VFEDETZ's profile
- MTG DECKS (149)
leg Burn
sta Chaos
leg Dragon Grave
leg Monk
CK Battle Decks
mod Brutal Truths
leg Spider Spawning
Draft Decks
com EDH Ephara
com EDH Ephara - Scratchpad
com EDH Karador
vin EDH Karador Maybeboard
vin EDH Nekusar, the Mindrazer
vin EDH Sen Triplets
com EDH Slivers
vin EDH Talrand
vin EDH Ephara OLD
vin The Black Death
Modern Brews
mod 4 Color Control ORIG
mod 4 Color Control Planeswalkers
mod Artifact Burn Boros
mod Bushwhacker Zoo
vin Esper Draw-Go Control
mod Esper Midrange
mod Grixis Control
mod Jeskai Control
mod Jeskai Geist (Great Nate Buiild)
mod Jeskai Sneaky Kiki
mod Jund Budget
mod Kiki Chord + Jace
mod Kiki Eldritch Toolbox
mod Kiki-Chord (SCG Balt)
mod Kiki-Chord (Variant 1)
mod Kiki-Chord (Variant 2)
leg Leap GW
mod Leap Jund
leg Mardu Pyromancer
vin Temur Delver
mod UW Control
mod Zoo Naya Big
mod Zoo Naya Big Budget
Modern Deck Archive
mod 4 Color Control
mod 4c Copy Cat
mod BW Cars
mod BW Tokens
vin Grixis Delver
mod Jeskai Aggro
mod Jeskai Kiki Control
mod Jeskai Nahiri
mod Jeskai Queller
mod Jeskai Queller Geist
mod Jeskai Tempo
mod Kiki-Chord (12/11)
mod Kiki-Chord (b splash)
mod Kiki-Chord (naya)
mod Kiki-Evo/Chord
sta MH2 Kiki Chord
sta Modern Bant Snow Bounce
mod Temur Kiki 2
mod Temur Kiki 3
mod UR Wizards
mod UW Control (bennyhillz)
pau Atog Affinity
leg Bogles
leg Burn
leg Copy of Copy of RUG Delver
leg Copy of RUG Delver
leg Elves
leg Grixis Metalcraft
leg Jund
leg Mono W Weenie/Tokens
vin RUG Delver
leg Simic Madness
leg Simic Mongoose
leg Simic Mongoose Delver
leg Sultai Goose
leg UB MIll
Pauper Battle Box
pau Dimir Control
pau Domain Zoo
pau Grixis Affinity
pau Izzet Skred
pau Kuldotha Boros
leg Kuldotha Jeskai 1
leg Kuldotha Jeskai 2
leg Mardu Monarch
leg Mono B Control
pau Mono G Stompy
pau Mono R Goblins
pau Mono W Heroic
pau Mono W Tokens
pau Tron
vin UB Delver
leg W/r Rally
Standard GRN
sta Golgari Midrange
Standard KLD
mod Grixis Control
Standard M19
mod UG Lands
Standard OGW
Standard RNA
sta golgari blue
Standard SOI
mod 5c Copy Cat
mod 6/10 kiki
mod Angel Chord
mod Bant Soulherder
mod Bant Superfreinds
mod Bring to Kiki
mod Bring to Kiki old
sta buylist 6 2021
mod Cards Borrowed From Rob
mod Cards Max is Borrowing
mod Copy of 4c Copy Cat
leg Deathstrike
vin EDH Animar
vin EDH Tasigur
mod Eldritch toolbox
mod Grixis Control 2
mod Jeskai Flash (SCG Baltimore)
mod Jeskai Flash (Vince Edit)
mod Jeskai Tempo 2
mod Junk
leg Kiki-Bored
mod Modern Eldritch Toolbox
mod Modern Venser Blink Bant
leg Mono W Heroic
mod need to print
mod Saheeli Cobra
mod Sultai Midrange
mod Temur Kiki
mod UB Faries
sta UR Prison
sta UR Prison
sta UR Prison
mod UR Prison
mod UW Control (lllllllllllll)
mod UW Midrange
mod value
mod Vannafir Pod
leg W Weenie
vin Want List
leg Westvale GRB 2for1
mod Westvale GRB sac
mod Westvale GWB
mod Westvale GWR
leg Westvale GWR Budget

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
Mana Base
Colors | |||
Symbols | 2 | 1 | 1 |
Percent | 50.0 | 25.0 | 25.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.