- MTG DECKS (130)
1 Cherios
vin Gravedigging
leg Michael jackson
leg My r
leg Pinger's from Rakdos
leg Team spirit
leg Wizardlyphobia
10 Frosties
leg Angelic Enchantments
sta DeepCover
mod Krissi Sveppur
2 Coco Puffs
leg 300 Soldiers
leg Devoted to Extort
leg DragaDamage
mod Fight of the dragons
leg Monster flood
leg Second Striking
leg Smurf village
leg This is MADNESS!!
3 Lucky Charms
leg Brains,....
leg Cleric
vin Goblin Rogues
leg Guile
leg Merfolk
leg Warrior
mod We R the knights who say ni
4 Weetos
leg babarababba Life
leg Beastly
leg combat damage to player
mod Eye for an eye and a Land for a land
sta Huatli
leg Walking on planes
5 Cherrios
vin Art in facts
vin Elemental
leg Quick tokens
6 Lucky Carms
leg Black suckers
leg Defenders of Coralhelm
vin Eldrassar
mod Hvítlaus Alli
leg Ping of curiosity
7 Nr Lucky
mod Beastly cats
leg Black death
leg I'm blue
leg Red core
leg White trash
8 Cherrios
9 CocoPuffs
mod Domri planeswalker deck
sta Dovin Planeswalker deck
mod EldRassar í feluleik
leg Enrage
leg The Wolf Pack
sta WB
Commander Cesar
vin Call the spirits
com Commanding Elves
com Slivers
sta Sneak Attack
vin Subjective Reality
Commander Trump
sta Estrid Commander
sta Phantom Premonition
com Swell the host
sta Witherbloom
mod EldRassa Börn
leg Heroic Fighters
leg Join Forest's
leg Jójó time
mod rallying cry
Góð bunkalaus spil
góð spil til að panta
leg creatures
leg enchantment
leg equipments
leg instant & sorcery
Krass Frosties
make believe
mod all Star
leg Bird
leg Booseting Counters
mod Dinosaurs
leg Djofulegur
leg draga
leg druids
mod empty
leg Faerie
leg Flashback
leg Hrekkjustrumpur
vin instant & sorcery
vin Izzet
leg kor
sta Merfolk Arena
leg oath of the planeswalkers
leg Old Sparrow
leg pirates
leg red goblins
leg RGB
leg S+G Álfar
leg Snake
sta Svartálfar
mod unblockable creatures
leg Wazard
leg zubera
Silver border
sta Diceus antiChrist
sta gotcha!
sta hand2hand Combat
sta I'm gonna ASS u a few questions
sta library hack
sta Staying Power
sta that Squirrel is hung like a horse
sta Ankle Shanker
sta Army of the dead
sta Basri, Devoted Paladin
sta Beyond death
sta Commander of Planes
sta God need
sta Gunni
sta Oko, The Trickster
leg panta næst
sta Planeswalker need
sta Save
sta Sliver need
sta Zurzur

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
Mana Base
Colors | |||
Symbols | 3 | 3 | 1 |
Percent | 42.0 | 42.0 | 14.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.