ALEX16BIT's profile
- MTG DECKS (179)
"neue Decks"
new Decks
sta Daniels Mega Geiler Cube
sta martin cube
sta papercube
sta PauperCube
Decks (SB o.Ä.)
mod [A] Anything can be a dildo if you are brave enough!
leg [A/B] Myr
mod [B] BRAINS
leg [B] Grindclock
leg [B] Squid / Kalmar
sta [B/G] Delirium
leg [B/G] Name
leg [B/G] ProMoG - Proliferate Modular Graft
leg [B/G] Sniper / Deathtouch Shooter
mod [B/G/R] Temur Summonings
mod [B/G/R/S/W] Converge
sta [B/R] Counterburn
vin [B/R] Puzzleknots
mod [B/R] Reckless Panharmonicon
mod [B/R/S] Gremlin Combo
vin [B/S] Tezzeret's Ensouls Artifacts
leg [B/W] Birds
vin [B/W] Panharmonicon
mod [B/W] Tentakel
mod [G] Aurora
leg [G] Beasts
leg [G] Elves
mod [G] Fight Club
leg [G/R] Landfall
mod [G/R] Zada, Silverwing
leg [G/S] Aristocrats FROM HELL
mod [G/S] Death Cloud
leg [G/W] Budget Selesnya Tokens
mod [R] Gremlin
mod [R] Michael Jackson
mod [R] Nettle Drone
sta [R] Red Menace
mod [R] Turn Two Tokens
leg [R/B] Knack Knack
mod [R/G?] Brain of the Devils
leg [R/G] Blasphemous Act
mod [R/S] They Did The Smash!
mod [R/W] Boros Equipment
mod [R/W] Vehicles
mod [S] Rat Discard
mod [S/B] Zombie Hunt
mod [S/G/B] Eldrarzi
leg [S/R] Command and Sac
mod [S/W] Aristocats
mod [S/W] Tokens
mod [S/W] Vampally
sta [W] Ajani's Chosen
mod [W] Fabricate
leg [W] Kitty
Martins Turnier
vin A Eldrazitron
vin Daniels
mod G/W CATS
leg Landfall Upgrade
leg ????#
leg [] smartins Deckidee für den Monat Dezember
leg [B/G/R] Affinity (Pauper)
leg [B/W] smartins Deckidee für den Monat Oktober
leg [G/W] * Ajani's Chosen
mod [R] Nettle Drone
sta [R/B] * Izzet oder Izzet nicht?
leg [S] * Rat Discard
mod [S/W] Vampally
leg [W] * Cats!
mod 20_[A] Anything can be a dildo if you are Brave enough!
vin Ajani's Chosen
vin Alles
vin alles - haben
mod Amonkhet
leg anderer minicube
leg black
mod Budget Magic: $68 (10 tix) Modern Turn 2 Tokens
vin Buylist
leg coole karten
vin Copy of alles - haben
leg Copy of Kaufen
vin Copy of Kaufennnnnnnn
leg Copy of PRIOOOOOOO
leg Kaufen
leg Kaufen nach Stefan
vin kaufennnn
vin Kaufennnnnnnn
leg Knack Knack Budget
mod Low cost no cost colossus
leg Mini-Cube
leg minicube 2
mod Naya Artifacts (Suzuki Shingo)
leg nhgjzgjg
sta Paupercube
mod PRIO
leg Rares
mod stefan
mod Stefans
leg Super sonstwas bros.
leg WANT
mod Zombie Hunt
[WIP] Command and Sacrifice
mod [B] Boomerang
vin [B] Cycling FTW
vin [B/S] Torpor Orb
mod [R/B] Elemental
mod [R/W] Odric, Lunarch Marshal
mod [S/G] Counters
leg 08_[G/R/S] Spawning Pool Party
mod 24_[R/S] I am Fire, I am Death
leg 24_[R/W] Sick & Twisted
mod 26_[S] Phylactery Lich Beatdown
mod ATO - Budget Trading Post Tron
mod ATO - Scarecrow
mod ATO - Trading Post Tron
mod Beholder
mod Black Death
vin Buy
mod Cryptowhite
mod Devil Impact
mod Ein Drops
mod Infinite extra turns
leg Infinite extra turns 2
vin Knack Knack
leg Lolos Karten
vin Manaless Spy Dredge
leg Sexproof
mod tappedout - $10 WELL SPENT!!!
mod tappedout - Izzet Tempo
vin tappedout - Multi-cursed
mod tappedout - Ode to Twin
vin tappedout - Retraction Knack
mod tappedout - U/R Prowess
leg the galvanizer
leg Tuh was und du stibst
mod [G/S] Aristocrats
mod [R] Panharmonicon II
mod [R] Tanz der Teufel
vin Kaufen - Scheiß drauf
vin Elemental
vin Phoenix-Tribal
mod Tezharmonicon
leg [A] Eldrazi-Tron
leg [B/G] Name
mod [B/W] UW Embalm
leg [G/R] Elemental Landfall
leg [G/R] Vengevine
leg [G/W] Cats
vin [S] 12 Returning Aristocrats
leg 13_[S/W] Triskaidekaphobia
mod Copy of [G/W] Cats
leg Copy of Landfall Upgrade
leg Prodigal Dinasaurs
sta [G/W] Voltaic Construct
sta Arcades
sta Bubbling Witch Newt
sta Build-A-Dragon
sta Drake
sta Elves
sta Energy
sta Horsing Around
sta Pauper Elves
sta PauperCube - missing
sta QuasidupliDrake
sta Quest for Monumental Shrine
sta Reef Worm

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 6 | 1 |
Percent | 85.0 | 14.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.