WATSHUWANT's profile
- MTG DECKS (214)
vin **Wishlist
vin **Wishlist2
vin $260 Avacyn
vin 2017 Singles
vin 2017 Singles Re-Refined
vin 2017 Singles Refined
mod 2018 Singles
leg 2018 Singles $10+
mod 7
leg Alhammaret's God Engine
leg Angel Commanders
mod Angel Tokens
mod Angels
mod Atarka Dragons
mod Atarka Red
vin Avacyn, Angel of Hope
mod B/W Vampires
mod Beasts of the Wild
leg Black Dragons
mod Blue Black Control
leg Bruna
mod bryce is ramping
mod Budget Zombies
mod BW Warriors
vin C17 Dragon EDH
mod Cat Tribal
vin Chant of the Mul Daya
mod Chanto
mod Combat Thopters
mod Copy of Eldrazi Budget
leg Copy of Mono-Black Demons
mod Copy of Orzhov Lifegain
leg Dinosaur Commander
vin Dragon Commander
vin eeelesh
mod Eldrazi Exile
vin Elesh Norn Commander
vin Elesh Wishlist
vin Elesh+ Wishlist
vin Elspeth2Elesh
mod Embalm
mod Fate
mod Fireharmonicon
mod Fury
mod G/B Explore
leg G/B Somthin
mod G/R Werewolves
mod G/W Cat Standard
leg G/W Commander Tokens
mod G/W Counters
mod G/W Dromoka
mod G/W Dromoka
mod G/W Tokens
mod G/W Wide Tokens
vin Ghoulcaller Gisa
vin Give me life you cocksucking squidfuck
mod Golgari Swarm
leg Green Ramp
mod Green Ramp Leftovers
sta GRN/RNA Cool Cards
vin Gwafa Hazid
vin Heavenly Inferno $129.7 Upgrade
mod Huatli Tokens
mod Humans
leg Iconic
mod Infinite Thopters
mod Innistrad
leg Invincible Angels
sta Ixalan Dinosaur Tribal
mod Ixalan Pool
mod Ixalan Vampires
mod January Singles
vin Jin-Gitaxias Commander
sta Julius Jumblemorph commander
mod Kaalia
vin Kaalia angels
leg Kai's Single and ready to Mingle
mod Kari Zev
mod Kari Zev 2.0
leg Keywords
vin Kozilek Commander
mod Kruphix Commander
vin Kynaios and Tiro
leg Kynaios and Tiro Sideboard
sta Leave me and my Pillows alone
leg Lifegain wombo
leg Marchesa
mod Modern Embalm
mod Mono Green Hydra
mod Mono White Aggro
leg Mono White Angels
mod Mono White Enchantments
mod Mono White Pillowfort
mod Mono White Tokens
vin Nick's Overly Attractive and Dominant Male Specimens
mod Odric Commander
vin Odric>Avacyn
mod OldWolves
mod Olivia Voldaren
vin Oloro
vin Oloro the slowman
mod One Creature Deck
mod Other Singles
mod Pirates
mod Quad me up
mod Quantity and Quality
mod R/G Dinosaurs
mod R/G/W Dinosaurs 2.0
mod R/W Allies
mod R/W Odric
mod R/W Tokens
mod Reservoir
mod Resolute Control
vin Selvala Commander
vin Sheoldred
leg Sidisi
sta Smeel
mod Smite the Heretics
mod Soldiers and Angels
mod Soldiers and Angelsv2
vin Sramtown
mod Standard Black?
mod Standard Elves
leg Tatyova
mod Thopter Fling
vin Trostani EDH
mod Trostani Faster
mod Trostani Modern
mod U/B Withengar
vin U/B/W Commander
mod U/G Something
mod U/R Thopters
leg Unleash Atarka
leg Vampire Commander
vin Vampire EDH
mod Vamps
mod Voltron
vin Vorinclex Commander
mod W/B Tokens
mod W/G Humans
mod W/R Tokens
mod Werewolfs and Horrors
leg White Aggression
leg White Stats
leg White Tokens
mod White Weenies
leg Wide Auras
sta Wildgrowth Walker
vin Wishlist
mod Zach's Black boys
mod Midnight Squirrels
leg Zombie Dragons
2020 Builds
sta Brudiclad
sta Commanders
sta Rhys
sta Wishlist
Current Deck Upgrades
Current Decks
vin *C* Evasive Maneuvers
vin *C* Guided by Nature
com *C* Heavenly Inferno
com *C* Mayael
vin *C* Mono Black
vin *C* Plunder the Graves
sta *C* RhysTokens
com *C* Ur-Dragon
mod R/G Energy
mod U/B/R Nettles
mod U/B/R Pirates
mod U/G Bestow
leg U/G Kiora
leg U/G Merfolk
mod U/R Firespinner
leg W Lifegain
mod W/B Vampires
mod W/G Midrange Upgraded
mod W/R/G Dinosaurs
Elesh Decks
vin +Elesh Norn
vin $101 Elesh
vin Elesh cheap
vin Prelesh
vin Tokelesh
mod Tokenshell Elesh
Firespinner Decks
mod Firespinner 2.0
mod Firespinner Pool
Kai's Decks
sta Chandra
sta Dino Deck
sta Kai's big W/B Deck
sta Kai's Other Stuff
sta Nissa
Mayael Decks
vin Mayael the Anima
vin Mayael Unrefined
vin RecMayael
New Thopters
mod Begone THOP
mod Rapid Firespinner
mod Thopter Singles pt.1
Odric Upgrades
leg Odric
vin Odric Buys
vin Odric>Elesh
vin Odric>Odric
Sealed Practice
Thopter Decks
mod Beginner THOP
mod M15 THOP!
mod Rotation THOP
vin Thopters
U/R Artifacts EDH
vin Brudiclad V1
vin C2018 U/R Artifacts
vin U/R Artifacts/Dragons
sta 2020 Buylist
sta 2020 Buylist Kai
sta Unsanctioned

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Drakuseth, Maw of Flames | |
2 | Boros Signet | |
3 | Plains | |
4 | Plains | |
5 | Day of Judgment | |
6 | Bojuka Bog |
Mana Base
Colors | ||||
Symbols | 40 | 34 | 25 | 1 |
Percent | 40.0 | 34.0 | 25.0 | 1.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.