DUNCAN ELLIS's profile
- MTG DECKS (1539)
Aatchik, bless yik
DOM standard
ELD standard
sta Faerie Schemes
sta Knights' Charge
sta omnibus
sta Savage Hunter
sta Wild Bounty
M21 standard
Gargos hydroic
sta v0
Jund goblins
com v0
red hate
sta hate candidates
Tergrid's fun palace
sta v0
sta box pool
sta Dina v0
sta Lorehold dragon v0
Alesha, Who Smiles at Death
Amir trifle
Breya, Etherium Shaper
Chocolate Banana Aggro
djinn palace
enter the pig
leg candidates
leg v0
leg v1
com v2
sta v3
vin v0
Firesong and Sunspeaker
leg version 0
Fosse and Loose
Gargos hydroic
Hammer of Purphuros
vin v0
life gain
mod candidates
leg version 0
leg version 1
vin version 10
vin version 11
vin version 12
leg version 2
leg version 3
vin version 4
vin version 5
vin version 6
vin version 7
vin version 8
vin version 9
vin version 13
lordy lordy
com v0
Marwyn X
Nicol Bolas tribal
com v0
Niv-Mizzet tribal
mod candidates
vin v0
vin v1
vin v2
Niver Land
Obosh m'gosh
Omnath, Locus of the Roil
mod prowess candidates
leg version 0
Raff flash
Ramp monsters
Simic value
the lands deck
com v0
yellow jersey
sta v0 (Timeless Wisdom)
sta v1
Zada trick
leg candidate
leg version 0
leg version 1
leg version 2
leg version 3
leg version 4
sta version 5.UST
sta version 6.UST
leg version 7
sta version 7.UST
leg version 8
com version 9
double death
overkill tribal
BW humans
Gideon Up
leg all the Gideons
com v0
Mardu humans
com v0
mono black
sta candidates
rainbow humans
leg candidates
recurring wizards
leg v0
mod Dromoka commander
sta Kolaghan commander
leg Nath of the Gilt-Leaf
Bant bogles
GB elves
com Copy of v5
sta v2
sta v3
General Tazri
leg ally cards
leg ally purchase options
mod version 1
leg version 2
leg version 3
leg version 4
leg version 5
vin version 6
vin version 7
com version 8
Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons
leg Hapatra additions
leg Hapatra candidates
vin version 0
vin version 1
vin version 10
sta version 11
sta version 12
vin version 2
vin version 3
vin version 4
vin version 5
vin version 6
vin version 7
vin version 8
vin version 9
sta version 12.1
horror tribal
oddly satisfying
leg candidates
leg removal candidates
vin v0
com v1
com v2
com v3
com v4
Omnath, Locus of Rage
mod version 1
vin version 10
vin version 11
com version 12
vin version 2
vin version 3
vin version 3.5
vin version 4
vin version 4.1
vin version 5
vin version 6
vin version 7
vin version 8
vin version 8.1
vin version 9
com version 13
com version 14
Tish Fish
vin Power Hungry
vin Seize Control
vin Wade Into Battle
vin Breed Lethality
vin Entropic Uprising
vin Invent Superiority
vin Open Hostility
vin Stalwart Unity
vin Arcane Wizardry
vin Draconic Domination
vin Feline Ferocity
vin Vampiric Bloodlust
vin Adaptive Enchantment
vin Exquisite Invention
vin Nature's Vengeance
vin Subjective Reality
vin Faceless Menace
vin Merciless Rage
vin Mystic Intellect
vin omnibus
vin Primal Genesis
sta Arm for Battle
sta Reap the Tides
sta Arcane Maelstrom
sta Enhanced Evolution
sta Ruthless Regiment
sta Symbiotic Swarm
sta Timeless Wisdom
sta Land's Wrath
sta Sneak Attack
sta Aura of Courage
sta Draconic Rage
sta Dungeons of Death
sta omnibus
sta Planar Portal
sta Elven Empire
sta Phantom Premonition
sta Coven Counters
sta omnibus
sta Undead Unleashed
sta Lorehold Legacies
sta Prismari Performance
sta Quantum Quandrix
sta Silverquill Statement
sta Witherbloom Witchcraft
sta Spirit Squadron
sta Vampiric Bloodline
sta Mind Flayarrrs
sta Buckle Up
sta omnibus
sta Upgrades Unleashed
sta Bedecked Brokers
sta Cabaretti Confluence
sta collector samples
sta Maestros Massacre
sta Obscura Operation
sta omnibus
sta Riveteers Rampage
sta collector samples
sta collector samples
com Corrupting Influence
sta omnibus
com Rebellion Rising
sta Blast from the Past
sta collector samples
sta Masters of Evil
sta omnibus
sta Paradox Power
sta Timey Wimey
sta Animated Army
sta collector samples
sta omnibus
sta Peace Offering
sta Squirreled Away
com Eternal Might
com Living Energy
sta omnibus
sta sample packs
Arthur Scargill
Heliod's life
Mardu knights
small angry men
teenage kicks
the great escape
tiny butts
yes we are!
Zagras is greener
5c domain
sta candidates
Esper challenge
sta candidates
com v0
com v1
com candidates
com v0
win or lose
com candidates
grave misdeeds
Impact Taborax
com v0
welcome Ashaya
Edric flying men
sta v0
no extras
Jundifacts (no extras)
com candidates
com v0
com v1
com v2
sta average deck
com v0
sta candidates
com v0
Bant ETB
sta candidates
sta v0
sta v1
sta v2
com v3
Birgi Joint
sta Birgi draw
sta candidates
com v0
com v1
com v2
com v3
Kenrith mutate
sta candidates
muscle wizards
sta v0
sta B candidates
sta elemental candidates
sta three pip candidates
com v0
com v1
Piru ate
com v0
Teysa combo
Thalia, Frog-bound
com v0
Thromok hungry
com v0
RG something
sta candidates
leg commander buy
leg Tiana
CK starter cube v3
KLD draft
mod cube
mod cube
leg MH1 set cube
cub the pauper cube
Elemental league
season 1
mod 15-Jun-2015
mod 22-Jun-2015
mod 26-Jun-2015
season 2
mod draft pool
mod final pool
mod week 1 deck
mod week 1 pack
mod week 2 deck: RW
mod week 2 pack
mod week 3 deck: RW
mod week 3 pack
mod week 4 deck: RW
mod week 4 pack
mod week 5 pack
mod week 6 deck: GW
mod week 6 deck: RG
mod week 6 deck: RW
mod week 6 deck: UW
mod week 6 pack
season 3
mod GB elves
mod GW renown
mod Mardu tokens
mod RB tokens
mod RG landfall
mod RGB tokens
mod RW renown
mod UB Eldrazi
season 4
mod BW grinder
mod GW big guys
mod pool
mod RW faster kill
mod UW slow roll
season 5
mod buy list
mod RB mad vampires
mod RB token swarm
mod UR aggro
season 6
mod pool
mod RG werewolves
season 7
mod RG infect v1
mod RG infect v2
season 8
mod BG counters v1
mod BG counters v2
mod pool
mod WU skies v1
season 9
mod pool
mod sealed deck
mod sealed pool
season none
mod draft deck
mod pool
season 10
sta extra packs
sta Merfolk v1
sta pirates v1
sta pool
season 11
season 12
sta Dimir grind
sta extra packs
sta pool
Kaladesh block
mod BG counters
sta BW vehicles
Ajani cats
leg v0
Ajani tokens
vin v0
Sarkhan dragons
leg candidates
leg v0
leg v1
Sarkhan energy
mod v0
vin Oathbreaker ban list
Tarkir block
mod Abzan forestation
mod Abzan intent
vin Jeskai difference
mod Jund soup
mod Mardu token swarm
mod Standard Silumgar control
sta B red cards 03-Dec-2021
fat packs
Khans fat pack 25-Jun-2015
mod pool
Battle for Zendikar
mod pool
mod UB Eldrazi
dragons fat pack draft
mod pool
mod Temur deck
Fate Reforged fat pack
mod pool
Massdrop bulk commons
leg pool
Origins fat pack
mod GB elves
mod pool
mod small GB elves
Aether Revolt
mod Baxter BG
mod bonus pool
mod Duncan BUG
mod pool
mod Russell RW
Hour of Devastation
mod Baxter Gruul
mod bonus packs
mod Dunx Mardu splash
mod pool
mod Russell Naya
sta bonus bonus pool
sta bonus pool
sta bonus pool 3
sta pool
mod promo pack
leg Pir & Toothy commander
leg pool
sta bonus bonus pool
sta bonus pool
sta pool
Guilds of Ravnica
sta bonus pool
sta GRN uncommons
sta half box
sta pool
Rivals of Ixalan
sta bonus pool
mod extra box promos
sta half box
sta pool
Core 2020
mod pool
MH1 box 1
mod bonus pool
mod draft pool 1
mod draft pool 2
mod draft pool 3
leg pool
MH1 box 2
mod pool 1
mod pool 2
mod pool 3
mod pool 4
mod Sisay's Silliness
Ravnica Allegiance
sta bonus pool
sta pool
RTR box
vin pool 1
mod pool 2 - draft
mod pool 3
mod pool 4
Throne of Eldraine
sta bonus pool
sta box third
sta box third part
sta pool
War of the Spark
sta bonus pool
sta half box
sta pool
sta Core 2020 promo
sta stocking pack
Commander Legends
box 1
sta B pool
com bonus deck
sta bonus pool
sta Copy of B deck
com D deck
sta D pool
com R deck
sta R pool
box 2
sta B pack wars packs
sta more pack wars
sta pack set 1
sta pack wars packs
box 3
sta four pack draft
sta pack wars 1
sta pack wars 2
Core 2021
JMP packs
sta Devilish 1
sta Vampires 3
sta FNM packs
sta half box 1
sta half box 2
sta promos
sta FNM packs
sta half box 1
sta half box 2
sta Keruga stuff
sta promos
com Snapdax removal
box 1
sta Above the Clouds 4
sta Angels 2
sta Archaeology 4
sta Basri
sta Dinosaurs 3
sta Doctor 1
sta Dragons 1
sta Dragons 2
sta Enchanted 1
sta Heavily Armored 3
sta Legion 1
sta Legion 1 duplicate
sta Malformed
sta Seismic
sta Spooky 4
sta Teferi
sta Teferi duplicate
sta Witchcraft 1
box 2
sta Above the Clouds 2
sta Above the Clouds 2 duplicate
sta Cats 1
sta Devilish 1
sta Devilish 2
sta Devilish 4
sta Doctor 1
sta Doctor 3
sta Doctor 4
sta Enchanted 1
sta Goblins 1
sta Heavily Armored 4
sta Legion 2
sta Liliana
sta Milling
sta Minions 4
sta Predatory 3
sta Reanimated 1
sta Rogues 2
sta Smashing 1
sta Spellcasting 4
sta Vampires 1
sta Vampires 4
sta Witchcraft 1
sta box 2 omnibus
mox 1
sta Cats 2
sta Dinosaurs 2
sta Legion 1 duplicate
sta Lightning 1
sta Minions 4
sta Plus One 2
sta Spellcasting 2
sta Vampires 4
mox xmas
sta Discarding 1
sta Enchanted 1
sta Lightning 1
sta Minions 3
sta Minions 3 duplicate
sta omnibus
sta Plus One 4
sta Smashing 2
sta Spooky 3
sta Unicorns
sta Well-Read 3
sta Wizards 3
sta Wizards 4
sta promos
Mystery Booster
16-Mar-2020 draft
sta B five colour
sta D UR aggro
sta R Abzan
23-Mar-2020 draft
sta box 1
sta box 1 deck
sta box 2
leg box 3
sta promos
Theros Beyond Death
sta box remains
sta half box
sta mono-black draft
sta other half box
sta pool
Zendikar Rising
sta box 1
sta box 2
sta Mox packs 16-Oct-2020
sta promo packs
sta Commander Collection Green
sta IWD Secret Lair
MH2 box
MID box
sta crack packs 1
sta four pack draft
sta pack wars 1
sta pack wars 2
box 1
box 2
sta 2/3
sta 3/3
sta pack wars 1
sta replacement pack
sta birthday packs
sta promos
sta set boosters 1
VOW box
sta Commander Collection Black
sta MB1 Convention pack
sta Xmas VOW packs
BRO box
NEO box
SNC box
sta 1/3
sta 3/3
sta 4/6
sta promos
sta R Winston draft (3/6)
DMU box
sta pool
LCI box
sta 5/9
sta box topper
sta draft 16-Dec-2023
sta extra packs
MOM box
sta sealed (2)
sta sealed (3)
sta Winston draft
ONE box
WOE box
sta 1/6
sta draft 07-Oct-2023
sta sealed 11-Oct-2023
sta pack
BLB box
sta draft 07-Sep-2024
sta promos
D bday
sta B d'Unx cards
sta R MAT uncommons
DSK box
sta bonus pack
sta promos
FDN packs
MH3 box
sta draft 13-Jul-2024
sta draft 16-Aug-2024
sta promos
MKM box
sta draft 29-Mar-2024
sta packs
sta promos
sta Doctor Who
sta Sheldon's Spellbook
sta STX packaging test
draft 26-Dec-2014
vin pool
mod draft deck 10-Nov-2014
draft 01-Jun-2015
mod deck 01-Jun-2015
mod pool
draft 20-Jun-2015
mod Dromoka bolster
mod pool
mod Silumgar zombie warriors
draft 23-Feb-2015
mod pool
draft 26-Dec-2015
draft 27-Jun-2015
mod Mardu Dragons
mod pool
draft 27-Oct-2015
mod pool
mod RG landfall
Magic intro 24-Oct-2015
mod pool
all Standard test
chaos sealed 11-Sep-2016
vin pool
vin RG weirdos
sta WU control
draft 02-Feb-2016
mod draft deck
mod pool
draft 11-Aug-2016
mod pool
mod RG werewolves
draft 14-Apr-2016
draft 17-Jun-2016 @ Time Vault
draft 17-Oct-2016
draft 18-Dec-2016
draft 31-Jul-2016
OGW sealed 22-Feb-2016
single pack 12-Sep-2016
SOI sealed 22-Apr-2016
mod GW fliers
mod pool
mod RB madness
Xmas sealed 26-Dec-2016
mod BW deck v1
mod pool
mod RG deck v1
mod RG deck v2
AER all 17-May-2017
mod pool
AER prerelease 15-Jan-2017
mod BG counters
mod pool
mod prize packs
AKH w boys 19-May-2017
draft 12-Mar-2017
Gatecrash 08-Mar-2017
HOU camp 19-Aug-2017
mod Esper skies
mod pool
HOU packs 13-Sep-2017
IXN draft 14-Nov-2017
sta bonus pool
sta Grixis pirates
sta pool
IXN prerelease 23-Sep-2017
sta Grixis pirates
sta pool
sta prize packs
IXN Xmas
sta forced dinos
sta pool
MM3 06-Apr-2017
MM3 17-Mar-2017
sealed 25-Jan-2017
mod BG counters
mod pool
UST draft 19-Dec-2017
sta pool
sta RG contraptions
mod all standard 16-Jun-2017
mod HOU pool 28-Jul-2017
2018 gift pack
A25 chaos draft 12-Apr-2018
leg pool
leg Sultai control
A25 draft
leg bonus pool
leg bonus pool 2
BBD draft 09-Aug-2018
leg pool
leg UB card draw
bonus chaos pool
chaos 07-Mar-2018
leg pool
chaos 19-Apr-2018
chaos pool
chaos pool 09-Nov-2018
DOM draft 16-May-2018
sta pool
sta RG historic
DOM draft 29-Apr-2018
sta pool
sta prize packs
sta Sultai stompy
DOM prerelease kit
sta pool
DOM sealed 03-May-2018
sta pool
sta RB insufficient aggro
GRN draft 09-Dec-2018
sta bonus pool
sta crappy Dimir
sta pool
GRN draft 27-Oct-2018
sta Golgari hitting
sta pool
GRN prerelease 29-Sep-2018
sta Golgari Glenn Ross
sta pool
sta prize packs
GRN sealed
sta Grixis beats
sta pool
HOU draft 11-Mar-2018
mod pool
sta prize pack
leg singles
mod Sultai cycling
mod Sultai cycling v2
KLD Winston 02-Jan-2018
M19 draft 02-Sep-2018
sta GB melange
sta pool
M19 draft 26-Jul-2018
sta Mardu strike
sta pool
M19 draft 28-Jul-2018
sta BW lifegain
sta pool
RIX draft 03-Feb-2018
RIX draft 21-Jan-2018
RIX sealed 29-Jan-2018
sta Angrath's Sultai raiders
sta bonus pool
sta bonus pool 2
sta pool
UMA pair 07-Dec-2018
mod bonus bonus pool
vin bonus pool
vin pool
Xmas pools
sta Golgari beats
sta GRN pool
leg UMA pool
ELD prerelease
sta Mardu knights
sta pool
sta prize packs
ELD sealed 17-Oct-2019
sta Mardu knights
sta pool
ELD sealed 27-Dec-2019
GRN randos
sta pool
M20 draft 08-Sep-2019
sta pool
sta prize packs
sta Temur elementalish
M20 draft 10-Aug-2019
M20 prerelease 07-Jul-2019
sta pool
sta prize pack
sta Temur elementals
M20 sealed 06-Aug-2019
sta BG grinder
sta pool
ORG draft 04-Jun-2019
mod Bant bodies
mod pool
ORG draft 28-Mar-2019
mod bonus pool
mod draft 1 deck
mod draft 1 pool
mod draft 2 deck
mod draft 2 pool
RNA draft 05-Mar-2019
sta pool
sta Rakdos tripe
RNA draft 06-Mar-2019
sta Azorius butts
sta pool
RNA draft 10-Feb-2019
sta bonus pool
sta pool
sta Rakdos smash
RNA prerelease 20-Jan-2019
sta pool
sta prize pack
sta Simic smash
RNA prerelease 25-Jan-2019
sta bonus pool
sta Gruul Smash
sta pool
RNA sealed 20-Feb-2019
sta Jund tragedy
sta pool
UMA draft 23-Jan-2019
leg GB graveyard
leg pool
WAR prerelease 08-May-2019
sta pool
WAR sealed 21-May-2019
sta box/3
mod pool
sta UG proliferate
IKO father's day
sta Jeskai cycling
sta pool
IKO prerelease
sta pool
sta Temur critters
M21 prerelease
sta Jund creatures
sta pool
mixed draft 09-May-2020
sta Mardu bad stuff
sta pool
THB draft 24-Jan-2020
sta pool
sta prize pack
sta Simic enchantments
THB prerelease
sta pool
sta prize packs
sta Sultai constellation
Xmas sealed
sta CMR packs
sta gifts
sta Imoti cascade
sta pool
sta ZNR packs
ZNR prerelease
sta pool
sta UG kickfall
AFR prerelease
sta GB removal
sta pool
sta prize packs
sta RW aggro
KHM prerelease
sta Abzan leftovers
sta pool
MH2 prerelease
sta modular tokens
sta pool
MID prerelease
sta pool
sta prize pack
sta promos
sta RG werewolf-ish
sta UB zombie-ish
STX draft 04-Jun-2021
sta Mardon't
sta pool
sta prize packs
STX draft 18-Jun-2021
sta pool
sta prize packs
sta promo pack
sta Witherbloomdrix
STX prerelease
sta pool
sta Quandrix dooberries
VOW prerelease
sta GW humans
sta pool
sta prize packs
sta RB aggro
Xmas sealed
sta Abzan humans
sta MID pool
sta VOW pool
Bellevue Command Fest
2X2 draft
dra GW counters
dra pool
CLB draft
com pool
com Sarevok the Giant
MB1 sealed
sta pool
sta Temur pile
Ben chaos draft
BRO draft 02-Dec-2022
BRO prerelease
sta Copy of deck
sta deck
sta pool
sta prize packs
DMU prerelease
sta deck
sta pool
sta prize packs
KLD draft 06-Aug-2022
sta deck
sta pool
sta prize deck
NEO draft 24-Sep-2022
sta pool
NEO draft 25-Feb-2022
sta GW enchantments
sta pool
sta prize packs
NEO prerelease
sta pool
sta prize pack
sta UB ninja lifegain
SNC prerelease
Xmas sealed
sta deck
sta stocking packs
sta Father's Day chaos draft
LCI prerelease
LTR prerelease
sta deck
sta pool
sta prize packs
sta promos
MOM draft w boys
MOM prerelease
MOM w hippo
ONE prerelease
WOE prerelease
sta deck
sta other deck
sta pool
sta prize packs
sta promos
Xmas sealed
sta pool
sta stocking packs
sta MID pack
sta prize packs
BLB draft 05-Aug-2024
sta deck
sta pool
sta prize pack
BLB prerelease
sta deck
sta pool
sta prize packs
DSK prerelease
sta deck
sta pool
sta prize packs
FDN prerelease
sta BG deck
sta pool
sta prize packs
sta UR deck
MKM prerelease
sta deck
sta pool
sta prize pack
sta promos
OTJ prerelease
sta deck
sta pool
sta prize packs
Xmas sealed
sta deck
sta pool
sta stocking packs
DFT prerelease
sta deck
sta pool
sta prize pack
mod 160225
leg candidates
Archenemy: Nicol Bolas
leg Chandra Nalaar
mod Gideon Jura
leg Nicol Bolas
leg Nissa Revane
Armed and Dangerous
Blessed vs Cu ...
Elspeth vs Kiora
leg Elspeth Duel Deck
leg Kiora Duel Deck
Elves vs Inventors
Explorers of Ixalan
Game Night
GRN Guild Kits
Merfolk vs Goblins
Mind vs Might
Nissa vs Ob Nixilis
leg Nissa
leg Ob Nixilis
Planechase Anthology
leg Chaos Reigns
leg Night of the Ninja
leg planes
leg Primordial Hunger
leg Savage Auras
RNA Guild Kits
mod BfZ Event Deck: Ultimate Sacrifice
sta CK 03-Dec-2020
sta CK 09-Aug-2020
sta CK 22-May-2023
sta CK 30-May-2024
sta high value cards
sta R buy 17-Sep-2023
sta WAR uncommons sale
singles buy
deck upgrades
leg coupons upgrades
leg curses
leg facetime cards
leg tramplers
leg buy December 2017
leg buy October 2017
leg xmas 2017
mod August 2018 buy
leg buy April 2018
leg buy February 2018
mod buy June 2018
leg buy May 2018
leg December 2018 buy
leg July 2018
leg July 2018 cube buy
leg July 2018 cube patches
leg March 2018 buy
vin November 2018 buy
leg October 2018 buy
leg OWG buy 09-Dec-2018
leg RIX preorder
leg buy May 2019
leg January 2019 buy
leg June 2019 buy
mod RNA preorder
leg September 2019 buy
sta WAR preorder
sta Xmas 2019 buy
sta April 2020 buy
sta CK August 2020 buy
sta December 2020 buy
sta January 2020 buy
sta July 2020 buy
sta M20 buy
sta March 2020 buy
sta May 2020 buy
sta November 2020 buy
sta TCG August 2020 buy
sta CK buy 30-Jul-2021
sta CK buy March 2021
sta CK TSR buy
sta Mox PDX buy 03-Aug-2021
sta Mox PDX buy 11-Aug-2021
sta R buy 08-Feb-2021
sta CK buy 01Sep-2022
sta CK buy 08-Nov-2022
sta CK buy 09-Mar-2022
sta CK buy 12-Jul-2022
sta CK buy 14-Mar-2022
sta CK buy 15-Jun-2022
sta CK buy 30-Nov-2022
sta CK buy 18-Aug-2023
sta CK buy 29-Sep-2023
sta Evan buy 01-Oct-2023
sta July 2023 buy
sta CK buy 02-Jul-2024
sta CK buy 07-Oct-2024
sta CK buy 19-Dec-2024
set holes
sta 2X2 holes
sta 2XM holes
sta AFR holes
sta BRO holes
sta CMR holes
sta DMU holes
sta DOM holes
sta DTK holes
sta ELD holes
sta FRF holes
sta GRN holes
sta IKO holes
sta KHM holes
sta KTK holes
sta LCI holes
sta M19 holes
sta M20 holes
sta M21 holes
sta MH1 holes
sta MH2 holes
sta MID holes
mod missing KLD/AER cards
sta MKM holes
sta MOM holes
sta MUL holes
sta NEO holes
sta ONE holes
sta RIX holes
sta RNA holes
sta SNC holes
sta STA holes
sta STX holes
sta THB holes
sta VOW holes
sta WAR holes
sta WOE holes
sta WOT holes
sta XLN holes
sta ZNR holes
set survey
leg BBD cards
mod FRF cards
vin IMA cards
vin Masters 25 cards
vin RTR cards
sta THB uncommons
sta WAR cards
sta AFR buy
sta All the Things
sta buylist
vin ideas
sta next buy
sta snow buy
mod B 17-Jan-2018
sta B 28-Jun-2021
sta B 30-Dec-2018
sta B trade 04-Sep-2023
leg hippo 10-Oct-2019
mod hippo 11-Jun-2019
leg hippo 14-Oct-2019
sta R 05-Apr-2020
sta R 09-Dec-2019
leg R 12-Oct-2019
mod R 13-Jul-2019
mod R 15-Apr-2019
mod R 17-Dec-2018
leg R 17-Jan-2018
leg R 23-Apr-2019
mod R trade 11-Aug-2019
sta B trade 22-Sep-2024
mod hippo trade potential
sta R trade 08-Aug-2024
sta R trade 18-Aug-2024
sta R trade 21-Sep-2024
leg tradables
small reanimation
Boros flinging
mod BG counters
sta RNA Gates
mod SBMtG W Aggro RIX
mod standard RB mad vampires
tiny leaders
com Aatchik v0
com Akiri flingers v7
sta free artisacs
sta guildmages
sta historic polymorph
sta Najeela candidates
sta Planechase holes
sta polyhoof brawl
sta quarter vampires
sta token lands
sta workspace

Name | Cost ![]() |
Crosstown Courier | |
Hammer of Ruin | |
Emissary of Despair | |
Dimir Cutpurse | |
Banshee of the Dread Choir | |
Soul Seizer // Ghastly Haunting | |
Lord of the Void |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Cephalid Constable | |
2 | Deepfathom Skulker | |
3 | Ashling, the Extinguisher | |
4 | Cabal Executioner | |
5 | Blizzard Specter | |
6 | Wrexial, the Risen Deep |
Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 18 | 12 |
Percent | 59.7 | 40.3 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.