- MTG DECKS (132)
Cards to Split
Ixalan Pre-release
Magic Duels
mod Duels - ;) Bigger Stomp
mod Duels - All Jace
mod Duels - All the Zaps
mod Duels - Auratastic
mod Duels - Bang for Buck
mod Duels - Brosh b'Gosh!
mod Duels - BURN!
mod Duels - Clued In
mod Duels - Dem Crazy Vamps
mod Duels - Furry Problem
mod Duels - Get a Life
mod Duels - Growth & Decay
mod Duels - Indigestion
mod Duels - Lundfelt
mod Duels - Mad Yard, Bro
mod Duels - On 2nd Thought
mod Duels - Prepare the Way
mod Duels - Prowess
mod Duels - Purpledrazi
mod Duels - Rainbow Power
mod Duels - Ramp it up
mod Duels - Reclamation
mod Duels - Redlings
mod Duels - Sac'd
mod Duels - Small & Mighty
mod Duels - Target Breaker
mod Duels - The Wastrel
mod Duels - Wake up Jeff
mod Duels - Watch UrzElf
mod Duels - Whizzbang
leg Chaos Reigns
leg Night of the Ninja
leg Primordial Hunger
leg Savage Auras
leg Allies (Jeskai old school)
mod Cursed Shamans
oth Dinosaurs! (Ixalan Tribal)
leg Dragons (Old School RG)
leg Eldrazi (The Rise)
leg Elves
mod Feed the Demon (Innistrad)
mod Golem! Golem!
mod Griffins Deck (because)
mod GW Allies - the originals
mod Illusions
mod Knights
oth Merfolk of Ixalan (Ixalan Tribal)
mod Purple People (Avacyn Restored)
leg Rakdos (Allies and Counters)
mod Team Wizard
leg The Birds
mod The Murder Cow (Theros)
oth Totally Aurasome Drog Spirit! (Tribal)
mod Vamps (Innistrad)
mod Werewolves (Innistrad)
oth What a Waste (Colourless BFZ block+ Tribal)
mod Wizard Mill
mod Abzan (Khans)
oth Azorius Evasion (Guilds Singleton)
oth Azorius Guild Kit
oth Azorius(ish) Ascend (Ixalan)
mod Boros (Ravnica)
oth Boros Mentors (Guilds)
mod Burn
oth Convoke This (Guilds - Selesnya Singleton)
oth Dark and Starry (BG Constellation - Theros)
leg Death and Tokens
vin Defenders of Ravnica (Ravnica)
mod Defenders of Zendikar (or not)
mod DelAuras
oth Devoid - not UR (Battle)
mod Devotion to Black (Theros)
mod Devotion to White (Theros)
mod Dimir (Ravnica)
leg Discard
mod Dragons of Tarkir
mod Enchantment Under The Sea (Theros)
oth Energeez (AER standard)
mod Face-Down (Khans)
mod Firedance (Theros)
sta Flashback Secrets (Innistrad)
oth Going Infinite
mod Gruul (Ravnica)
mod Heroes of Akros (Theros)
mod Heroes of Meletis (Theros)
oth Heroic Devotion to Green (Theros)
mod I Hate You. (Curtheth!!)
oth Infinitely Revolting
oth Izzet_Wizzart
vin Jeskai (Khans)
vin Kiln Friend
mod Landfall (Zendikar+)
mod Level Up
oth Mad UR (KLD standard)
mod Mardu (Khans)
mod Maze's End (Ravnica)
oth Monstrous! (Theros)
sta Natural Evasion (UG naturalise)
mod Near-Death
mod Orzhov (Ravnica)
oth Path of Mettle
mod Peddling Death
mod Phenax's Inspiration (Theros)
mod Phil's Backyard (Innistrad)
leg Prolifermill
oth Scrappy Nalaar (KLD block)
oth Scry Time (Theros)
leg Sea Quest
mod Simic (Ravnica)
oth Snek Deck (Nissa - AER standard)
leg Soul Sisters (and co.)
mod Stars and Darkness (Theros)
mod Stitchers' Challenge
vin Sultai (Khans)
mod Temur (Khans)
sta Tezz's Toyshop (Kaladesh)
mod Thaumatarget (Theros)
mod The Rainbow Infection
leg Trash'n'Bash
oth Tribute to Xenagos (Theros)
mod Undying Sacrifice (Avacyn Restored)
vin UR Prowess (Khans)
oth Vroom Vroom (AER standard)
mod When Mountains Fall
mod WR Tokens (Khans)
vin WU Prowess (Khans)
vin Your Mana Or Your Life