MICHAEL RUFF's profile
- MTG DECKS (130)
Out of Date
leg #gates
vin 5 color nonsense
mod 50/50 (Modern)
leg 50\50
sta Allegiance Rainbow Lich
mod Angrath Buy List
sta Aristo... Nah Judith is Bae
leg Artigicers
leg Assassin Bad Tribal
leg Assembly Line
leg Bikini Bottom
mod Bounce'n'Mill
mod Brain Melter
sta Brawl
mod Budget Brain Melter
leg BUG BT Horrors
leg Buylist for Ghave
leg Cats
leg cats
sta chain veil
mod Challenger Mardu Vehicles
mod Copy of Align the Hedrons (Modern)
mod Copy of Align the Hedrons (Modern)
mod Copy of Align the Hedrons (Modern)
leg Copy of Blaze of Glory (Ashling the Pilgrim)
leg Copy of Saproling EDH
vin Copy of Sworn to Darkness (MtG Commander 2014)
vin Copy of The Story of Liliana
mod Copy of Treefolk Tribal
mod Copy of UR Prowess
mod Copy of UR Prowess
vin Dragon Knights
leg Elemental Cascade
mod Erma Gerd, dergerns
leg Garbage
mod GB Vraska (Brawl-RIX)
sta Goblin Explosioneers
mod Golem Tron
mod Ixalan Standard Ramp Control
sta Izzet mill
sta Izzet Spell Slinger
leg Jeskai Zombies
mod Jund Deathtouch Tribal Standard
mod Liliana
vin Liliana
vin Liliana, Heretical Healer
vin M25
vin Marchesa
mod Mardu Vehicles
mod Mechanized Production
sta Mechanized Production
mod Merfolk Standard
leg Monk
mod Myr
leg Ninja Cipher
leg Ninjas
mod Nissa Tribal Frontier
mod Phoenix
leg Pointlessly expensive
sta RB Burn
mod RW Aggro (Standard)
vin Saproling EDH
sta Saskia
mod Servo
leg Silent Assault
mod Standmander or Comstandard?
vin Teferi's Knowledge Collection
vin Tendrils
leg Test
leg The Redeemed
mod Treefolk Tribal
mod U/G Rivals Merfolk (Standard)
mod Updates for UR Prowess
leg Updating Entertaining Angels (Modern/Bad Tribal)
mod Updating Entertaining Angels (No Creatures)
mod Updating How Unfortunate (Modern)
mod Updating Mob Mentality (Modern/Tribal)
mod Walls
mod WB Fun Police
vin werewolf
mod WRG Bad Tribal Elders
mod WU Azor's Fun Police
mod Zombos
leg Zur
Michael's Decks
Bad Tribal
mod RB Angrath (Brawl-RIX)
mod UBG Muldrotha
EDH Decks
vin 0% Blue A-Ghave
leg Aura of Power (Krond the Dawn-Clad)
leg Blaze of Glory (Ashling the Pilgrim)
vin Built from Scratch (MtG Commander 2014)
mod Cornfields are Awesome (Reaper King)
vin Eternal Bargain (MtG Commander 2013)
vin Guided by Nature (MtG Commander 2014)
vin Mind Seize (MtG Commander 2013)
vin Power Hungry (MtG Commander 2013)
vin Seize Control (MtG Commander 2015)
vin Swell the Host (MtG Commander 2015)
vin Sworn to Darkness (MtG Commander 2014)
vin The Story of Liliana
mod BUR Curses (Modern)
mod RW Humans (Modern/Tribal)
mod UB Zombie Hunt (Modern)
mod UG Emerge
mod UR Hedron Alignment (Modern)
mod UR Prowess
Unstable Brawl
vin Ayara
sta Judith Brawl
sta New Bae
mod New Teferi Oath Breaker
sta Ral Land Destruction
leg Sylvia
mod Twiddlestorm
leg Veldrazi

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 2 | 0 |
Percent | 75.0 | 25.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.