SVENKING007's profile
- MTG DECKS (136)
My Commander
sta Dwarf's Treasure Keep
leg El Dragon
sta Heavenly Devastation
sta Korvold's Den
sta Lord's & Dragon's
sta New Lord's' Dragon's
sta Niz-Mizzet Monarch
leg Oui mon Commandant
My Decks
Dragon Mono
sta Achromatic Monument
sta Blacky
sta Blue Lagoon
sta Dragon's Hive
sta Jade Sky
sta White Dust
Dragon Red
sta Dragon's Gaze
sta Dragon's Squad
sta Fire of Rage
sta Goblin Brigade
sta Hellkite Division
sta Wings of Fire
No Dragon
sta Deja Vu
leg Krosan Provocation
sta Pretentious Puffer
sta Waste of Life
sta We Have Been Flim Flam
sta Zombie Alert
sta Dragon's Day
sta Eye of Zoron
sta Freeze Up
leg It's a Nightmare
sta Mind's Games
Power 6
sta Angel Guild
sta Bursting to Flame
sta Life Assurance
sta Recycling Bin
sta Ugin Mindmaster
Power House To
leg Blood Pack
leg Dragon Feast
leg Karma Groove
sta Lightning Blast
sta Royal with Cheese
Single or Dual
leg Airborne Strike
sta Brutal Force
leg Elvish Dance
sta Lightning Furry
sta The Untouchable
leg Viashino's Fury
sta Creeping Death
sta Death Destiny
sta Oros Craving
vin Sinful Graveyard
sta Solitary Wurm
leg US Navy Seals
sta Beauty & The Beasts
sta Claw of Death
leg Dragon Motherhood
sta Dragon's Friendship
sta Dragon's Nest
sta Dragon's Smoke
leg Dragonlord Blood Saga
leg Dragons Alliances
sta Dromar's Sorrow
leg Eternal Knowledge
sta King Nothing
sta Kolaghan's Wrath
sta Mana Dread
sta Niv-Mizzet Family
sta Pixie's Temper
sta Quicksilver Coalition
sta Rith Invasion
vin Sharkan Unbroken
vin Sky Turmoil
sta Soil Chemistry
leg Tyrmat Friends
sta Urza's Judgement
sta Vorosh's Storm
My Improuvement
sta Copy of Dragon's Friendship
sta Copy of Dragon's Nest
sta Copy of New Dragon's Gaze
leg Dragon Alliances II
sta Eternal Knowledge II
sta New Achromatic Monument
leg New Blood Pack
sta New Bursting to Flame
leg New Dragon Feast
sta New Dragon's Nest
sta New Dragon's Smoke
sta New Kolaghan's Wrath
sta New Lightning Furry
sta New Niv-Mizzet Family
sta New Pixie's Temper
vin New Sharkan Unbroken
sta New Tyrmat Friends
sta We Have Been Flim Flam II
My Magic Combo
My Thinking
leg A Imprimer
sta Affinity Dragon
sta Ami Ami
sta Commander Tiamat Children
sta Dragon Deck Blue
sta Dragon Deck RG II
sta Dragon deck UG
sta Dragon Deck UR II
sta Dragon Deck WB
sta Dragon Deck WR II
sta Dragon RBG
leg Flashback Deck
leg Form of the Dragon
vin Get Ride of That
sta Hellbenb Dragon
leg Laquatuss Champion
sta Magda Theory
leg Mirroring Dragon
sta Passthrough
leg Poisson Deck
leg Show Covered
vin Single Good Card
sta Tell me a Dragon Story
vin UBR Crosis
vin URG Intet
My Tries
sta Bolas Multiverse Era
sta Myriim Twin's
sta New Dragon's Gaze
sta New Dragon's Hive
sta New Dragon's Squad
sta New Fire of Rage
leg New Oui mon Commandant
sta A ne pas oublié
sta Dragon Red
sta Old II Wings of Fire
sta Old Wings of Fire

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 5 | 1 |
Percent | 83.0 | 16.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.