AURAKKON's profile
- MTG DECKS (470)
vin 93/94 atog
sta 93/94 Blue Moon
vin 93/94 brown town
vin 93/94 eye for an eye
sta 93/94 goblins
sta atog burn
sta atog burn - mono R
sta BG LD
vin Erhnam Burn'em
sta mono black
sta Powered 93/94 atog
oth Pure burn
sta SWE mono black
oth SWE UR burn 93/94
oth SWE URRR burn
oth UR burn 93/94
2019 Legacy
leg 12 post 201906
leg 4C Control 2019
leg 4CC aggro ewlandon
leg Arclight Brew
leg B Reanimator pure
leg BUG midrange
leg Canada GoGo
leg Dragon Stompy summer 2019
leg Eldrazi aggro 07.2017
leg Esper vial guys
leg Grixis midrange
leg New 12 post
leg ANT 2019.01
leg ANT 2019.04
leg TES 2019
leg TES 2019.04
leg TES 2019.07
UR deck
leg UR Delve 2019 July
leg UR delver 2019
leg UR delver 2019 - June
leg 2019 Stoneblade
sta BANT miracles
leg Jeskai mentor
leg Miracles 2018.12
sta Miracles with green 2019
leg New Miracles 2019
sta Oko miracles 2019
leg UW control fall 2019
leg UW helm summer 2019
leg UW Stoneblade summer 2019
leg 4 C loam
leg 4C Leovald
leg Bomberman summer 2019
sta BUG control
sta BUG delver
leg Dredge
leg Eldrazi 07.2019
leg Esper Blade
leg Esper Control winter 2019
leg Mavrick
leg Mono Red 2019 aggro
leg Mono red prison - summer 2019
sta Oko smoka
leg Show and Tell 2019
leg UB shadow
2020 Legacy
sta 4c ak miracles
sta 4c ak miracles v2
leg Bant Helm
sta BUG plug
sta Fast Helm
sta Stryfo pile
sta WUG thopter
sta Bant Snow Control
sta Miracles BANT v2
sta OKO Miracles
sta SnowOko
leg UW mentor helm 2020
sta 2020 lands
sta 2020 reanimator
sta 2020 UR delver
sta BUG delver
sta BUG Zenith Oko
sta Children's Reanimator
sta Classic 12 post
sta dark depths 2020
sta Dragon Stompy 2020
sta Eldrazi
sta Eureka
sta Grixis delver 2020
sta New Snowko 2020
sta Oko Zenith
sta Omni-show
sta Post ramp
sta Slow depths 2020
sta Sneak and Show 2020
sta Snowko
sta Snowko 2020
sta Temur Delver
sta TES 2020
sta Turbo Depths 2020
sta UBG 3CC
sta Zoo
2021 Legacy
sta 2021 reanimator
sta 4C Zenith 2021
sta 8 cast
sta Abzan combo
leg Bant Kitara miracles
sta Bant Kite Control
sta Bomberman spring 2021
sta BRG Lands
sta BUG delver
sta BUG good stuff
sta BUG reclaimer
leg BUG Smog control
sta classic DEPTHs
sta Cloudpost Monolith
sta Delver UR NEW
leg Doomsday 3 tutor
sta Doomsday with Uro
sta GW depths
sta GW Depths with red
sta Hanik Bant
sta jeskai standstill
sta Maverick depths
sta mono green cloudpost
sta monoblack reanimator 2021
sta Ninjas
sta Rainbow Depths
sta Reanimator 2021
sta RG Lands w manabond
sta RUG delver
sta Sneak and Show 2021
leg Sneak and show fast daze
sta Snow miracles
sta Temur delver
sta UR murktide
sta WUB 80 card
sta Yorion Dark Bant
leg zenith BUG delver
sta 2022 Temur Delver
sta 2022 UR delver optimal
sta 4C control
sta Abdel reanimator
sta Doomsday switch board 2022
sta Izzet delver 2022 May
sta Jeskai Control
sta Jeskai tokens
sta Jund 2022
sta Lands
sta Legacy stiflenought
sta Mono-Red
sta Monoblack reanimator
sta My Delver 2022
sta Naya Depths
sta Naya Depths 2022 new
sta Reanimator
sta Reanimator switch board
sta RUG minsc
sta Shredder
sta TES
sta UW jeskai
sta UWx control 2022
2023 Legacy
leg Boros initiative
sta BUG midrange
sta BUG scam
sta Cascade crash
sta Cephalid 2023
sta Dimir scam
sta initiative 3.0
sta Karn stompy
sta Lands -green
sta Mono black
sta Mono black reanimator
sta New reanimate
sta Reanimator new
sta Strange storm
sta Temur cascade
sta B reanimator
sta Lands 4 Depths and reclaimer
sta Lands w Crucible
sta Lands w Reclaimer
sta Maverick
sta New spicy reanimator
sta Orzos scam
sta Rug delver
sta Sułtai Scam
sta Trick B reanimator
sta UB reanimator
sta UB scam control with saga
sta UG depths
Legacy 2017/2018
4C Loam and Lands
leg 4 C Loam 2018
leg 4C Loam BHstyle
leg punishing maverick
leg Eld Post 2
leg eld stompy 2018
leg Eldrazi and taxes legacy
leg Eldrazi post
leg Eldrazi post 2018
leg Eldrazi stompy
leg leg eldrazi aggro v2
leg Stompy basic winter 2018
leg Basic Grixis Control
leg grixis control
leg grixis control v3
leg Grixis control winter 2018
leg Grixis delver winter 2018
leg Kess control
pre DS and GP ban
vin 4 color control
vin Ad Nauseam Tendrils
vin BUG midrange
vin Food Chain BUG
vin Grixis delver leg
vin TES
vin Turbo depth rock
vin UR delver
leg UB shadow
leg UB shadow 2
leg UB shadow 3
show and tell decks
leg sneak and show
leg sneak and show 2018
leg ANT 2018 winter
leg ANT storm
leg TES July 2018
Tier 4+
leg Arma stax
leg blue dreadstill tempo
leg BW control
vin Dancing grunts
leg dutch stax
leg lazav
leg legacy slivers
leg mono blue combo
leg mono blue control
leg mono blue painter
leg parfait
leg Stax
leg U painter
Turbo Depths Decks
leg LD depths
leg Loam POX
leg Sultai depths
leg Turbo Depths
UW decks
leg Landstill
leg Miracles AK
leg miracles UW aggro
leg Miracles w/ red
leg Miracles winter 2018
leg RIP land tax
leg RIP Miracles
leg RIP Miracles 2
leg Teferi RIP
leg Teferi stasis
leg UW control grave linear (leg)
leg UW control grave non-linear (leg)
leg UW humble RIP
leg UW Stoneblade
leg UW wB Landstill
leg WUR grave control
leg Death and Taxes Legacy
leg Esper Control SFM
leg Helmerator
leg leg belcher
leg leg goblins
leg legacy burn
leg Merfolk legacy
leg mono-red prison
leg Red Prison winter 2018
leg Steel Stompy
leg Tez simple
Modern 2017/2018
eldrazi modern
mod Eldrazi and taxes
mod Eldrazi stompy (modern)
mod Eldrazi Tron
mod eldrazi tron aggro meta
mod mono W eldrazi
mod White eldrazi
Modern Shadow
pre-jace/bbe unban
mod BETA of Eldrazi Tron
mod Burn Modern
mod Eldrazi Tron old
mod End as Foretold
mod Grixis Azcanta control
mod Grixis delver
mod Grixis delver control
leg High Tide
mod jeskai control
mod modern jank
mod UB Faeries modern
mod UR Breach
mod UR madcap
mod UW control (modern)
Storm modern
mod G trons
mod mono U tron
UR blue moon
mod UR control
mod UR moon Platinum
mod UR moon seas
mod UR moon seas plain
mod UR moon thing ITI
mod UR pyromancer
mod 8 rack modern
mod As foretold combo
mod bogles
mod Burn
leg dredge
leg dredge 2018
mod Esper Gifts Control
mod Esper Midrange Control - modern
leg goblins modern
mod Golgari midrange 2018 winter
mod grixis big guys control
mod humans
mod Jeskai control
mod Jeskai Control june 2018
mod Living end (BR)
leg mardu pyromancer
leg mardu with DSS
mod Merfolk modern
mod R/G Ponza
mod titan breach 2018
mod UW control (GN modern)
mod UW control modern 2018
mod UW control modern winter 2018
mod UW jace control
mod WUR thingi
Modern 2019
mod Azorius 2019
mod Azorius control
mod Eldrazin tron modern
leg Izzet Phoenix
mod Modern Eldrazi Tron 2019
Modern 2020
sta Burn 2020 modern
sta Deathshadow 2020
sta 4C dreadnought
sta Grim Long
sta Hulk grow
sta Hulk Smash - BUGr
sta Hulk Smash vKA
sta Infiltracja
sta Keeper
sta Landstill
sta Miracle grow
vin New pitch long
sta Oldframe goblins
sta Pitch Long OLD
sta Pitch long v3
sta Stax
sta Stiflenought
sta TPS
sta TPS oldframe OLD
sta UR fish
sta UW worse than fish
sta Zombie infestation
vin Burn - pauper
vin Burn - pauper 2019
leg Elves - pauper
sta Parfait oath
leg Strawberry Parfait
sta 3C control
sta 4C control
sta 5C Aggro
sta Aggro R Land Des
sta Aluren
sta Angry Hermit
sta Angry Hermit with Cephalids
sta Bant oath
sta Beefcake
sta BG rack
sta Broccoli soup
sta Burst control
sta BW control
sta BW control winner
sta Elves Survival
sta Elves with biorythm
sta Enchantress
leg GAT
sta Green oath
sta Green stompy
leg GW cataclysm oath
sta GWR enchantress
sta Hermit FEB
sta Ill gotten gains
sta Krewetka
sta Land tide
sta LanDOath
sta Lands prison
leg Landstill
sta Meddling landstill
sta MOMA reanimator
sta Mono U Control
sta Mono U tidestill
sta Natural Rock
sta Parallax breakthrough
sta Parallax Replenish control
sta Parallax replenish trix
sta Phyrexian burn
leg Psychatog
sta Psychatog - sick UB
sta Psychatog Basic
sta Psychonought
sta PyroOath
sta rb goblins premodern
sta Replenish control
sta Replenish discard squee
sta Replenish knowledge
sta RG oath
sta RG Sligh
sta RW Goblins
sta Sligh
sta Slight winner 2024
sta Stasis
sta Stasis control
sta Stasis UG
sta stiflenought NEW winter04
sta Survival
sta Survival Phil
sta Terra Geddon Italian
sta Terravore
sta Tide Control
sta Tin Fins
vin tinker fling
sta UG madness
sta UG madness new
sta UGW control
sta UW flippi
sta UW krewetka - champs
sta UW stiflenought
sta UW tron
sta Whale survival
sta 2022 BUG
sta 2023 oath (vintage)
sta 4C walkers
sta BUG midrange
sta Esper vintage 2022
sta Painter
sta Sultai Midrange 2021
vin Tinker breach
sta UB Control 2023
vin UR Delver pure 2019 august
vin UR pure 2019 june
vin UR pyro
sta URGB
vin vintage Dark Depths
sta Vintage doomsday
sta Dan Dan forgetful fish
leg duals
mod fetches
leg other legacy staples
sta P3K set list
sta shock lands
vin vintage goals

Name | Cost ![]() |
Lion's Eye Diamond | |
Lotus Petal | |
Cabal Therapy | |
Dark Ritual | |
Brainstorm | |
Burning Wish | |
Burning Wish |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Brainstorm | |
2 | Infernal Tutor | |
3 | Island | |
4 | Lion's Eye Diamond | |
5 | Ponder | |
6 | Dark Ritual |
Mana Base
Colors | |||
Symbols | 16 | 10 | 9 |
Percent | 45.7 | 28.6 | 25.7 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.