SQUIDSPY's profile
- MTG DECKS (96)
leg Black + Red
sta blink and you'll miss it
leg blue + black +white
sta Brusing
sta Celestial forces
sta Charnel trolling
sta copper leaf
sta Copy of Random R U
sta Cubsport
sta Death spike
sta Delirum returns
sta Dinomight!
mod dual land
sta Eldrazitron
leg Electromancing
sta Enter the Dragon
leg Ergomaniac
leg Feed me mort
sta Flash in the pan
sta Flash show and tell
leg Gold Rush
leg golgari Rage
mod Green + white plainswalker
leg green + white
sta Helm of trouble
sta Hulk Stomp
leg Hydra Fever
leg Hyper sonic
mod I counter your counter
sta Ixilan
sta Legends of New Order
mod Life in black and white
sta Merfolk Shell
sta Merfolk the Dark
sta Merfolk The Pure
vin platoon
sta Poison touch
sta RWU
leg Shauku rising
sta solider bird
sta Surviel under
pau Sweet spirits
sta Tapa Tapa Tapa
leg Ultimate GUR #2
leg Ultimate GUR #3
leg Verdant forces--
sta Ware the Wolf
sta Warriors: The B team
leg white
sta White Christmas
sta zombie fever
in progress
sta Esper whisperer
vin Neph
In use
leg Bantalicious
sta Burn baby burn
sta Burning Strength
sta Convoke the Great Worm
leg Danithia
pio Dread Pegasus
mod Dredge hell
leg Feeding Orzhov
vin Five star Protection
leg Fly &Burn
sta Flying Machines
vin From the Darkness
mod Giant
vin golgari white
leg Hellfire
vin Legendary stomp
mod Life + Death
mod Merfolk Madness
sta Mighty Mentor
sta Naya Shut the Gate
leg Night of the Goblins
leg No Soup
leg Obliterate
leg Old Blue
sta Over the top
leg Pirates life
sta Random R U
sta RU Unblock
sta Sulti express
pio Surviel away
sta The Dark forest
leg Token overrun
mod Ultimate GUR
leg UnHoly BBQ
leg Verdant forces
leg Walk on in
sta Was that your land
vin Weekend Warriors
leg Wild Rush
leg Wolf
vin yarr
leg Zombie frenzy
vin Wishlist