- MTG DECKS (127)
Friends' Decks
com Ed - Extus
com Ed - Jodah
com Ed - Kalamax
com Ed - Katilda
com Ed - Lord Windgrace
sta Ed - Sythis
com Ed - Umbris
com Johnathan - Dinosaurs (Gishath)
sta Johnathan - Varina
com Kev - Aesi
com Kev - Arcades
com Kev - Gwafa
com Kev - Karametra
com Kev - Saheeli
com Kev - Sisay
com Kev - Zaxara
sta Bardic Inspiration
sta Brago Flicker King
vin CMD - Tatyova [GU]
com Directed Mill & Steal
com My Crown
sta Niv Mizzet Reborn
leg Odric, Lunarch Marshal
com The Ol' Switcheroo
com Yissssss an
sta Atraxa Precon
com Big Copies
sta Face the Counters
sta Krark's Ramp
sta Landless??
com Liesa
com Mono Black - Big Black Frog
sta Mono Red
com Mono White Pillow Fort
sta Most Annoying Opponent's Cards
com Only Creatures
sta Only Creatures
com Only Enchantments
sta Only Instants
sta Only Land
com Only Legends
com Pop-lifer-ate
sta Precon without Atraxa
com Reyhan x2 is more aggro
sta Sac it all
sta Sep 2021 - Hug my Clues
sta Tap Others
com Thalisse's Tokens
sta The Old Switcheroo
sta White Counters
com Yedora
com Copy Copy Copy
sta Ken's Creatures - Template
com Keyword Counters
com Marisi is a cat
com Morphing Ninjas
com Vamp-Allys
Pre 2020
leg !Braids
sta !Combos
mod !DrawDeath
mod !Green Clues
leg *Artifacts
mod *Boros Equipment Oct '18 : 2/2
vin *Finding Auras - Oct '18
mod *Gruul Sacrifices Sep '18
leg *Izzet - This Spells Trouble Oct '18
mod *MonoBlack - Liliana
vin *New MILL
mod *Orzhov - Vampire Allies Oct '18: 1/2
mod *Toil & Trouble - Oct 18
mod 1V1 - Blue Attack to Mill
mod Arrrr!
vin Blue Clues
mod Cluedo
sta DinoDino
leg Discard is your card
vin Eldrazi Conscription
mod Eldrazi!!
mod Expensive Idea
mod Flickering
leg Green Mill?
mod Group Discard?
mod Into the Grave
leg Land Destruction
mod Liliana's Cycling Zombies - Returned Centaur
vin Little Guy, Big Mill Stick
leg Meta-Breaking-My-Friends
mod Midnight Gond
mod Netdecked Clue
mod No spells cast last turn
mod OTK All
mod paradox vampires
mod R/G
leg Ramping Cards
mod Solving the Blues
mod Spell it out
mod Tiny Cuts to Everyone Else
sta Unblockable Cipher Idae
leg Untapped Out
vin Upkeeping
mod Value Cards
mod Whenever
mod X Marks the Spot
com 2024 - Flickering Prototypes
com 2024 Blue Proliferate
com Amin Precon Edited
com Aminatou from Scratch
sta Black Magic Deck
com Blue-liferate
com Brago Precon
sta Checking for ETB Draws
sta EDHREC Urza Kroog
sta Enchantment Theme
com Good Jin
com Harbin
sta Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant
com Kenrith Upkeep
sta MonoWhite
sta Morph Precon
com Targeted Destruction
com Tekuthal, Inquiry Dominus
com Urza Kroog (Commander's Quarters)

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Fogwalker | |
2 | Island | |
3 | Navigator's Ruin | |
4 | Stealer of Secrets | |
5 | Jace's Phantasm | |
6 | Island |