget EDH - Verdeloth the Ancient (Saproling Tokens)
leg Budget EDH - Wort, the Raidmother (Fireballs)
vin Budget EDH - Xenagos
leg Budget EDH - Zedruu the Greathearted - Gifts
vin Budget EDH - Zurgo Helmsmasher (Orc Tribal)
leg Budget EDH - Zurgo Helmsmasher (Voltron)
vin EDH - Zada, Hedron Grinder ()
Commander 2011
com Counterpunch
Commander 2013
vin Eternal Bargain
vin Evasive Maneuvers
vin Mind Seize
vin Nature of the Beast
com Power Hungry
Commander 2015
vin Swell the Host
Commander 2016
Commander 2017
vin Arcane Wizardry *
vin Draconic Domination *
com Feline Ferocity *
vin Vampiric Bloodlust *
Commander 2018
com Adaptive Enchantment
com Exquisite Invention
com Nature's Vengeance
com Subjective Reality
Commander 2019
vin Faceless Menace *
vin Merciless Rage *
vin Mystic Intellect *
vin Primal Genesis *
Commander 2020
vin A Study In Slivers: Toolkit Sliver Commander
vin EDH - Sygg, River Guide
vin EDH - Zurgo Helmsmasher (Voltron)
com EDH - +1/+1 Counter Commander
vin EDH - Arcades, the Strategist (Defender)
vin EDH - Athreos, God of Passage (Sacrifice)
vin EDH - Damia, Sage of Stone (+1/+1 COUNTERS)
vin EDH - Emmara, Soul of the Accord (tokens)
vin EDH - Experiment Kraj
vin EDH - Grenzo, Dungeon Warden (Library Bottom 2)
vin EDH - Grenzo, Dungeon Warden (Library Bottom)
vin EDH - Hail Hydra
vin EDH - Kynaios and Tiro of Your Face
vin EDH - Ramos Dragon Engine (SpellSlinger)
vin EDH - Riku of many Combos
com EDH - Skullbriar(+1/+1 Counters)
leg EDH - Trostani, Selesnya's Voice (Life gain/Token)
vin EDH - Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger (Stompy)
com EDH - Zurgo Helmsmasher
Zendikar Rising
com LAND'S WRATH (upgraded)
com *Token Triumph (Starter)
vin Budget EDH - Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons (-1/-1 Counters) CQ
vin Budget EDH - Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons (-1/-1 Counters) CQU
leg Budget EDH - Kambal, Consul of Allocation (Drain)
com Budget EDH - Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker (Sacrifice)
leg Budget EDH - Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker (Sacrifice) 2
leg Budget EDH - Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker (Sacrifice) 3
leg Budget EDH - Sliver Hivelord (Tribal)
leg Budget EDH - The Scarab God (Zombie Tribal)
com Budget EDH - Trostani Discordant (Tokens)
vin Budget EDH - Virtus and Gorm (DeathTouch/Life Loss)
com Budget EDH - Yarok, the Desecrated (Land Fall/ETB)
com Corrupting Influence - Precon
sta EDH - Staples
com EDH - Chulane, Teller of Tales
com EDH - Chulane, Teller of Tales (Elves)
com Growing Threat - Pre-Con(MOC)
vin Finkel *
leg Garfield *
Dragon's Maze
Duel Decks
Event Decks
Fate Reforged
Infect Decks
leg Heavy Duty *
Magic Origins
Clash Pack
mod Armed
mod Armed and Dangerous
mod Dangerous
mod Brave the Battle *
leg Affinity
mod Black Death
vin Budget Mono-Blue Infinite Combo
mod Budget Mono-Blue Tron
mod Budget Sad Robots
leg Corpsejack Counters
mod Counters on all the things!
leg Dredge
leg Elves
leg Food Chain Elves
leg Goblins Go Rawr!
mod Grafting Menace
mod Green Werewolves
mod Hellbent Vampires
mod Hydra Combo Deck
mod March of the Multitudes
leg Mr. Forest, Say Hello to Ms. Saproling
mod Quick and Powerful Hydra
mod Relentless Rats
mod Snakes and Hydras
Pauper Decks
leg Brown Pauper
leg Pauper - Golgari Tortured Existence
vin Pauper 1 Land Spy
leg Pauper Affinity
leg Pauper Goblins
leg Pauper Mono Green Elf Tribal
leg Pauper Mono Green Infect
leg Pauper Mono Green Stompy
vin Pauper Mono Red Stompy
leg Pauper Mono-Black Control
leg Pauper Slivers
leg Pauper Super Kuldotha Bros.
Rookie Decks
Throne of Eldraine
Throne of Eldraine Brawl Decks
sta Savage Hunter *
sta Wild Bounty *
Welcome Decks
2016 - Welcome Decks
2020 - Welcome Decks
World Championships
com Budget EDH - Shirei and the Immortal Army
com Budget EDH - Brago (ETB/Blink) - CQ
com Budget EDH - Brago (ETB/Blink) - UCQ
com Budget EDH - Demonlord Belzenlok - UCQ
com Budget EDH - Glissa, the Traitor - UCQ
com Budget EDH - Hope of Ghirapur (voltron) - UCQ
com Budget EDH - Marwyn, the Nurturer (Big Mana) - CQ
com Budget EDH - Marwyn, the Nurturer (Big Mana) - JP
com Budget EDH - Marwyn, the Nurturer (Big Mana) - UCQ
com Budget EDH - Omnath, Locus of Creation(landfall) - CQ
com Budget EDH - Omnath, Locus of Creation(landfall) - UCQ
com Budget EDH - Radha, Heart of Keld ( Landfall/Voltron) - CQ
com Budget EDH - Radha, Heart of Keld ( Landfall/Voltron) - UCQ
sta Budget EDH - Riko (double tokens) - UCQ
com Budget EDH - Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker (Discard)
com Budget EDH - Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker (Sacrifice) - CQ
com Budget EDH - Siona, Captain of the Pyleas(Token/Combo)
com Budget EDH - Siona, Captain of the Pyleas(Token/Combo) 3
com Budget EDH - TENEB, THE HARVESTER (Graveyard) - CQ
com Budget EDH - TENEB, THE HARVESTER (Graveyard) - UCQ
sta Budget EDH - YAWGMOTH, THRAN PHYSICIAN (Aristocrats) - UCQ
com Budget EDH - Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig (Voltron/Tokens) JB
com Budget EDH - Zaxara, the Exemplary (X spells/Hydras) - CQ
com Budget EDH - Zaxara, the Exemplary (X spells/Hydras) - UCQ
com Budget EDH -Hope of Ghirapur (Voltron) - UCQ
sta Copy of cEDH Staples
sta Copy of Chulane October 2020
sta Copy of Emmara EDH
sta Copy of Omnath EDH
sta Copy of Tatyova EDH
vin EDH - Feather, the Redeemed
com EDH - Otrimi, the Ever-Playful (Mutate/Infect)
com EDH - Teysa Karlov (Orzhov Recycling)
vin EDH - Atraxa, Praetors' Voice (+1/+1 Counters) - JP
vin EDH - Marisi, Breaker of the Coil (Goad)
vin EDH - Animar, Soul of Elements (Hydra Tribal)
vin EDH - Chulane, Teller of Tales (Merfolk)
com EDH - Elven Empire [precon]
leg EDH - Gargos, Vicious Watcher ()
vin EDH - Gargos, Vicious Watcher (Hydra Tribal)
com EDH - Gargos, Vicious Watcher (Hydra Tribal) - JP
vin EDH - Gargos, Vicious Watcher (Hydra Tribal) 2
leg EDH - Gargos, Vicious Watcher (Hydra Tribal) 3
vin EDH - Ghave, Guru of Spores (Fungus Tribal)
com EDH - Grand Warlord Radha (Elf's)
vin EDH - Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons (Infect)
com EDH - Karador Feeds the Pack (Graveyard))
com EDH - Kogla, the Titan Ape (human tribal) - BC
sta EDH - Neyith of the Dire Hunt (Fight)
com EDH - Obzedat, Ghost Council
com EDH - Omnath, Locus of Creation(landfall) - CQ-BB
com EDH - Reap the Tides - precon
com EDH - Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker (Sacrifice)
com EDH - Surrak Dragonclaw (Group Buffs) - CQU
com EDH - The Horrors Persist, But So Do I
sta EDH - Undead Unleashed [precon]
sta EDH - Vial Smasher/Reyhan
leg EDH - Virtus and Gorm, the Breakfast of Champions
com EDH - Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose - CQ
com EDH - Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose - UCQ
sta EDH Staples (Command Zone)
vin Good Cards
sta Guilds of Ravnica Guild Kit - Golgari *
sta MTG List: 100 Budget Commander Staples
sta Shirei want
vin Staples Binder Primer

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Swamp | |
2 | Zombify | |
3 | Satyr Wayfinder | |
4 | Vault of the Archangel | |
5 | Forest | |
6 | Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts |
Mana Base
Colors | |||
Symbols | 44 | 27 | 22 |
Percent | 47.3 | 28.7 | 23.9 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.