GRAYCLAY's profile
- MTG DECKS (222)
Actual Decks
vin WIP Mimeoplasm
Deck Ideas
vin Jhiora
vin Karn Example
vin Krenko
vin Mimeoplasm
vin Niv-mizzet
vin Norin
vin Scion
vin SenTriplets
vin Sharuum Combos
leg Sisters of Stone Death
vin Thraxy-new
vin Thraxy-poo
vin Young Burn
vin Zhedru Donation
mod Iiving end
mod MonoU Tron
mod Standard Dragons
vin Copy of WIP Mimeoplasm
vin Scion EDH
vin A Better Triplets for Tomorrow
vin Aethros AVG
vin Alesha
vin Alesha Workspace
vin Anafenza 2.0
vin Anafenza Handcrafted
vin Animar -> Rashmi
leg Animar Ideal
vin Animar Overrun
vin Animar Playground
vin Arbies Enchanterboiz
vin Arjun Theory
vin Artifact Deck
leg Atraxa Buffs
vin Atraxa Counters
com Atraxa Decklist
vin Ayli Avg
com Ayli Decklist
vin Ayli Workspace
vin Azami Messing Around
vin Azor Planeswalkers
vin Breya Actual
vin Breya Changes
com Breya Decklist
vin Breya Ideal
vin Breya's Thoptershop - Budget EDH
vin Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer
vin Budget Ramos
sta Cards to Buy
vin Copy of Gisa Decklist
vin Copy of Gitrog Decklist
vin Copy of Gitrog Decklist
vin Copy of Gitrog to Tasigur
vin Copy of Grand Arbiter Decklist
vin Copy of Grixis Control
vin Copy of I Love You Jennay
vin Copy of Kess Mid-Range
vin Copy of Lazav Decklist
vin Damia's Clones
sta Daretti
vin Derevi
vin Derevi Merfolk
vin Derevi Tap Matters
leg Derevi Wizboiz
vin Edgar VAMPS!
vin EDH - Arbiter - WIP
vin EDH - Breya - EDHREC Avg Deck
vin EDH - Ghoulcaller Gisa - Theory
vin EDH - Gisa and Geralf - EDHRec Avg Deck
vin EDH - Kaalia - EDHREC Avg Deck
vin EDH - Narset - EDHREC Avg Deck
vin EDH - OIoro - EDHREC Avg Deck
vin EDH - Sedris - EDHREC Avg Deck
vin EDH - Sedris - Primer
vin EDH - Sidisi - EDHREC Avg Deck
vin EDH - Thraximundar - EDHREC Avg Deck
leg Edric Grouphug
vin Edric Pokems
vin Erebos AVG
com Erebos Decklist
vin Esper Stax Boi
vin Esper TopDeck
vin Esper TopDeck V2
leg Every Legendary Creature
vin Feldon
vin Ghoulcaller Gisa - EDHRec Avg Deck
com Gitrog Decklist
com Gitrog Decklist
vin Gitrog Handcrafted
vin Gitrog to Tasigur
com Gonti Decklist
vin Gontmaybe?
vin Grand Arbiter -> Taigam
com Grand Arbiter Decklist
vin Grand Arbiter Handcrafted
vin Grixis Decklist
vin Grixis Partners
vin HateBears
vin Ideas for Rashmi
vin Inalla Decklist
vin Inalla Tapland
vin Inalla x Kess, but Sick
vin Izzet Wizard Tribal Theory
vin Jason's LG Swagorium
vin Jhoira Theory
vin Jund Dragons
vin Kaalia EDHREC Avg
vin Karlov?
vin Kess - > Mizzix
com Kess Decklist
vin Kess Ideal
vin Kess Mid-Range
vin Kess Storm
vin Kruphix Loves Everybody
vin Lazav Decklist
vin Lazav's Clones
vin Liam's Breya
vin Liam's Estrid
vin liam's yuriko
vin Licia, Sanguine Aggro
vin Locust God
com Locust God Decklist
vin Maelstrom Decklist
vin Maelstrom Wanderer EDHREC Avg
vin Mairsil
vin Marath Counters
vin Marath Tokens
vin Marchesa Theory
vin Mathas -> Marchesa
leg Mathas?
vin Mayael EDHREC Avg
vin Melek Decklist
vin Merbois Tribal
com Mizzix Decklist
vin Mogis Slug
vin Monk Tribal
vin Mono Blue Artifact Ideal
leg Mono Blue w/ only cards I own
vin Nekusar Wheelies
vin Nekusaur Stax
vin Niv-Mizzet Theory
vin Olivia Voldaren
com Omnath Decklist
vin Padeem -> Breya Conversion
com Padeem Decklist
vin Pillowfort Zur?
vin Prossh Token Spew
com Queen Marchesa Decklist
vin Rakdos Handcrafted
vin Rakdos LOR EDHREC Avg
vin Rakdos Netdeck
vin ramos spellslinger
leg Ramos Storm
leg Ramos SuperFriendly
com Rashmaybe?
vin Rashmi/Sidisi -> Damia -> Yidris
vin Rebuilding Sidisi
vin Ridiculous MS Method
vin Riku EDHREC Avg
vin Saffi
com Sedris Decklist
com Sedris Ideal
vin Selvala Green
vin Selvala Selesnya
vin Selvala Theory
vin Sen Triplets Decklist
vin Shu Yun
vin Sidisi -> Gitrog
com Sidisi Decklist
vin Sidisi Handcrafted Zombois
vin Sidisi Ideal
vin Silas / Ravos
vin Snuggle's Samut
com Sydri Decklist
vin Sygg Decklist
com Teferi Bluedom
vin Teferi Full Stax
vin Thantis, Weaving War
vin Thraximundar Theory
vin Wade Into Battle Upgrade
vin Yennett, Cryptic Sovereign
vin Yidris EDHREC Avg
vin Yidris Funtimes
vin Zedruu Theory
Built Decks
Workspaces and Theories
leg 4c Landfall
vin Angry Omnath
vin Breya from EDHREC
mod Buylist
leg Copy of 4c Landfall
vin Damia Maybe
vin Gonti Updates
vin Jace Tribal
vin Jace Updates
vin JLewts Deck
vin jlewts exodia
vin literally bolas
vin Maelstromboi
vin Muldrotha Updates
vin New Jhoira
vin Omnath Updates
vin Sidisi Again
leg Thrasios, the Vial Smasher
sta top deck tribal
leg Tylor's Cards
vin UrBoi
leg zedruu mp
sta Alela AVG EDHREC
sta Card's for Tylor's Clone Deck from Grayland
sta Korvold Decklist
sta Korvold IRL
com Teysa Karlov TTS
sta Tylor's Ideal Clone Deck
vin Yuriko Decklist June 2019

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Blood Moon | |
2 | Overwhelming Stampede | |
3 | Kavu Lair | |
4 | Gruul Turf | |
5 | Forest | |
6 | Reclamation Sage |
Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 67 | 11 |
Percent | 85.0 | 14.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.