- XXC4SSIUSXX's profile
- Inventory
- Tradelist
- Wishlist
- MTG DECKS (264)
- vin commanders_alesha-who-smiles-at-death_cards-2018-02-28
- vin commanders_edgar-markov_cards-2018-02-28
- vin commanders_gishath-suns-avatar_cards-2018-02-28
- vin commanders_kumena-tyrant-of-orazca_cards-2018-02-28
- vin commanders_zacama-primal-calamity_cards-2018-02-28
- vin edhrec_edgar-markov_average_2018-03-07
- vin top_commander_cards_2018-02-28
Mtggoldfish - 2017-10-02
- mod Deck - Abzan Tokens - mtggoldfish - 2017-10-02
- mod Deck - BR Aggro - mtggoldfish - 2017-10-02
- mod Deck - Esper Gift - mtggoldfish - 2017-10-02
- mod Deck - Four-Color Energy - mtggoldfish - 2017-10-02
- mod Deck - G-R Dinosaurs - mtggoldfish - 2017-10-02
- mod Deck - Grixis Improvise - mtggoldfish - 2017-10-02
- mod Deck - Ramunap Red - mtggoldfish - 2017-10-02
- mod Deck - Sultai Energy - mtggoldfish - 2017-10-02
- mod Deck - U-W Approach - mtggoldfish - 2017-10-02
- mod Deck - UB Control - mtggoldfish - 2017-10-02
Mtggoldfish - 2017-11-01
- mod Deck - Abzan Tokens
- mod Deck - BG Aggro
- mod Deck - Esper Gift
- mod Deck - Esper Tokens
- mod Deck - Mardu Vehicles
- mod Deck - Mono-Black Aggro
- mod Deck - Mono-Black Monument
- mod Deck - Ramunap Red
- mod Deck - Sultai Energy
- mod Deck - Temur Energy
- mod Deck - UB
- mod Deck - UB Control
- mod Deck - UBRG
- mod Deck - UW Approach
Mtggoldfish - 2018-04-20
Mtggoldfish - 2018-05-08
- mod Deck - G_B Constrictor
- mod Deck - G_W Aggro
- mod Deck - Mono-Green Aggro
- mod Deck - Mono-Red Aggro
- mod Deck - Mono-Red Gift
- mod Deck - R_B Aggro
- mod Deck - U_W Control
- mod Deck - U_W Historic
- mod Deck - W_B Vehicles
- mod Deck - WB Aggro
- mod Deck - WB Knights
Mtggoldfish - 2019-10-12
RCQ - Standard - Jan 2025
- sta 4-Color Domain
- sta Azorius Enchantments
- sta Azorius Oculus
- sta Dimir Midrange
- sta Golgari Midrange
- sta Gruul Prowess
- sta Mardu Reanimator - Ian Ballantyne - 2025-01-11
- sta Mardu Reanimator - Ian Ballantyne - 2025-01-19
- sta Mardu Reanimator by LouiOriqui
- sta Mono-Red Aggro
- sta Mono-White Control
- sta Rakdos Sacrifice
- sta Temur Prowess
Saheeli Jaegers
- sta Lands
- mod 4-color Journey v0.2
- mod 5-Color Dragons - MTGGoldfish - Pasiu - 2018-08-06
- mod 5-color Dragons - SBMTG - 2018-07-10
- mod 5-color Dragons - v0.1
- mod 5-Color Elder Dragons - MTGGoldfish - 2018-07-23
- mod Abzan Air Horse One - Merchant - 2018-07-22
- sta Abzan Amalia
- mod Abzan Midrange - v0.1
- sta Aggro Walls - GRN - v0.1
- mod Aggro Walls - Merchant - 2018-07-13
- sta Alara Combo BO3
- sta Alara Combo BO3 - 2024-05-07
- sta Alara Combo BO3 - 2024-05-22
- sta Alara Combo BO3 - 2024-06-06
- sta All In Rally BO3
- sta All In Rally BO3 - 2024-05-26
- sta All In Rally BO3 - 2024-06-07
- sta All In Rampanimator - 2024-10-30
- mod Amber Aggro - SBMTG - 2018-06-01
- sta Arcades High Alert - MTGGoldfish - tstormwarning - 2019-02-03
- sta Bant Defenders - Channel Fireball - 2019-01-29
- mod Big Boros - MTGGoldfish - 2017-05-19
- sta Boros Angels - MTGGoldfish - 2018-11-18
- sta Boros Visitation - MTGGoldfish - Ianlkeinmtg - 2018-12-04
- sta Boros Weenie - MTGGoldfish -2018-12-02
- mod BW Midrange - SBMTG - 2017-02-19
- mod BW Midrange - v0.1
- mod BW Midrange - v0.2
- mod BW Tokens - Sam Black - 2017-05-13
- sta Chris Asks - 2024-10-10
- sta Chris Merfolk Wishlist
- mod Controlling Titans
- his Copy of 2018 Precon + Saheeli Jaegers
- sta Copy of All In Rally BO3 - 2024-06-06
- his Copy of Commandfest 2023 - Shopping List
- mod Copy of Deck - White-Blue Flash - MTGGoldfish - 2016-11-03
- mod Copy of G/W Cat Horses v0.2
- mod Copy of G/W Cat Horses v0.2
- sta Copy of Rally Company Light
- mod Copy of U/B Tezzeret Control - SCG - 2018-06-26
- mod Copy of U/B Tezzeret Control - SCG - 2018-06-26
- mod Copy of U/W Panharmonicon - Pascal Maynard - 2016-12-07
- mod Deck - G-R Gearhulks (George Carr)
- mod Deck - Grixis Control - mtggoldfish - 2017-10-02
- mod Deck - Grixis Control - Shota Yasooka - 2016-10-16
- mod Deck - GW Cats - Pro Tour 25th Anniversary - 2018-08-04
- mod Deck - Jeskai Control - Carlos Romao - 2016-10-16
- sta Deck - Orzhov Afterlife - MTGGoldfish - 2019-02-01
- mod Deck - RB Aggro - MTGGoldfish - Ariane - 2016-10-17
- mod Deck - RW Tokens - Makis Matsoukas - 2016-10-16
- mod Deck - RW Vehicles - Ben Hull - 2016-10-16
- mod Deck - Self-Driving Cars - MTGGoldfish - 2017-02-13
- mod Deck - Sultai Reanimator - 2018-02-23
- mod Deck - Temur Aetherworks - Matthew Nass - 2016-10-16
- mod Deck - Temur Pummeler - mtggoldfish - 2017-10-02
- mod Deck - UR Spells - Pierre Dagen - 2016-10-16
- mod Deck - WU Flash - Joey Manner - 2016-10-16
- sta Dimir Thievery - SBMTG - 2019-02-23
- sta Dimir Thievery - v0.1 - 2018-01-03
- sta Dino One Shot.txt
- sta Drain the Past - 2024-11-18
- sta Drain the Past - 2024-11-19
- sta Flingmole
- mod G/B Artifacts - SBMTG - 2016-10-08
- mod G/B Artifacts v0.1
- mod G/R Energy - MTGGoldfish - 2017-05-05
- mod G/R Gods - SBMTG - 2017-04-21
- mod G/R Gods v0.1
- mod G/R Gods v0.2
- mod G/R Gods v0.3
- mod G/W Cat Horses v0.1
- mod G/W Cat Horses v0.2
- mod G/W Cat Horses v0.3
- mod G/W Cats - SBMTG - 2018-07-22
- mod G/W Legendary Equipment v0.2
- mod G/W Legendary Equipment v0.3
- mod G/W Midrange v0.1
- mod G/W Midrange v0.2
- mod GB Journey - SBMTG - 2018-02-16
- mod GB Tokens - Rogue Deck builder - 2017-11-02
- mod Grixis Dagger - SBMTG - 2017-11-14
- mod Grixis Steal - Availability
- mod GW Majestic Myriarch - SBMTG - 2017-08-17
- sta Izzet Drakes - MTGGoldfish - 2018-12-09
- sta Jack's Asks
- sta Jaegers Golos Brawl
- com Jaegers Saheeli Comm
- mod Jeskai Thopters v0.1
- mod Jund Reanimator - SBMTG - 2018-05-16
- sta Jund Sideboard Ideas
- sta Luke Asks - 2024-09-09
- mod Magiccon AMS - Signing
- sta Manirampinator
- mod Mardu Vehicles - Shi Tian Lee - 2016-10-16
- mod Mono Black Aggro v0.1
- mod Mono Black Pauper - v0.1
- mod Mono black Zombies - Mtggoldfish - 2018-07-08
- mod Mono Green Fatties - SBMTG - 2017-02-22
- mod Mono Green Unsealing v0.1
- mod Mono Red Aggro - 2018-03-03
- mod Mono white Angels - MTGGoldfish - 2018-08-01
- mod Mono-Black Monument - SBMTG - 2017-10-10
- mod Mono-White Angels - v0.1
- mod Mono-white Lifegain - SBMTG - 2018-07-15
- mod Mono-White Midrange - MTGGoldfish - Sletch - 2018-07-26
- sta Multi-Shot Zetalpa v1.0
- mod Naya Exert - SBMTG - 2017-05-08
- sta Naya Portal
- sta One Shot Zetalpa
- sta One-shot Simic
- sta Orzhov Afterlife - SBMTG - 2019-01-30
- sta Orzhov Blink - MTGGoldfish - 2019-02-18
- mod Panharmonicon Ideas - 2018-09-20
- sta Pure Rally BO3
- mod Radha Elves - MTGGoldfish - Shinohara Koutarou - 2018-08-10
- sta Rakdos Inf Combo
- pio Rally Amalia BO1
- sta Rally Combo
- sta Rally Company BO3
- sta Rally Company LOTR
- pio Rally Company MOM
- sta Rally Company Pioneer - 2023-04-28
- sta Ramp It Banless
- sta Ramp it Banless
- sta Ramp It Black
- sta Ramp It Black LCI
- sta Ramp It Black LCI2
- sta Rampanimator BO3 - 2024-10-02
- sta Rampanimator BO3 - 2024-10-07
- sta Rampanimator BO3 - 2024-10-30
- sta Rampanimator BO3 - 2024-10-31
- sta Rampanimator BO3 - 2024-11-01
- mod RB Aggro - ManaSource - 2016-10-05
- mod RB Aggro v0.1
- mod RB Aggro v0.2
- mod RB Aggro v0.3
- mod RB Pauper v0.1
- mod RB Vampires v0.1
- com Saheeli Jaegers - Commandfest 2023
- sta Screwfix Dot Dinos v0.1
- sta Screwfix Dot Dinos v0.2
- sta Selesnya Visitation - MTGGoldfish - 2018-12-04
- mod Self Driving Cars
- mod Self Driving Cars - Buy
- mod Self-Driving Cars - v0.1
- mod Siege Dreadnought - SBMTG - 2017-03-29
- sta Smuggler's Ramp BO3 - 2024-08-25
- sta Smuggler's Ramp BO3 Paper - 2024-09-02
- sta Smuggler's Ramp DSK Ideas
- pio Snowball Search
- sta Squirminator BO3 - 2024-12-05
- mod Sultai Journey v0.2
- mod Sultai Reanimator - Anon - 2018-01-28
- sta That Escalated Combo
- mod Traxos' Unsealing - Ideas
- mod Traxos' Unsealing - MTGGoldfish - Matsushita Yuusuke - 2018-08-02
- mod Traxos' Unsealing - v0.1
- mod Traxos' Unsealing - v0.2
- mod Two Tix Red - MTGGoldfish - 2017-05-30
- mod U/B Artifacts - MTGGoldfish - 2018-07-12
- mod U/B Tezzeret - 2018-07-15
- mod U/B Tezzeret - TCGPlayer - Wescoe - 2018-07-06
- mod U/B Tezzeret - v0.1
- mod U/B Tezzeret Control - SCG - 2018-06-26
- mod U/W Blink - SBMTG - 2016-10-12
- mod U/W Panharmonicon - v0.1
- mod UB Pirates - Oren Lagziel - 2017-09-2802
- mod UB Pirates - SBMTG - 2017-09-26
- mod UB Pirates - The Mana Source - 2017-09-26
- mod Unblockable - Options v0.1
- sta Unblockable Invert v0.4
- com Urza's Iron Alliance Precon
- pio Vampire Combo
- mod WB Aristocrats - ManaSource - 2017-04-28
- mod WB Aristocrats - MTGGoldfish - 2017-05-16
- mod WB Fabricate - MTGGoldfish - SaffronOlive - 2016-10-25
- mod WB Odric - Rogues Alley - 2017-04-06
- mod WU Flash v0.1
This deck was created on 14-Mar-2017 08:36, and it was last updated on 14-Mar-2017 08:36.
Name | Cost |
Fatal Push | |
Fatal Push | |
Fatal Push | |
Fatal Push | |
Gifted Aetherborn | |
Grasp of Darkness | |
Grasp of Darkness |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Grasp of Darkness | |
2 | Grasp of Darkness |