- MTG DECKS (316)
Aether Revolt
mod 4c Terminate vol 1.5
mod Aetherborn Tribal
mod Artifactual Clues v 2.0
mod Big Temur
mod Constructs
mod Eldrazi
mod Esper Terminate
mod Grixis Artifacts
mod Grixis Terminate 1.5
mod Izzet Controlish
mod Jund Terminate 1.0
mod Mardu Terminate 2.0
mod Metalwork Paradox
mod Moduling
mod Planeswalking
mod RG Biggies
mod Syndicate Tracker
mod UW Spirits
mod Vigilance Equipment
mod Big Jund
mod Big Temur v 2.5
mod Black Reanimate
mod Deathtouch Pingers
mod Dimir hexproof
sta Grixis Control
mod Izzet Controlish 2.0 - 2-2-0
mod Servostyring MTGO
mod Something Delirium
mod Something Strong
mod Temur Energy
leg Commander Planeswalker
leg Copy of Commander Planeswalker
leg FunnyDeck
leg Omnath Green
leg Orzhov Kambal
vin RamosPlaneswalking
Core 19
mod Boros Thran Throwdown
mod Copy of Jeskai Metalwork
mod Explore and Ascend
mod Gruul FlingRamp 1-3-0
mod Hexproofing
mod Izzet Spellslinging
mod Knights!
mod Mardu MadGearhulks
mod RBW Spellslinging
mod Abzan Planewalks
mod Ascend Green
mod Ascend GreenBlack
mod Ascend GreenRed
mod Ascend GreenWhite
mod Blue Flyers
mod Boros Beatdown
mod Fling it
mod Golgari Counters
mod Izzet Aura
mod Jeskai Burn
mod Naya Dino Thran
mod Naya weird stuff
mod Planeswalking
mod Selesnya Beatdown (3-1-0)
mod Selesnya Beatdown v2 (2-2-0) Mana Screw
mod Selesnya Beatdown v3 (4-3-0 GP)
mod Selesnya Trickster
mod Thran throwdown
mod Wait for it... Legendary!
mod WhiteBlack Legendaries
Eldritch Moon
mod Barrage Defiler
mod Big Red
mod Displacing 2.0 Naya
mod Displacing 3.0 Abzan
mod Eldrazi Ramp
mod Eldrazi Ramp 2-2-0
mod Gruul WereWolves
mod Impact Tremors 2nd edition
mod MTGO - Izzet kapow
mod Naya Superfriends
mod Reanimate
mod Vampires
mod Waster
mod WellEquipped
Guilds of Ravnica
sta Abzan Tokenz
sta Boros Aura
sta Boros Equip
sta Dimir Awesomeness
sta Enchanting Abzan
sta Explore and Ascend - Golgari
sta Explore and Ascend - Selesnya
sta Izzet Unsealing Draconic Spells
sta Orzhov Knights
sta Reddish Spellslinging
sta Simic Merfolk
Hour of Devastation
mod Big Gruul v 3.5
mod Cats
mod Copy of Grixis Terminate 1.5
mod Copy of Izzet Controlish 2.0 - 2-2-0
mod Copy of Reanimate
mod Deathtouch Pingers 2.0
mod GW Humans
mod Mardu Terminate 3.0
mod RUB Torment Colussus
mod Startled Sanity
mod UB Torment Colussus
mod WB Torment Colussus
mod 4c Terminate
mod Artifact Fun
mod Copy of Eldrazi Ramp
mod Displacing 3.5
mod Energy Fog - MTGGoldfish
mod Enter the battlefield
mod Gatewatch and Friends
mod Grixis Terminate
mod Izzet kapow
mod Mardu Reanimator
mod Mardu Terminate 1.5
mod Metallurgic UW
mod Orzhov
mod Rakdos Devoid
mod Randis Gearhulk
mod Selesnya Token aggro
mod Something
mod Temur Ramp
mod UB Mill
mod UW Panharmonicon - MTGGoldfish
Khans of Tarkir
mod Artifact Deck
mod Black & White
vin BUG
mod Defending
mod Discard your cards
mod Gruul!
mod Hexproof Deck
mod Izzet Pew Pew
mod Lawl
mod Mardu Control
mod Mardu Minions
mod Minotaur Brawl
vin Mono Blue
mod Mono Green
mod Mono Green Heroic
mod Mono Red
mod Mono White Minions
mod Sort Halløj 2nd edition
mod Ally Modern
mod Aura Hexproof
leg Boros Burn
mod Can i borrow that?
pio Enchantomania White
mod Goblins Modernized
mod Goblins Modernized - Budget
mod Gruul Blitz
mod Hexproof budget
mod Inifinite Tokens
vin Izzet Kiln Cyclops
mod Metalcraft Artifact
mod Modern Fun
mod Modern Mill
mod Mono Black
mod Mono Green Modern
mod Selesnya Modern Fun
Not Standard
mod Boros minion [horrible]
mod Boros spas 6th
mod GreenRedBlue 15th
mod Gruul 1st Lost to UWG control
mod Gruul! 10th PTQ
mod Gruul! 4th
mod Naya Hexproof 1st
mod Naya Hexproof 3rd
mod Necra hexproof - 1/4
mod Soldier Powah [Land and creature problems]
mod Sort Halløj - 6th
mod The Ferocious Temur - 1st lost to devotion
mod UWR Something 6th
mod Abzan 3th
mod Creatures+1 - 9th
mod Esper 1-3-0
mod Goblins! 15th
mod The Ferocious Temur 20th
mod Wheenie Humans 14th
mod Azorius
mod Bant
mod Bant Hexproof
mod Boros Shoots
mod Esper
mod GreenRedWhite
mod Gruul
mod Mono White!
mod Naya Hexproof Redone
mod Phenax defender
mod Rakdos Control
mod Selesnya Hexproof
Battle for Zendikar
mod Abzan Lifelink
mod Eldrazi Pingers
mod Eldrazi Ramp
mod Enchanting
mod Enchanting Blueish
mod Gruul Landfall
mod Rally the Allies
mod Retreat to Emeria
mod The Ferocious Temur
Oath of the Gatewatch
mod Abzan
mod Colorless army
mod Creatures+1
mod Creatures+1 alternate version
mod Displacing
mod Prowess
vin Sphinxs Tutelage
mod Enchantments
mod G/B Elves
mod Gravedigging fun
mod Mono White
mod Rakdos Overrun
mod Rally Time
mod Ally Pauper
pio Battle Tremors
mod Can i borrow that?
pau Copy of Izzet Kiln Cyclops
sta Mono White Enchantments
pau Orzhov Extort
sta Pauper Red mana
pau Selesnya Enchantments
pio Boros Goodies
pio CocoTetsuko Rats
pio Copy of Artifact Deck
pio Copy of Enter the battlefield
sta Copy of Green effectivities
sta Copy of Izzet Unsealing Draconic Spells
pio Copy of Pion - Red Devotion
pio Explore - Golgari
pio Explore and Ascend - Golgari
pio GreenRamp
pio Gruul Ramp
sta Pion - Boros Equip
pio Pion - Boros Knights
pio Pion - CATS
pio Pion - Enchantomania White
sta Pion - Grixis Con
pio Pion - Gruul
pio Pion - Hexproof
pio Pion - Legendary Slamming
pio Pion - Mill Deck Blue
pio Pion - Red Devotion
pio Pion - Tetsuko Battle Tremors
pio Tetsuko Alert
pio Tetsuko Rats
Rivals of Ixalan
mod 4 color Torment of Hailfire
mod Ascend GB
mod BRW Torment of Hailfire (4-0-0)
mod BRW Torment of Hailfire V.2 (2-2-0)
mod BRW Torment of Hailfire V.3
mod Cats
mod CONstructing
mod Counters
mod Cycle
mod GRB Beatdown
mod Gruul Beatdown
mod Jeskai Metalwork
mod Naya Dinosaurs
mod Naya Ramp
mod Planeswalking
mod Rakdos Destroy
mod RG CurveOut 3-1-0
mod RG Dinosaurs!
mod RG Retry Combat
mod Temur Curveout
mod Temur Energy
mod Torment of Hailfire
mod UB Artifact Trafficker
mod UBR Torment of Hailfire
mod Vehicles
Shadows over Innistrad
mod Artifactual Clues
mod Azorius EnchMill
mod Azorius Mill
mod BrightBluesClues
mod Cryptolith Light Horde
mod Dimir InsSor Mill - 0-3-0
mod Enchanted Planewalkers
mod Fiery Burn
mod Flash control
mod Golgari Ramp
mod Gruul
mod Gruul Wolves
pio Impact Tremors
mod Investigate
mod Orzhov Control
mod Spirits
mod Temur Assault
Standard 2024
sta Mono green Aggro
sta Mono green Agro
War of the Spark
sta ---Needs---
sta Aristocrats
mod BW Aristocrats
sta Copy of Mardu Terminate 2.0
mod Copy of Naya Dino Thran Greenish
sta Copy of Planeswalking
sta Dragons!
sta Green build up
sta Green effectivities
sta Gruul Dino
sta Izzet Artifacts
sta Land ramp up
sta Mardu colorless
sta Mono Green
mod Naya Dino Thran Greenish
sta Orzhov Infinite&Vamps
sta Orzhov Vamps
sta Pio Gruul What the?
sta Pion - White Weenie
pio Copy of Explore and Ascend - Golgari
sta Counters
sta Green funny
sta Green ramp
sta Mount up

Name | Cost ![]() |
Plains | |
Cast Down | |
Vraska's Contempt | |
Settle the Wreckage | |
Cleansing Nova | |
The Eldest Reborn | |
Lyra Dawnbringer |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Swamp | |
2 | Isolated Chapel | |
3 | Merfolk Branchwalker | |
4 | Plains | |
5 | Temple Garden | |
6 | Knight of Autumn |
Mana Base
Colors | |||
Symbols | 33 | 16 | 14 |
Percent | 52.4 | 25.4 | 22.2 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.