- MTG DECKS (478)
cub Eternal Pauper 3.3
cub Guild Kit
cub xAdd Eternal Pauper
cub xAdd Guild Kit
cub xRemoved Eternal Pauper
mod <A1>xW Tap +1/+1 Counters 2.4
mod <B2>xWB Extort Multiple Opponents 2.1
mod <B2>xWB Gain 1 Life 1.5
leg <B3>xUB Mill Storm 2.5
leg <B4>xUR Graveyard Duplicates 1.2
leg <B4>xUR Shaman Burn 2.3
mod <B5>xBR Bomb Fire 3.4
mod <BA>xGU Kick it up a Notch 1.1
mod <BA>xGU Simic +1/+1 Counters 3.9
mod <C6>xBGU Mutate 1.1
mod <C9>xGWU Super Friends 1.2
mod <CA>xGUR Defender Burn 3.1
mod <A1>oW Tap +1/+1 Counters 2.3
mod <A3>B Grave Return 3.2 - Modern
mod <B2>oWB Gain 1 Life 1.4
leg <B3>UB Mill Storm 2.4
leg <B4>oUR Cast Instant/Sorcery 3.1
leg <B4>oUR Shaman Burn 2.2
leg <B4>UR Graveyard Duplicates 1.1
mod <B5>oBR Bomb Fire 3.3
mod <B8>RW Boros Mentor 2.2
mod <BA>oGU Simic +1/+1 Counters 3.8
mod <C6>BGU Mutate 1.0
mod <C9>GWU Super Friends 1.1
leg <CA>oGUR Defender Burn 3.0
Deck - Tribal
leg <A1>xW Rebel Summoning 3.1 - Infinite Toughness/Life
leg <A1>xW Soldier Token 3.3
mod <A3>xB Vampires 2.2
mod <A3>xB Zombie Control 3.3
leg <A5>xG Elf Teamwork 1.9
mod <B1>xWU Ally Flicker 3.3
leg <B1>xWU Bird Bounce 1.1
mod <B3>xUB Zombie Army 4.2
leg <B5>xBR Goblin Sacrifice 3.1
mod <B7>xRG Dinosaur Enrage 2.5
leg <A1>W Rebel Summoning 3.0 - Infinite Toughness/Life
leg <A1>W Soldier Token 3.2
leg <A2>oU Merfolk 2.1
mod <A3>B Vampires 2.1
mod <A3>oB Zombie Control 3.2
leg <A4>R Goblin Horde 4.2
leg <A5>G Elf Teamwork 1.8
mod <B1>WU Ally Flicker 3.2
mod <B3>oUB Zombie Army 4.1
leg <B5>BR Minotaur Stampede 1.2
mod <B7>RG Dinosaur Enrage 2.4
com <A1>xW Odric, Lunarch Marshal 1.4
com <A1>xW Sram, Senior Edificer 2.5.1
com <A4>xR Zada, Hedron Grinder 1.2
com <A5>xG Ayula, Queen Among Bears 2.1.1
com <A5>xG Ayula, Queen Among Bears 2.1.2
com <A5>xG Gargos, Vicious Watcher 1.2.1
com <B3>xUB Oona, Queen of the Fae 1.3
com <B4>xUR Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer 1.5.1
com <B4>xUR Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph 3.2
com <B6>xBG Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons 1.3
com <B6>xBG Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest 1.2
com <B6>xBG Slimefoot, the Stowaway 2.2.2
com <B6>xBG Tyvar the Bellicose 1.2
com <B7>xRG Stonebrow, Krosan Hero 3.3
com <B7>xRG Stonebrow, Krosan Hero 4.1 - All Trample
com <BA>xGU Esix, Fractal Bloom 2.2
com <BA>xGU Ivy, Gleeful Spellthief 2.2
com <BA>xGU Tatyova, Benthic Druid 1.2
com <C2>xWBG Bilbo, Birthday Celebrant 4.0
com <C2>xWBG Bilbo, Birthday Celebrant 4.2
com <C9>xGWU Falco Spara, Pactweaver 5.2
com xA Reaper King 1.1
com xA Sliver Overlord 3.2
com <A2>oU Talrand, Sky Summoner 2.2
com <A4>oR Zada, Hedron Grinder 1.0
com <B1>oWU Denry Klin, Editor in Chief 1.0
com <B2>oWB Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim 3.0
com <B4>oUR Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph 3.0
com <B6>oBG Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons 1.2
com <B6>oBG Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest 1.0
com <B9>oGW Kyler, Sigardian Emissary 1.0
com <BA>oGU Esix, Fractal Bloom 2.0
com <BA>oGU Ivy, Gleeful Spellthief 2.0
com <BA>oGU Tatyova, Benthic Druid 1.0
com <C9>oGWU Arcades, the Strategist 1.0
com <C9>oGWU Falco Spara, Pactweaver 5.0
com oA Reaper King 1.0
com oA Sliver Overlord 3.1
com <A1>W Sram, Senior Edificer 2.5
com <A5>G Ayula, Queen Among Bears 2.1
com <A5>G Gargos, Vicious Watcher 1.2
com <B3>oUB Oona, Queen of the Fae 1.2
com <B4>UR Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer 1.5
com <B5>BR Strefan, Maurer Progenitor
com <B6>BG Slimefoot, the Stowaway 2.2.1
com <B7>RG Stonebrow, Krosan Hero 3.2
Guild Kits
mod <B1>WU Azorius Guild Kit 1.0
mod <B2>WB Orzhov Guild Kit 1.0
mod <B3>UB Dimir Guild Kit 1.0
mod <B4>UR Izzet Guild Kit 1.0
mod <B5>BR Rakdos Guild Kit 1.0
vin <B6>BG Golgari Guild Kit 1.0
mod <B7>RG Gruul Guild Kit 1.0
mod <B8>RW Boros Guild Kit 1.0
mod <B9>GW Selesnya Guild Kit 1.0
mod <BA>GU Simic Guild Kit 1.0
Idea - Cube
Not Enough
Old Versions
cub xEternal Pauper 2.3
cub xEternal Pauper 3.1
cub xEternal Pauper 3.2
cub xToken Cube 2.0
Set Cubes, Bad
cub xAmonkhet Block
cub xDominaria
cub xGuilds of Ravnica
cub xTheros
cub xZendikar
Set Cubes, Favorite
cub xBattlebond
cub xConspiracies
cub xDark Ascension/Innistrad
cub xInvasion of Alara
cub xKaladesh Block
cub xKhans of Tarkir
cub xRavnica Allegiance
cub xReturn to Ravnica
cub xShadows over Innistrad
cub xUnstable
cub xWar of the Spark
cub x+1/+1 Counter - Weigh it toward Green, like Torment/Judgement
cub xLegion's Cube - Only Creatures
cub xToken Cube 2.1
Idea - Deck
Not Enough
leg <B8>xRW Arcbound
vin <C6>xBGU No Lands
leg xA Heroes' Podium
Old Versions
leg <A1>zW Tap +1/+1 Counters 2.1
leg <A1>zW Tap +1/+1 Counters 2.2
vin <A3>zB Grave Return 2.91 - Best Vintage
leg <B2>xWB Multiple Opponents 1.0
mod <B2>zWB Gain 1 Life 1.0
mod <B2>zWB Gain 1 Life 1.1
mod <B2>zWB Gain 1 Life 1.2
mod <B2>zWB Gain 1 Life 1.3
oth <B3>zUB Mill Storm 2.3
mod <B5>zBR Bomb Fire 3.2
leg <B5>zBR Dragon Fire 3.1 - Had 10 Dragons
vin <B6>zBG Grave Return 2.7
vin <B6>zBG Grave Return 2.8
vin <B6>zBG Grave Return 2.9
mod <B6>zBG Grave Return 3.1 - Modern
mod <B7>zRG Dinosaur Enrage 2.3
mod <B8>xRW Boros Aggro 1.0
mod <B8>xRW Boros Aggro 1.1
leg <B8>zRW Boros Mentor 2.1
leg <B9>xGW Infinite Toughness 3.1
mod <BA>zGU Simic +1/+1 Counters 3.7
mod <C9>zGWU Super Friends 1.0
leg <CA>zGUR Defender 1.2
Remove Jank
leg <A2>xU Artifact Affinity 1.1
leg <A4>xR Land Destruction
leg <B1>xWU Anti-BR
leg <B2>xWB Shadow
leg <B3>xUB Exile Opponent's Cards
leg <B3>xUB Maddening Imp
leg <B4>xUR Team
leg <B5>xBR Living Cycle
leg <B7>xRG Super Fast Trample & Pump
mod <B8>xRW Vehicle
leg <B9>xGW Populate
mod <BA>xGU Energy Counters
mod <BA>xGU Kick it up a Notch 1.0
leg <BA>xGU Morph
leg <BA>xGU Paradox Haze
leg <C1>xWUB Weaken Creatures
vin <C3>xUBR Stop all Opponents
oth <C6>xBGU Banned/Restricted
leg <C6>xBGU Madness - Maybe add Delve
leg <C8>xRWB Monarch
leg <D1>xWUBR Artifact Tokens/Affinity 2.1
vin Eggs
Idea - EDH
com <A1>xW Sephara, Sky's Blade
com <A2>xU Azami, Lady of Scrolls 1.0
com <A4>xR Lovisa Coldeyes
com <A5>xG Arwen, Weaver of Hope 6.0
com <B1>xWU Ephara, God of the Polis 1.0
com <B2>xWB Aryel, Knight of Windgrace 1.0
com <B2>xWB Daxos the Returned 1.0
com <B3>xUB Phenax, God of Deception 1.0
com <B6>xBG Ishkanah, Grafwidow 1.0
com <B6>xBG Tyvar the Bellicose 1.0
com <BA>xGU Experiment Kraj
com <BA>xGU Verazol, the Split Current 2.0
com <C7>xRGW Atla Palani, Nest Tender
Not Enough
com <A1>xW Lin Sivvi, Defiant Hero - Infinite Toughness
com <A2>xU Eligeth, Crossroads Augur
com <A2>xU Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive
com <A2>xU Unesh, Criosphinx Sovereign
com <A3>xB Balthor the Defiled
com <A4>xR Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs
com <A4>xR Magda, Brazen Outlaw
com <A5>xG Melira, Sylvok Outcast
com <A5>xG Sachi, Daughter of Seshiro
com <A5>xG Seshiro the Anointed
com <B3>xUB Runo Stromkirk // Krothuss, Lord of the Deep
com <B5>xBR Neheb, the Worthy
com <B6>xBG Umori, the Collector 1.0 - Artifacts for Free
com <B7>xRG Svella, Ice Shaper
com <B8>xRW Tiana, Ship's Caretaker
com <B8>xRW Zabaz, the Glimmerwasp
com <B9>xGW Dromoka, the Eternal
com <B9>xGW Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves
com <BA>xGU Kaseto, Orochi Archmage
com <C2>xWBG Nethroi, Apex of Death
com <C6>xBGU The Mimeoplasm
Old Versions
com <A1>zW Odric, Lunarch Marshal 1.1
com <A1>zW Odric, Lunarch Marshal 1.2
com <A1>zW Sram, Senior Edificer 2.1
com <A1>zW Sram, Senior Edificer 2.2
com <A1>zW Sram, Senior Edificer 2.3
com <A1>zW Sram, Senior Edificer 2.4
com <A2>zU Talrand, Sky Summoner 2.0
com <A5>zG Ayula, Queen Among Bears 1.2
com <A5>zG Ayula, Queen Among Bears 1.3
com <A5>zG Gargos, Vicious Watcher 1.0
com <B3>zUB Oona, Queen of the Fae 1.0
com <B3>zUB Oona, Queen of the Fae 1.1
com <B4>zUR Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer 1.0
com <B4>zUR Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer 1.1
com <B4>zUR Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer 1.2
com <B4>zUR Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer 1.3
com <B4>zUR Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer 1.4
com <B6>zBG Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons 1.1
com <B6>zBG Slimefoot, the Stowaway 2.1
com <B6>zBG Slimefoot, the Stowaway 2.2
com <B7>zRG Stonebrow, Krosan Hero 2.3
com <B7>zRG Stonebrow, Krosan Hero 2.4
com <B7>zRG Stonebrow, Krosan Hero 2.5
com <B7>zRG Stonebrow, Krosan Hero 3.1 - No Low CMC
com <BA>zGU Adrix and Nev, Twincasters 1.0
com <C1>xWUB Oloro, Ageless Ascetic 1.2
com <C1>xWUB Queza, Augur of Agonies 2.0
com <C9>zGWU Chulane, +1/+1 Teller of Tales 4.0
com zA Sliver Overlord 3.0
Remove Jank
com <A3>xB Chainer, Dementia Master
com <A5>xG Goreclaw - Ferocious
com <A5>xG Kamahl, Fist of Krosa - Destroy all Lands
com <A5>xG Omnath, Locus of Mana
com <B2>xWB Teysa, Orzhov Scion
com <B3>xUB Lazav, Dimir Mastermind
com <B4>xUR Mizzix of the Izmagnus
com <B4>xUR Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind
com <B4>xUR Tawnos, Urza's Apprentice
com <B4>xUR Veyran, Voice of Duality 3.0
com <B5>xBR Olivia, Mobilized for War
com <B6>xBG Nath of the Gilt-Leaf
com <BA>xGU Vorel of the Hull Clade
com <C2>xWBG Ghave, Guru of Spores
com <C3>xUBR Saruman, the White Hand 3.0 - Noncreature Spells & Tokens
com <C6>xBGU Yarok, the Desecrated
com <C7>xRGW Uril, the Miststalker
com <C9>xGWU Chulane, Token Teller of Tales 3.0
com <CA>xGUR Animar, Soul of Elements
com <A1>xW Kemba, Kha Regent 1.2
com <A1>zW Odric, Lunarch Marshal 1.3
com <A3>xB Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker 1.0
com <A3>xB Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker 1.2
com <A3>xB Syr Konrad, the Grim 1.0
com <B4>xUR Melek, Izzet Paragon 1.0
com <B4>xUR Melek, Izzet Paragon 1.2
com <B4>xUR Saheeli, the Gifted 1.0
com <B5>xBR Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury
com <B6>xBG The Gitrog Monster
com <B6>xBG Thelon of Havenwood 1.0
com <B7>zRG Hallar, the Firefletcher 1.0
com <B9>zGW Trostani, Selesnya's Voice 1.0
com <BA>xGU Momir Vig, Simic Visionary 1.0
com <BA>xGU Momir Vig, Simic Visionary 1.2
com <C1>xWUB Oloro, Ageless Ascetic 1.0
com <C2>xWBG Daghatar the Adamant
com <C3>xUBR Nicol Bolas
com <C4>xURW Zedruu the Greathearted
com <C5>xBRG Sek'Kuar, Deathkeeper 1.1
com <C6>xBGU Sidisi, Brood Tyrant
com <C8>xRWB Kaalia of the Vast 1.0
com <C9>xGWU Roon of the Hidden Realm 1.0
com <C9>xGWU Roon of the Hidden Realm 1.2
com xA The Ur-Dragon 2.2
com zA The Ur-Dragon 2.0
com <A0>xPossible Commanders
com <A3>xB Anowon, the Ruin Sage
com <A3>xB Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder
com <A3>xB Lim-Dûl the Necromancer
com <A5>xG Ezuri, Renegade Leader
com <B1>xWU Bruna, Light of Alabaster
com <B5>xBR Baron Von Count
com <B5>xBR Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch
com <B6>xBG Grist, the Hunger Tide
com <C1>xWUB Varina, Lich Queen
com <C2>xWBG Doran, the Siege Tower
com <C6>xBGU Zaxara, the Exemplary
com <C8>xRWB Licia, Sanguine Tribune
com <C8>xRWB Syr Gwyn, Hero of Ashvale 1.0
com <C9>xGWU Perrie, the Pulverizer
com xA General Tazri
com xA Najeela, the Blade-Blossom
Idea - Tribal
Not Enough
leg <A0>xC Assembly-Worker
leg <A5>xG Bear
leg <A5>xG Centaur
leg <A5>xG Druid
leg <A5>xG Elephant
leg <A5>xG Treefolk
leg <A5>xG Wurm
leg <B6>xBG Insect
mod <B7>xRG Eldrazi Spawn
leg <B8>xRW Dwarf
leg <B9>xGW Cat
mod <C5>xBRG Broodwarden
leg <C5>xBRG Hound
leg xA Artificer
Old Versions
leg <A1>zW Angelic 1.0
leg <A1>zW Rebel Summoning 2.4
leg <A1>zW Soldier Token 3.1
leg <A2>zU Merfolk Duel Deck
mod <A3>zB Vampire +1/+1 Counters 2.0
leg <A3>zB Zombie 2.0
leg <A3>zB Zombie Plague 2.1
leg <A3>zB Zombie Plague Control 3.1
leg <A4>zR Goblin 2.1
leg <A4>zR Goblin Duel Deck
leg <A4>zR Goblin Horde 4.1
leg <A5>zG Elf Teamwork 1.6
leg <A5>zG Elf Teamwork 1.7
mod <B1>zWU Ally Flicker 3.1
leg <B5>zBR Minotaur Stampede 1.1
leg <B5>zBR Vampire 1.0
leg <B5>zBR Vampire 1.1
mod <B7>zRG Dinosaur 1.0
mod <B7>zRG Dinosaur Enrage 2.2
mod <B9>zGW Ally 1.1
mod <BA>zGU Simic +1/+1 Counters 3.6
mod <C9>zGWU Ally 2.1
Remove Jank
leg <A1>xW Knight Protection
leg <A1>xW Soldier Exalted 2.2
leg <A2>xU Illusion, Control is an
leg <A3>xB Rat Pack
leg <A3>xB Skeleton Deathtouch Regenerate
leg <A5>xG Saproling Swarm 4.1
leg <A5>xG Snake Venom
leg <B2>xWB Cleric Life-Steal
leg <B4>xUR Chimera 1.1
leg <B7>xRG Elemental Landfall
leg <B7>xRG Wolf Pack, Feed the
leg <B9>xGW Fungi Swarm 2.3
leg <B9>xGW Saproling Swarm 3.2
leg <BA>xGU Faerie Buff
leg <C7>xRGW Sliver Aggro 2.2
leg <B1>xWU Spirit Tap Down
mod <B3>xUB Ninjas
leg <B3>xUB Rogue
leg <B7>xRG Apes
mod <B8>xRW Samurai
leg <C2>xWBG Warrior
mod <C5>xBRG Eldrazi
leg <C7>xRGW Giant
leg <C7>xRGW Human
Jump Start
#1 - #3
com <A1>jW +1/+1 Counters 3.1
com <A1>jW Life Gain 2.1
com <A1>jW Tokens 1.1
com <A2>jU Draw 3.1
com <A2>jU Instant/Sorcery 2.1
com <A2>jU Mill 3.1
com <A3>jB 241 + Cantrips 1.1
com <A3>jB Mill Self 1.1
com <A3>jB Zombie Reanimate 5.1
com <A4>jR Goblins 5.1
com <A4>jR Instant/Sorcery 4.1
com <A4>jR Shaman Burn 3.1
com <A5>jG +1/+1 Counters 4.1
com <A5>jG Deathtouch 2.1
com <A5>jG Defender 4.1
com <A1>xjW Golems 2.1
com <A2>xjU Flicker 4.1
com <A2>xjU Flying
com <A2>xjU Flying Men 1.1
com <A2>xjU Merfolk 3.1
com <A2>xjU Untap Burn 2.3
com <A2>xjU Wizard Creature Control
com <A3>xjB Aggro 1.1
com <A3>xjB Bomb Removal 4.1
com <A3>xjB Relentless Rats
com <A4>xjR Lightning 1.1
com <A5>xjG Landfall 2.1
com <A5>xjG Spiders 2.1
com xjA Morph 1.1
com xjA Rainbow +1/+1 Counters
com xjA Rainbow 1.1
com xjA Rainbow Dragons
com xjA Rainbow Slivers
com xjA Rainbow Tokens
com Jump Start
RPG - Innistrad
oth Cultists
oth Horde, Spirit
oth Horde, Wolf
Theme Decks
oth <B1>WU
oth <B3>UB
oth <B5>BR
oth <B7>RG
oth <B9>GW
oth <C1>WUB Best Cards
oth <C2>WBG Host-Augment
oth <C4>URW Contraptions
oth <D2>UBRG Roll Dice
sta <A5>xG Elf Teamwork 2.0 - Standard
com <B2>xWB Teysa Karlov
com <B7>xRG Nikya of the Old Ways 3.1
com <B9>xGW Sythis, Harvest's Hand
com <C5>xBRG Korvold, Fae-Cursed King
mod +1/+1 Counter Inf Death
cub Burst Cube - Add Creature Copying
cub Chaos Deck - Enchantments
leg Charge Counters
oth Dandan Format
com Galadriel of Lothlórien
sta Hillary Ideas
com Infinite Death
vin Judges Tower
com Kiora, Sovereign of the Deep
com Ob Nixilis, Captive Kingpin
cub Onslaught Block
sta Oozelord
com Reyhan, Last of the Abzan
cub Schemes
com Sigarda, Font of Blessings
sta Standard Limited
com Test
com The Master, Multiplied
com The Sixth Doctor
com Vren, the Relentless

Name | Cost ![]() |
Mountain | |
Lavastep Raider | |
Mogg Sentry | |
War-Name Aspirant | |
Blood Ogre | |
Mudbutton Torchrunner | |
Talruum Minotaur |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Splatter Thug | |
2 | Horde Ambusher | |
3 | Mountain | |
4 | Mountain | |
5 | Mountain | |
6 | Mountain |